include KindAndEtag
include CommonApiTemplate
include WhitelistUpdate
+ extend CurrentApiClient
serialize :environment, Hash
serialize :mounts, Hash
validates :command, :container_image, :output_path, :cwd, :priority, :presence => true
validate :validate_state_change
validate :validate_change
- after_save :request_finalize
+ validate :validate_lock
+ after_validation :assign_auth
+ before_save :sort_serialized_attrs
+ after_save :handle_completed
has_many :container_requests, :foreign_key => :container_uuid, :class_name => 'ContainerRequest', :primary_key => :uuid
+ belongs_to :auth, :class_name => 'ApiClientAuthorization', :foreign_key => :auth_uuid, :primary_key => :uuid
api_accessible :user, extend: :common do |t|
t.add :command
t.add :container_image
t.add :cwd
t.add :environment
+ t.add :exit_code
t.add :finished_at
+ t.add :locked_by_uuid
t.add :log
t.add :mounts
t.add :output
t.add :runtime_constraints
t.add :started_at
t.add :state
+ t.add :auth_uuid
# Supported states for a container
States =
(Queued = 'Queued'),
+ (Locked = 'Locked'),
(Running = 'Running'),
(Complete = 'Complete'),
(Cancelled = 'Cancelled')
State_transitions = {
nil => [Queued],
- Queued => [Running, Cancelled],
+ Queued => [Locked, Cancelled],
+ Locked => [Queued, Running, Cancelled],
Running => [Complete, Cancelled]
def update_priority!
- if [Queued, Running].include? self.state
+ if [Queued, Locked, Running].include? self.state
# Update the priority of this container to the maximum priority of any of
# its committed container requests and save the record.
- max = 0
- ContainerRequest.where(container_uuid: uuid).each do |cr|
- if cr.state == ContainerRequest::Committed and cr.priority > max
- max = cr.priority
- end
+ self.priority = ContainerRequest.
+ where(container_uuid: uuid,
+ state: ContainerRequest::Committed).
+ maximum('priority')
+ end
+ end
+ def self.find_reusable(attrs)
+ candidates = Container.
+ where('command = ?', attrs[:command].to_yaml).
+ where('cwd = ?', attrs[:cwd]).
+ where('environment = ?', self.deep_sort_hash(attrs[:environment]).to_yaml).
+ where('output_path = ?', attrs[:output_path]).
+ where('container_image = ?', attrs[:container_image]).
+ where('mounts = ?', self.deep_sort_hash(attrs[:mounts]).to_yaml).
+ where('runtime_constraints = ?', self.deep_sort_hash(attrs[:runtime_constraints]).to_yaml)
+ # Check for Completed candidates that had consistent outputs.
+ completed = candidates.where(state: Complete).where(exit_code: 0)
+ outputs ='output').group('output').limit(2)
+ if outputs.count.count != 1
+ Rails.logger.debug("Found #{outputs.count.length} different outputs")
+ elsif Collection.
+ readable_by(current_user).
+ where(portable_data_hash: outputs.first.output).
+ count < 1
+"Found reusable container(s) " +
+ "but output #{outputs.first} is not readable " +
+ "by user #{current_user.uuid}")
+ else
+ # Return the oldest eligible container whose log is still
+ # present and readable by current_user.
+ readable_pdh = Collection.
+ readable_by(current_user).
+ select('portable_data_hash')
+ completed = completed.
+ where("log in (#{readable_pdh.to_sql})").
+ order('finished_at asc').
+ limit(1)
+ if completed.first
+ return completed.first
+ else
+"Found reusable container(s) but none with a log " +
+ "readable by user #{current_user.uuid}")
+ end
+ end
+ # Check for Running candidates and return the most likely to finish sooner.
+ running = candidates.where(state: Running).
+ order('progress desc, started_at asc').limit(1).first
+ return running if not running.nil?
+ # Check for Locked or Queued ones and return the most likely to start first.
+ locked_or_queued = candidates.where("state IN (?)", [Locked, Queued]).
+ order('state asc, priority desc, created_at asc').limit(1).first
+ return locked_or_queued if not locked_or_queued.nil?
+ # No suitable candidate found.
+ nil
+ end
+ def lock
+ with_lock do
+ if self.state == Locked
+ raise AlreadyLockedError
- self.priority = max
+ self.state = Locked!
+ def unlock
+ with_lock do
+ if self.state == Queued
+ raise InvalidStateTransitionError
+ end
+ self.state = Queued
+ end
+ end
+ def self.readable_by(*users_list)
+ if { |u| u.is_admin }.any?
+ return self
+ end
+ user_uuids = { |u| u.uuid }
+ uuid_list = user_uuids + users_list.flat_map { |u| u.groups_i_can(:read) }
+ uuid_list.uniq!
+ permitted = "(SELECT head_uuid FROM links WHERE link_class='permission' AND tail_uuid IN (:uuids))"
+ joins(:container_requests).
+ where("container_requests.uuid IN #{permitted} OR "+
+ "container_requests.owner_uuid IN (:uuids)",
+ uuids: uuid_list)
+ end
def fill_field_defaults
def validate_change
- permitted = []
+ permitted = [:state]
if self.new_record?
- permitted.push :owner_uuid, :command, :container_image, :cwd, :environment,
- :mounts, :output_path, :priority, :runtime_constraints, :state
+ permitted.push(:owner_uuid, :command, :container_image, :cwd,
+ :environment, :mounts, :output_path, :priority,
+ :runtime_constraints)
case self.state
- when Queued
- # permit priority change only.
+ when Queued, Locked
permitted.push :priority
when Running
+ permitted.push :priority, :progress
if self.state_changed?
- # At point of state change, can set state and started_at
- permitted.push :state, :started_at
- else
- # While running, can update priority and progress.
- permitted.push :priority, :progress
+ permitted.push :started_at
when Complete
- if self.state_changed?
- permitted.push :state, :finished_at, :output, :log
- else
- errors.add :state, "cannot update record"
+ if self.state_was == Running
+ permitted.push :finished_at, :output, :log, :exit_code
when Cancelled
- if self.state_changed?
- if self.state_was == Running
- permitted.push :state, :finished_at, :output, :log
- elsif self.state_was == Queued
- permitted.push :state, :finished_at
- end
- else
- errors.add :state, "cannot update record"
+ case self.state_was
+ when Running
+ permitted.push :finished_at, :output, :log
+ when Queued, Locked
+ permitted.push :finished_at
- errors.add :state, "invalid state"
+ # The state_transitions check will add an error message for this
+ return false
check_update_whitelist permitted
- def request_finalize
+ def validate_lock
+ # If the Container is already locked by someone other than the
+ # current api_client_auth, disallow all changes -- except
+ # priority, which needs to change to reflect max(priority) of
+ # relevant ContainerRequests.
+ if locked_by_uuid_was
+ if locked_by_uuid_was != Thread.current[:api_client_authorization].uuid
+ check_update_whitelist [:priority]
+ end
+ end
+ if [Locked, Running].include? self.state
+ # If the Container was already locked, locked_by_uuid must not
+ # changes. Otherwise, the current auth gets the lock.
+ need_lock = locked_by_uuid_was || Thread.current[:api_client_authorization].uuid
+ else
+ need_lock = nil
+ end
+ # The caller can provide a new value for locked_by_uuid, but only
+ # if it's exactly what we expect. This allows a caller to perform
+ # an update like {"state":"Unlocked","locked_by_uuid":null}.
+ if self.locked_by_uuid_changed?
+ if self.locked_by_uuid != need_lock
+ return errors.add :locked_by_uuid, "can only change to #{need_lock}"
+ end
+ end
+ self.locked_by_uuid = need_lock
+ end
+ def assign_auth
+ if self.auth_uuid_changed?
+ return errors.add :auth_uuid, 'is readonly'
+ end
+ if not [Locked, Running].include? self.state
+ # don't need one
+ self.auth.andand.update_attributes(expires_at: db_current_time)
+ self.auth = nil
+ return
+ elsif self.auth
+ # already have one
+ return
+ end
+ cr = ContainerRequest.
+ where('container_uuid=? and priority>0', self.uuid).
+ order('priority desc').
+ first
+ if !cr
+ return errors.add :auth_uuid, "cannot be assigned because priority <= 0"
+ end
+ self.auth = ApiClientAuthorization.
+ create!(user_id: User.find_by_uuid(cr.modified_by_user_uuid).id,
+ api_client_id: 0)
+ end
+ def sort_serialized_attrs
+ if self.environment_changed?
+ self.environment = self.class.deep_sort_hash(self.environment)
+ end
+ if self.mounts_changed?
+ self.mounts = self.class.deep_sort_hash(self.mounts)
+ end
+ if self.runtime_constraints_changed?
+ self.runtime_constraints = self.class.deep_sort_hash(self.runtime_constraints)
+ end
+ end
+ def handle_completed
# This container is finished so finalize any associated container requests
# that are associated with this container.
if self.state_changed? and [Complete, Cancelled].include? self.state
act_as_system_user do
- # Try to close container requests associated with this container
+ if self.state == Cancelled
+ retryable_requests = ContainerRequest.where("priority > 0 and state = 'Committed' and container_count < container_count_max")
+ else
+ retryable_requests = []
+ end
+ if retryable_requests.any?
+ c_attrs = {
+ command: self.command,
+ cwd: self.cwd,
+ environment: self.environment,
+ output_path: self.output_path,
+ container_image: self.container_image,
+ mounts: self.mounts,
+ runtime_constraints: self.runtime_constraints
+ }
+ c = Container.create! c_attrs
+ retryable_requests.each do |cr|
+ cr.with_lock do
+ # Use row locking because this increments container_count
+ cr.container_uuid = c.uuid
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Notify container requests associated with this container
ContainerRequest.where(container_uuid: uuid,
- :state => ContainerRequest::Committed).each do |cr|
- cr.state = ContainerRequest::Final
+ state: ContainerRequest::Committed).each do |cr|
+ cr.container_completed!
# Try to cancel any outstanding container requests made by this container.
ContainerRequest.where(requesting_container_uuid: uuid,
- :state => ContainerRequest::Committed).each do |cr|
+ state: ContainerRequest::Committed).each do |cr|
cr.priority = 0