+# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
class ProjectsController < ApplicationController
- before_filter :set_share_links, if: -> { defined? @object and @object}
- skip_around_filter :require_thread_api_token, if: proc { |ctrl|
+ before_action :set_share_links, if: -> { defined? @object and @object}
+ skip_around_action :require_thread_api_token, if: proc { |ctrl|
Rails.configuration.anonymous_user_token and
%w(show tab_counts public).include? ctrl.action_name
@removed_uuids = []
links = []
params[:item_uuids].collect { |uuid| ArvadosBase.find uuid }.each do |item|
- if (item.class == Link and
- item.link_class == 'name' and
- item.tail_uuid == @object.uuid)
- # Given uuid is a name link, linking an object to this
- # project. First follow the link to find the item we're removing,
- # then delete the link.
- links << item
- item = ArvadosBase.find item.head_uuid
- else
- # Given uuid is an object. Delete all names.
- links += Link.where(tail_uuid: @object.uuid,
- head_uuid: item.uuid,
- link_class: 'name')
- end
- links.each do |link|
- @removed_uuids << link.uuid
- link.destroy
- end
- # If this object has the 'expires_at' attribute, then simply mark it
- # expired.
- if item.attributes.include?("expires_at")
- item.update_attributes expires_at: Time.now
+ if item.class == Collection or item.class == Group
+ # Use delete API on collections and projects/groups
+ item.destroy
@removed_uuids << item.uuid
elsif item.owner_uuid == @object.uuid
# Object is owned by this project. Remove it from the project by
item.update_attributes owner_uuid: current_user.uuid
@removed_uuids << item.uuid
rescue ArvadosApiClient::ApiErrorResponseException => e
- if e.message.include? '_owner_uuid_name_unique'
+ if e.message.include? '_owner_uuid_'
rename_to = item.name + ' removed from ' +
(@object.name ? @object.name : @object.uuid) +
' at ' + Time.now.to_s
def public # Yes 'public' is the name of the action for public projects
return render_not_found if not Rails.configuration.anonymous_user_token or not Rails.configuration.enable_public_projects_page
@objects = using_specific_api_token Rails.configuration.anonymous_user_token do
- Group.where(group_class: 'project').order("updated_at DESC")
+ Group.where(group_class: 'project').order("modified_at DESC")