require 'curb'
require 'rubygems'
- require 'google/api_client'
+ require 'arvados/google_api_client'
require 'json'
require 'pp'
require 'trollop'
require 'oj'
require 'active_support/inflector'
require 'yaml'
+ require 'tempfile'
+ require 'net/http'
rescue LoadError
abort <<-EOS
-class Google::APIClient
- def discovery_document(api, version)
- api = api.to_s
- discovery_uri = self.discovery_uri(api, version)
- discovery_uri_hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(discovery_uri)
- return @discovery_documents[discovery_uri_hash] ||=
- begin
- # fetch new API discovery doc if stale
- cached_doc = File.expand_path "~/.cache/arvados/discovery-#{discovery_uri_hash}.json" rescue nil
- if cached_doc.nil? or not File.exist?(cached_doc) or ( - File.mtime(cached_doc)) > 86400
- response = self.execute!(:http_method => :get,
- :uri => discovery_uri,
- :authenticated => false)
- begin
- FileUtils.makedirs(File.dirname cached_doc)
-, 'w') do |f|
- f.puts response.body
- end
- rescue
- return JSON.load response.body
- end
- end
- { |f| JSON.load f }
- end
- end
class ArvadosClient < Google::APIClient
def execute(*args)
if args.last.is_a? Hash
-subcommands = %w(keep pipeline tag ws edit)
+subcommands = %w(copy create edit get keep pipeline run tag ws)
+def exec_bin bin, opts
+ bin_path = `which #{bin}`.strip
+ if bin_path.empty?
+ raise "#{bin}: command not found"
+ end
+ exec bin_path, *opts
def check_subcommands client, arvados, subcommand, global_opts, remaining_opts
case subcommand
+ when 'create'
+ arv_create client, arvados, global_opts, remaining_opts
+ when 'edit'
+ arv_edit client, arvados, global_opts, remaining_opts
+ when 'get'
+ arv_get client, arvados, global_opts, remaining_opts
+ when 'copy', 'tag', 'ws', 'run'
+ exec_bin "arv-#{subcommand}", remaining_opts
when 'keep'
@sub = remaining_opts.shift
if ['get', 'put', 'ls', 'normalize'].index @sub then
# Native Arvados
- exec `which arv-#{@sub}`.strip, *remaining_opts
+ exec_bin "arv-#{@sub}", remaining_opts
elsif ['less', 'check'].index @sub then
# wh* shims
- exec `which wh#{@sub}`.strip, *remaining_opts
+ exec_bin "wh#{@sub}", remaining_opts
elsif @sub == 'docker'
- exec `which arv-keepdocker`.strip, *remaining_opts
+ exec_bin "arv-keepdocker", remaining_opts
puts "Usage: arv keep [method] [--parameters]\n"
puts "Use 'arv keep [method] --help' to get more information about specific methods.\n\n"
when 'pipeline'
sub = remaining_opts.shift
if sub == 'run'
- exec `which arv-run-pipeline-instance`.strip, *remaining_opts
+ exec_bin "arv-run-pipeline-instance", remaining_opts
puts "Usage: arv pipeline [method] [--parameters]\n"
puts "Use 'arv pipeline [method] --help' to get more information about specific methods.\n\n"
puts "Available methods: run"
- when 'tag'
- exec `which arv-tag`.strip, *remaining_opts
- when 'ws'
- exec `which arv-ws`.strip, *remaining_opts
- when 'edit'
- arv_edit client, arvados, global_opts, remaining_opts
-def arv_edit_save_tmp tmp
- FileUtils::cp tmp.path, tmp.path + ".saved"
- puts "Saved contents to " + tmp.path + ".saved"
+def command_exists?(command)
+ File.executable?(command) || ENV['PATH'].split(':').any? {|folder| File.executable?(File.join(folder, command))}
-def arv_edit client, arvados, global_opts, remaining_opts
- uuid = remaining_opts.shift
- if uuid.nil? or uuid == "-h" or uuid == "--help"
- puts head_banner
- puts "Usage: arv edit [uuid] [fields...]\n\n"
- puts "Fetch the specified Arvados object, select the specified fields, \n"
- puts "open an interactive text editor on a text representation (json or\n"
- puts "yaml, use --format) and then update the object. Will use 'nano'\n"
- puts "by default, customize with the EDITOR or VISUAL environment variable.\n"
- exit 255
+def run_editor path
+ pid = Process::fork
+ if pid.nil?
+ editor = nil
+ [ENV["VISUAL"], ENV["EDITOR"], "nano", "vi"].each do |e|
+ editor ||= e if e and command_exists? e
+ end
+ if editor.nil?
+ abort "Could not find any editor to use, please set $VISUAL or $EDITOR to your desired editor."
+ end
+ exec editor, path
+ else
+ Process.wait pid
- if not $stdout.tty?
- puts "Not connected to a TTY, cannot run interactive editor."
- exit 1
+ if $?.exitstatus != 0
+ raise "Editor exited with status #{$?.exitstatus}"
+def edit_and_commit_object initial_obj, tmp_stem, global_opts, &block
- # determine controller
+ content = get_obj_content initial_obj, global_opts
+ tmp_file =[tmp_stem, ".#{global_opts[:format]}"])
+ tmp_file.write(content)
+ tmp_file.close
+ begin
+ error_text = ''
+ while true
+ begin
+ run_editor tmp_file.path
+ newcontent =
+ tmp_file.close
+ # Strip lines starting with '#'
+ newcontent = {|l| !l.start_with? '#'}.join
+ # Load the new object
+ newobj = case global_opts[:format]
+ when 'json'
+ Oj.load(newcontent)
+ when 'yaml'
+ YAML.load(newcontent)
+ end
+ yield newobj
+ break
+ rescue => e
+ can_retry = true
+ if e.is_a? Psych::SyntaxError
+ this_error = "YAML error parsing your input: #{e}"
+ elsif e.is_a? JSON::ParserError or e.is_a? Oj::ParseError
+ this_error = "JSON error parsing your input: #{e}"
+ elsif e.is_a? ArvadosAPIError
+ this_error = "API responded with error #{e}"
+ else
+ this_error = "#{e.class}: #{e}"
+ can_retry = false
+ end
+ puts this_error
+ newcontent =
+ tmp_file.close
+ if newcontent == error_text or not can_retry
+ FileUtils::cp tmp_file.path, tmp_file.path + ".saved"
+ puts "File is unchanged, edit aborted." if can_retry
+ abort "Saved contents to " + tmp_file.path + ".saved"
+ else
+ tmp_file.truncate 0
+ error_text = {|l| '# ' + l}.join + "\n"
+ error_text += "# Please fix the error and try again.\n"
+ error_text += {|l| !l.start_with? '#'}.join
+ tmp_file.write error_text
+ tmp_file.close
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ensure
+ tmp_file.close(true)
+ end
+ nil
+class ArvadosAPIError < RuntimeError
+def check_response result
+ begin
+ results = JSON.parse result.body
+ rescue JSON::ParserError, Oj::ParseError => e
+ raise "Failed to parse server response:\n" + e.to_s
+ end
+ if result.response.status != 200
+ raise"#{result.response.status}: #{
+ ((results['errors'] && results['errors'].join('\n')) ||
+ Net::HTTPResponse::CODE_TO_OBJ[status.to_s].to_s.sub(/^Net::HTTP/, '').titleize)}")
+ end
+ results
+def lookup_uuid_rsc arvados, uuid
m = /([a-z0-9]{5})-([a-z0-9]{5})-([a-z0-9]{15})/.match uuid
if !m
if /^[a-f0-9]{32}/.match uuid
abort "Arvados collections are not editable."
- abort "#{n} does not appear to be an Arvados uuid"
+ abort "'#{uuid}' does not appear to be an Arvados uuid"
abort "Could not determine resource type #{m[2]}"
- api_method = 'arvados.' + rsc + '.get'
+ return rsc
+def fetch_rsc_obj client, arvados, rsc, uuid, remaining_opts
- result = client.execute(:api_method => eval(api_method),
- :parameters => {"uuid" => uuid},
- :authenticated => false,
- :headers => {
- authorization: 'OAuth2 '+ENV['ARVADOS_API_TOKEN']
- })
- results = JSON.parse result.body
- rescue JSON::ParserError => e
- abort "Failed to parse server response:\n" + e.to_s
+ result = client.execute(:api_method => eval('arvados.' + rsc + '.get'),
+ :parameters => {"uuid" => uuid},
+ :authenticated => false,
+ :headers => {
+ authorization: 'OAuth2 '+ENV['ARVADOS_API_TOKEN']
+ })
+ obj = check_response result
+ rescue => e
+ abort "Server error: #{e}"
if remaining_opts.length > 0
-! { |k, v| remaining_opts.include? k }
+! { |k, v| remaining_opts.include? k }
- content = ""
- case global_opts[:format]
- when 'json'
- content = Oj.dump(results, :indent => 1)
- when 'yaml'
- content = results.to_yaml
- end
+ return obj
- require 'tempfile'
+def get_obj_content obj, global_opts
+ content = case global_opts[:format]
+ when 'json'
+ Oj.dump(obj, :indent => 1)
+ when 'yaml'
+ obj.to_yaml
+ else
+ abort "Unrecognized format #{global_opts[:format]}"
+ end
+ return content
- tmp =[uuid, "." + global_opts[:format]])
- tmp.write(content)
- tmp.close
+def arv_edit client, arvados, global_opts, remaining_opts
+ uuid = remaining_opts.shift
+ if uuid.nil? or uuid == "-h" or uuid == "--help"
+ puts head_banner
+ puts "Usage: arv edit [uuid] [fields...]\n\n"
+ puts "Fetch the specified Arvados object, select the specified fields, \n"
+ puts "open an interactive text editor on a text representation (json or\n"
+ puts "yaml, use --format) and then update the object. Will use 'nano'\n"
+ puts "by default, customize with the EDITOR or VISUAL environment variable.\n"
+ exit 255
+ end
- need_edit = true
+ if not $stdout.tty?
+ puts "Not connected to a TTY, cannot run interactive editor."
+ exit 1
+ end
- while need_edit
- pid = Process::fork
- if pid.nil?
- editor ||= ENV["VISUAL"]
- editor ||= ENV["EDITOR"]
- editor ||= "nano"
- exec editor, tmp.path
+ rsc = lookup_uuid_rsc arvados, uuid
+ oldobj = fetch_rsc_obj client, arvados, rsc, uuid, remaining_opts
+ edit_and_commit_object oldobj, uuid, global_opts do |newobj|
+! {|k| newobj[k] != oldobj[k]}
+ if !newobj.empty?
+ result = client.execute(:api_method => eval('arvados.' + rsc + '.update'),
+ :parameters => {"uuid" => uuid},
+ :body_object => { rsc.singularize => newobj },
+ :authenticated => false,
+ :headers => {
+ authorization: 'OAuth2 '+ENV['ARVADOS_API_TOKEN']
+ })
+ results = check_response result
+ puts "Updated object #{results['uuid']}"
- Process.wait pid
+ puts "Object is unchanged, did not update."
+ end
- if $?.exitstatus == 0
- newcontent =
+ exit 0
- newobj = {}
- begin
- case global_opts[:format]
- when 'json'
- newobj = Oj.load(newcontent)
- when 'yaml'
- newobj = YAML.load(newcontent)
- end
- need_edit = false
- rescue Exception => e
- puts "Parse error! " + e.to_s
- n = 1
- newcontent.each_line do |line|
- puts "#{n.to_s.rjust 4} #{line}"
- n += 1
- end
- puts "\nTry again (y/n)? "
- yn = "X"
- while not ["y", "Y", "n", "N"].include?(yn)
- yn = $ 1
- end
- if yn == 'n' or yn == 'N'
- arv_edit_save_tmp tmp
- abort
- end
- end
- else
- puts "Editor exited with status #{$?.exitstatus}"
- exit $?.exitstatus
- end
+def arv_get client, arvados, global_opts, remaining_opts
+ uuid = remaining_opts.shift
+ if uuid.nil? or uuid == "-h" or uuid == "--help"
+ puts head_banner
+ puts "Usage: arv get [uuid] [fields...]\n\n"
+ puts "Fetch the specified Arvados object, select the specified fields, \n"
+ puts "and print a text representation (json or yaml, use --format).\n"
+ exit 255
- begin
- if newobj != results
- api_method = 'arvados.' + rsc + '.update'
- dumped = Oj.dump(newobj)
+ rsc = lookup_uuid_rsc arvados, uuid
+ obj = fetch_rsc_obj client, arvados, rsc, uuid, remaining_opts
+ content = get_obj_content obj, global_opts
- begin
- result = client.execute(:api_method => eval(api_method),
- :parameters => {"uuid" => uuid},
- :body => { rsc.singularize => dumped },
- :authenticated => false,
- :headers => {
- authorization: 'OAuth2 '+ENV['ARVADOS_API_TOKEN']
- })
- rescue Exception => e
- puts "Error communicating with server, error was #{e}"
- puts "Update body was:"
- puts dumped
- arv_edit_save_tmp tmp
- abort
- end
+ puts content
+ exit 0
- begin
- results = JSON.parse result.body
- rescue JSON::ParserError => e
- abort "Failed to parse server response:\n" + e.to_s
- end
+def arv_create client, arvados, global_opts, remaining_opts
+ types = resource_types(arvados.discovery_document)
+ create_opts = Trollop::options do
+ opt :project_uuid, "Project uuid in which to create the object", :type => :string
+ stop_on resource_types(arvados.discovery_document)
+ end
+ object_type = remaining_opts.shift
+ if object_type.nil?
+ abort "Missing resource type, must be one of #{types.join ', '}"
+ end
- if result.response.status != 200
- puts "Update failed. Server responded #{result.response.status}: #{results['errors']} "
- puts "Update body was:"
- puts dumped
- arv_edit_save_tmp tmp
- abort
+ rsc = arvados.discovery_document["resources"] { |k| object_type == k.singularize }
+ if rsc.empty?
+ abort "Could not determine resource type #{object_type}"
+ end
+ rsc = rsc.first
+ discovered_params = arvados.discovery_document["resources"][rsc]["methods"]["create"]["parameters"]
+ method_opts = Trollop::options do
+ banner head_banner
+ banner "Usage: arv create [--project-uuid] #{object_type} [create parameters]"
+ banner ""
+ banner "This method supports the following parameters:"
+ banner ""
+ discovered_params.each do |k,v|
+ opts =
+ opts[:type] = v["type"].to_sym if v.include?("type")
+ if [:datetime, :text, :object, :array].index opts[:type]
+ opts[:type] = :string # else trollop bork
- else
- puts "Object is unchanged, did not update."
+ opts[:default] = v["default"] if v.include?("default")
+ opts[:default] = v["default"].to_i if opts[:type] == :integer
+ opts[:default] = to_boolean(v["default"]) if opts[:type] == :boolean
+ opts[:required] = true if v.include?("required") and v["required"]
+ description = ''
+ description = ' ' + v["description"] if v.include?("description")
+ opt k.to_sym, description, opts
- ensure
- tmp.close(true)
+ end
+ initial_obj = {}
+ if create_opts[:project_uuid]
+ initial_obj["owner_uuid"] = create_opts[:project_uuid]
+ end
+ edit_and_commit_object initial_obj, "", global_opts do |newobj|
+ result = client.execute(:api_method => eval('arvados.' + rsc + '.create'),
+ :parameters => method_opts,
+ :body_object => {object_type => newobj},
+ :authenticated => false,
+ :headers => {
+ authorization: 'OAuth2 '+ENV['ARVADOS_API_TOKEN']
+ })
+ results = check_response result
+ puts "Created object #{results['uuid']}"
exit 0
exit 255
-def parse_arguments(discovery_document, subcommands)
+def resource_types discovery_document
resource_types =
discovery_document["resources"].each do |k,v|
resource_types << k.singularize
+ resource_types
- resource_types += subcommands
+def parse_arguments(discovery_document, subcommands)
+ resources_and_subcommands = resource_types(discovery_document) + subcommands
option_parser = do
version __FILE__
banner "Additional options:"
conflicts :short, :format
- stop_on resource_types
+ stop_on resources_and_subcommands
global_opts = Trollop::with_standard_exception_handling option_parser do
resource = ARGV.shift
if not subcommands.include? resource
- if not resource_types.include?(resource)
+ if not resources_and_subcommands.include?(resource)
puts "Resource or subcommand '#{resource}' is not recognized.\n\n" if !resource.nil?
help_resources(option_parser, discovery_document, resource)
result = client.execute(:api_method => eval(api_method),
:parameters => request_parameters,
- :body => request_body,
+ :body_object => request_body,
:authenticated => false,
:headers => {
authorization: 'OAuth2 '+ENV['ARVADOS_API_TOKEN']