#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
abort 'Error: Ruby >= 1.9.3 required.' if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.3'
require 'logger'
-require 'trollop'
+require 'optimist'
log = Logger.new STDERR
log.progname = $0.split('/').last
-opts = Trollop::options do
+opts = Optimist::options do
banner ''
banner "Usage: #{log.progname} " +
"{user_uuid_or_email} {user_and_repo_name} {vm_uuid}"
with this OpenID prefix *and* a matching email address in order to \
claim the account.
+ opt :send_notification_email, <<-eos, default: 'true'
+Send notification email after successfully setting up the user.
+ eos
log.level = (ENV['DEBUG'] || opts.debug) ? Logger::DEBUG : Logger::WARN
if ARGV.count != 3
- Trollop::die "required arguments are missing"
+ Optimist::die "required arguments are missing"
user_arg, user_repo_name, vm_uuid = ARGV
# Look up the given user by uuid or, failing that, email address.
- user = arv.user.get(uuid: user_arg)
+ found_user = arv.user.get(uuid: user_arg)
rescue Arvados::TransactionFailedError
- found = arv.user.list(where: {email: ARGV[0]})[:items]
- if found.count == 0
+ found = arv.user.list(where: {email: user_arg})[:items]
+ if found.count == 0
if !user_arg.match(/\w\@\w+\.\w+/)
abort "About to create new user, but #{user_arg.inspect} " +
"does not look like an email address. Stop."
- user = arv.user.setup(repo_name: user_repo_name, vm_uuid: vm_uuid,
- user: {email: user_arg})
- log.info { "created user: " + user[:uuid] }
elsif found.count != 1
- abort "Found #{found.count} users " +
- "with uuid or email #{user_arg.inspect}. Stop."
+ abort "Found #{found.count} users with email. Stop."
- user = found.first
- # Found user. Update the user links
- user = arv.user.setup(user: {email: user[:uuid]}, repo_name: user_repo_name,
- vm_uuid: vm_uuid, openid_prefix: opts.openid_prefix)
+ found_user = found.first
- puts "USER = #{user.inspect}"
- log.info { "user uuid: " + user[:uuid] }
+# Invoke user setup method
+if (found_user)
+ user = arv.user.setup uuid: found_user[:uuid], repo_name: user_repo_name,
+ vm_uuid: vm_uuid, openid_prefix: opts.openid_prefix,
+ send_notification_email: opts.send_notification_email
+ user = arv.user.setup user: {email: user_arg}, repo_name: user_repo_name,
+ vm_uuid: vm_uuid, openid_prefix: opts.openid_prefix,
+ send_notification_email: opts.send_notification_email
+log.info {"user uuid: " + user[:uuid]}
+puts user.inspect