|_. Argument |_. Type |_. Description |_. Location |
|{resource_type}|object|Name is the singular form of the resource type, e.g., for the "collections" resource, this argument is "collection"|body|
|{cluster_id}|string|Optional, the cluster on which to create the object if not the current cluster.|query|
+|select |array |Attributes of the new object to return in the response (by default, all available attributes are returned).
+Example: @["uuid","name","modified_at"]@|query|
h2. delete
table(table table-bordered table-condensed).
|_. Argument |_. Type |_. Description |_. Location |
{background:#ccffcc}.|uuid|string|The UUID of the object in question.|path|
+|select |array |Attributes of the deleted object to return in the response (by default, all available attributes are returned).
+Example: @["uuid","name","modified_at"]@|query|
h2. get
table(table table-bordered table-condensed).
|_. Argument |_. Type |_. Description |_. Location |
{background:#ccffcc}.|uuid|string|The UUID of the object in question.|path|
+|select |array |Attributes of the object to return in the response (by default, all available attributes are returned).
+Example: @["uuid","name","modified_at"]@|query|
h2(#index). list
-The @list@ method requests an list of resources of that type. It corresponds to the HTTP request @GET /arvados/v1/resource_type@. All resources support "list" method unless otherwise noted.
+The @list@ method requests an list of resources of that type. It corresponds to the HTTP request @GET /arvados/v1/resource_type@. All resources support the @list@ method unless otherwise noted.
|limit |integer|Maximum number of resources to return. If not provided, server will provide a default limit. Server may also impose a maximum number of records that can be returned in a single request.|query|
|offset |integer|Skip the first 'offset' number of resources that would be returned under the given filter conditions.|query|
|filters |array |"Conditions for selecting resources to return.":#filters|query|
-|order |array |Attributes to use as sort keys to determine the order resources are returned, each optionally followed by @asc@ or @desc@ to indicate ascending or descending order.
+|order |array |Attributes to use as sort keys to determine the order resources are returned, each optionally followed by @asc@ or @desc@ to indicate ascending or descending order. (If not specified, it will be ascending).
Example: @["head_uuid asc","modified_at desc"]@
-Default: @["created_at desc"]@|query|
-|select |array |Set of attributes to include in the response.
-Example: @["head_uuid","tail_uuid"]@
-Default: all available attributes. As a special case, collections do not return "manifest_text" unless explicitly selected.|query|
-|distinct|boolean|@true@: (default) do not return duplicate objects
-@false@: permitted to return duplicates|query|
+Default: @["modified_at desc", "uuid asc"]@|query|
+|select |array |Attributes of each object to return in the response (by default, all available attributes are returned, except collections, which do not return @manifest_text@ unless explicitly selected).
+Example: @["uuid","name","modified_at"]@|query|
+|distinct|boolean|When returning multiple records whose selected attributes (see @select@) are equal, return them as a single response entry.
+Default is @false@.|query|
|count|string|@"exact"@ (default): Include an @items_available@ response field giving the number of distinct matching items that can be retrieved (irrespective of @limit@ and @offset@ arguments).
@"none"@: Omit the @items_available@ response field. This option will produce a faster response.|query|
table(table table-bordered table-condensed).
|_. Operator|_. Operand type|_. Description|_. Example|
-|@=@, @!=@|string, number, timestamp, or null|Equality comparison|@["tail_uuid","=","xyzzy-j7d0g-fffffffffffffff"]@ @["tail_uuid","!=",null]@|
+|@=@, @!=@, @<>@|string, number, timestamp, JSON-encoded array, JSON-encoded object, or null|Equality comparison|@["tail_uuid","=","xyzzy-j7d0g-fffffffffffffff"]@
|@<@, @<=@, @>=@, @>@|string, number, or timestamp|Ordering comparison|@["script_version",">","123"]@|
|@like@, @ilike@|string|SQL pattern match. Single character match is @_@ and wildcard is @%@. The @ilike@ operator is case-insensitive|@["script_version","like","d00220fb%"]@|
-|@in@, @not in@|array of strings|Set membership|@["script_version","in",["master","d00220fb38d4b85ca8fc28a8151702a2b9d1dec5"]]@|
+|@in@, @not in@|array of strings or integers|Set membership|@["script_version","in",["main","d00220fb38d4b85ca8fc28a8151702a2b9d1dec5"]]@|
|@is_a@|string|Arvados object type|@["head_uuid","is_a","arvados#collection"]@|
-|@exists@|string|Test if a subproperty is present.|@["properties","exists","my_subproperty"]@|
+|@exists@|string|Presence of subproperty|@["properties","exists","my_subproperty"]@|
+|@contains@|string, array of strings|Presence of one or more keys or array elements|@["storage_classes_desired", "contains", ["foo", "bar"]]@ (matches both @["foo", "bar"]@ and @["foo", "bar", "baz"]@)
+(note @[..., "contains", "foo"]@ is also accepted, and is equivalent to @[..., "contains", ["foo"]]@)|
h4(#substringsearchfilter). Filtering using substring search
|@like@, @ilike@|string|SQL pattern match, single character match is @_@ and wildcard is @%@, ilike is case-insensitive|@["properties.my_subproperty", "like", "d00220fb%"]@|
|@in@, @not in@|array of strings|Set membership|@["properties.my_subproperty", "in", ["fizz", "buzz"]]@|
|@exists@|boolean|Test if a subproperty is present or not (determined by operand).|@["properties.my_subproperty", "exists", true]@|
+|@contains@|string, number|Filter where subproperty has a value either by exact match or value is element of subproperty list.|@["properties.foo", "contains", "bar"]@ will find both @{"foo": "bar"}@ and @{"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}@.|
Note that exclusion filters @!=@ and @not in@ will return records for which the property is not defined at all. To restrict filtering to records on which the subproperty is defined, combine with an @exists@ filter.
+h4(#filterexpression). Filtering using boolean expressions
+In addition to the three-element array form described above, a string containing a boolean expression is also accepted. The following restrictions apply:
+* The expression must contain exactly one operator.
+* The operator must be @=@, @<@, @<=@, @>@, or @>=@.
+* There must be exactly one pair of parentheses, surrounding the entire expression.
+* Each operand must be the name of a numeric attribute like @replication_desired@ (literal values like @3@ and non-numeric attributes like @uuid@ are not accepted).
+* The expression must not contain whitespace other than an ASCII space (newline and tab characters are not accepted).
+* @(replication_desired > replication_confirmed)@
+* @(replication_desired = replication_confirmed)@
+Both types of filter (boolean expressions and @[attribute, operator, operand]@ filters) can be combined in the same API call. Example:
+* @{"filters": ["(replication_desired > replication_confirmed)", ["replication_desired", "<", 2]]}@
h4. Federated listing
Federated listing forwards a request to multiple clusters and combines the results. Currently only a very restricted form of the "list" method is supported.
* Have filters only matching @[["uuid", "in", [...]]@ or @["uuid", "=", "..."]@
* Specify @count=none@
-* If @select@ is specified, it must include @uuid@
* Not specify @limit@, @offset@ or @order@
* Not request more items than the maximum response size
|_. Argument |_. Type |_. Description |_. Location |
{background:#ccffcc}.|uuid|string|The UUID of the resource in question.|path||
+|select |array |Attributes of the updated object to return in the response (by default, all available attributes are returned).
+Example: @["uuid","name","modified_at"]@|query|