<% if current_user.andand.is_active %>
<strong>Recent jobs</strong>
- <%= link_to '(refresh)', {format: :js}, {class: 'refresh', remote: true, method: 'get'} %>
+ <%= link_to '(refresh)', {format: :js}, {class: 'refresh', remote: true} %>
<%= link_to raw("Show all jobs →"), jobs_path, class: 'pull-right' %>
<% if not current_user.andand.is_active or @my_jobs.empty? %>
- <th>Age</th>
+ <th>Created at</th>
- <th>Progress</th>
- <%
- job_outputs = []
- job_logs = []
+ <%# Preload collections, logs, and pipeline instance objects %>
+ <%
+ collection_uuids = []
+ log_uuids = []
@my_jobs[0..6].each do |j|
- job_outputs << j.output
- job_logs << j.log
+ collection_uuids << j.output
+ log_uuids << j.log
- preload_collections_for_objects job_outputs
- preload_log_collections_for_objects job_logs
+ @my_collections[0..6].each do |c|
+ collection_uuids << c.uuid
+ end
+ preload_collections_for_objects collection_uuids
+ preload_log_collections_for_objects log_uuids
+ pi_uuids = []
+ @my_pipelines[0..6].each do |p|
+ pi_uuids << p.uuid
+ end
+ resource_class = resource_class_for_uuid(pi_uuids.first, friendly_name: true)
+ preload_objects_for_dataclass resource_class, pi_uuids
<% @my_jobs[0..6].each do |j| %>
<tr data-object-uuid="<%= j.uuid %>">
- <% if j.success and j.output %>
+ <% if j.state == "Complete" and j.output %>
<a href="<%= collection_path(j.output) %>">
<% collections = collections_for_object(j.output) %>
<% if collections && !collections.empty? %>
- <%= raw(distance_of_time_in_words(j.created_at, Time.now).sub('about ','~').sub(' ',' ')) if j.created_at %>
+ <%= j.created_at.to_s if j.created_at %>
- <%= render partial: 'job_status_label', locals: {:j => j} %>
<div class="inline-progress-container">
<%= render partial: 'job_progress', locals: {:j => j} %>
<strong>Recent pipeline instances</strong>
- <%= link_to '(refresh)', {format: :js}, {class: 'refresh', remote: true, method: 'get'} %>
+ <%= link_to '(refresh)', {format: :js}, {class: 'refresh', remote: true} %>
<%= link_to raw("Show all pipeline instances →"), pipeline_instances_path, class: 'pull-right' %>
<% if not current_user.andand.is_active or @my_pipelines.empty? %>
- <th>Age</th>
+ <th>Created at</th>
- <%= raw(distance_of_time_in_words(p.created_at, Time.now).sub('about ','~').sub(' ',' ')) if p.created_at %>
+ <%= (p.created_at.to_s) if p.created_at %>
<strong>Recent collections</strong>
- <%= link_to '(refresh)', {format: :js}, {class: 'refresh', remote: true, method: 'get'} %>
+ <%= link_to '(refresh)', {format: :js}, {class: 'refresh', remote: true} %>
<%= link_to raw("Show all collections →"), collections_path, class: 'pull-right' %>
<div class="pull-right" style="padding-right: 1em; width: 30%;">
<%= form_tag collections_path,
- <%= raw(distance_of_time_in_words(c.created_at, Time.now).sub('about ','~').sub(' ',' ')) if c.created_at %>
+ <%= c.created_at.to_s if c.created_at %>