+# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
# Do not use this file for site configuration. Create application.yml
# instead (see application.yml.example).
template_uuid: zzzzz-p5p6p-1xbobfobk94ppbv
input_paths: [zzzzz-4zz18-nz98douzhaa3jh2, zzzzz-4zz18-gpw9o5wpcti3nib]
+ container_requests_to_test:
+ container_request_1:
+ workflow_uuid: zzzzz-7fd4e-60e96shgwspt4mw
+ input_paths: []
+ max_wait_seconds: 10
# Below is a sample setting for performance testing.
# Configure workbench URL as "arvados_workbench_url"
eager_load: true
consider_all_requests_local: false
action_controller.perform_caching: true
- serve_static_assets: false
+ serve_static_files: false
assets.compile: false
assets.digest: true
i18n.fallbacks: true
active_support.deprecation: :notify
profiling_enabled: false
+ log_level: info
arvados_insecure_https: false
cache_classes: true
eager_load: false
- serve_static_assets: true
+ serve_static_files: true
static_cache_control: public, max-age=3600
consider_all_requests_local: true
action_controller.perform_caching: false
profiling_enabled: true
secret_token: <%= rand(2**256).to_s(36) %>
secret_key_base: <%= rand(2**256).to_s(36) %>
+ # This setting is to allow workbench start when running tests, it should be
+ # set to a correct value when testing relevant features.
+ keep_web_url: http://example.com/c=%{uuid_or_pdh}
# When you run the Workbench's integration tests, it starts the API
# server as a dependency. These settings should match the API
# "git log".
source_version: false
+ # Override the automatic package string. With the default value of
+ # false, the package string is read from package-build.version in
+ # Rails.root (included in vendor packages).
+ package_version: false
# report notification to and from addresses
issue_reporter_email_from: arvados@example.com
issue_reporter_email_to: arvados@example.com
# would be enabled in a collection's show page.
# It is sufficient to list only applications here.
# No need to list text and image types.
- application_mimetypes_with_view_icon: [fasta, go, javascript, json, pdf, python, r, rtf, sam, sh, xml, xsl]
+ application_mimetypes_with_view_icon: [cwl, fasta, go, javascript, json, pdf, python, r, rtf, sam, x-sh, vnd.realvnc.bed, xml, xsl]
# the maximum number of bytes to load in the log viewer
log_viewer_max_bytes: 1000000
shell_in_a_box_url: false
# Format of preview links. If false, use keep_web_download_url
- # instead, and disable inline preview. If both are false, use
- # Workbench's built-in file download/preview mechanism.
+ # instead, and disable inline preview.
+ # If both are false, Workbench won't start, this is a mandatory configuration.
# Examples:
# keep_web_url: https://%{uuid_or_pdh}.collections.uuid_prefix.arvadosapi.com
# and display in the Log tab, while subscribing to web sockets.
running_job_log_records_to_fetch: 2000
- # In systems with many shared projects, dashboard loading can be
- # slow due to collections indexing; use the following parameters
- # to suppress certain properties from dashboard
- show_recent_collections_in_dashboard: true
- show_user_notifications_in_dashboard: true
+ # In systems with many shared projects, loading of dashboard and topnav
+ # cab be slow due to collections indexing; use the following parameters
+ # to suppress these properties
+ show_recent_collections_on_dashboard: true
+ show_user_notifications: true
+ # Token to be included in all healthcheck requests. Disabled by default.
+ # Workbench expects request header of the format "Authorization: Bearer xxx"
+ ManagementToken: false
+ # Enable/disable "multi-site search" in top nav (true/false), or
+ # link it to the multi-site search on a remote Workbench site.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ # multi_site_search: https://workbench.qr1hi.arvadosapi.com/collections/multisite
+ multi_site_search: false
+ #
+ # Link to use for Arvados Workflow Composer app, or false if not available.
+ #
+ composer_url: false