+# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
module ApplicationHelper
def current_user
Rails.configuration.arvados_v1_base.gsub /https?:\/\/|\/arvados\/v1/,''
+ def current_uuid_prefix
+ current_api_host[0..4]
+ end
def render_markup(markup)
- raw RedCloth.new(markup.to_s).to_html(:refs_arvados, :textile) if markup
+ allowed_tags = Rails::Html::Sanitizer.white_list_sanitizer.allowed_tags + %w(table tbody th tr td col colgroup caption thead tfoot)
+ sanitize(raw(RedCloth.new(markup.to_s).to_html(:refs_arvados, :textile)), tags: allowed_tags) if markup
def human_readable_bytes_html(n)
return h(n)
- #raw = n.to_s
- #cooked = ''
- #while raw.length > 3
- # cooked = ',' + raw[-3..-1] + cooked
- # raw = raw[0..-4]
- #end
- #cooked = raw + cooked
def resource_class_for_uuid(attrvalue, opts={})
if resource_class.name == 'Collection'
- link_name = collections_for_object(link_uuid).andand.first.andand.friendly_link_name
+ if CollectionsHelper.match(link_uuid)
+ link_name = collection_for_pdh(link_uuid).andand.first.andand.portable_data_hash
+ else
+ link_name = collections_for_object(link_uuid).andand.first.andand.friendly_link_name
+ end
link_name = object_for_dataclass(resource_class, link_uuid).andand.friendly_link_name
"data-placement" => "bottom",
"data-type" => input_type,
"data-title" => "Edit #{attr.to_s.gsub '_', ' '}",
- "data-name" => attr,
+ "data-name" => htmloptions['selection_name'] || attr,
"data-object-uuid" => object.uuid,
"data-toggle" => "manual",
- "data-value" => attrvalue,
+ "data-value" => htmloptions['data-value'] || attrvalue,
"id" => span_id,
:class => "editable #{is_textile?( object, attr ) ? 'editable-textile' : ''}"
+ def get_cwl_main(workflow)
+ if workflow[:"$graph"].nil?
+ return workflow
+ else
+ workflow[:"$graph"].each do |tool|
+ if tool[:id] == "#main"
+ return tool
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def get_cwl_inputs(workflow)
+ get_cwl_main(workflow)[:inputs]
+ end
+ def cwl_shortname(id)
+ if id[0] == "#"
+ id = id[1..-1]
+ end
+ return id.split("/")[-1]
+ end
+ def cwl_input_info(input_schema)
+ required = !(input_schema[:type].include? "null")
+ if input_schema[:type].is_a? Array
+ primary_type = input_schema[:type].select { |n| n != "null" }[0]
+ elsif input_schema[:type].is_a? String
+ primary_type = input_schema[:type]
+ elsif input_schema[:type].is_a? Hash
+ primary_type = input_schema[:type]
+ end
+ param_id = cwl_shortname(input_schema[:id])
+ return required, primary_type, param_id
+ end
+ def cwl_input_value(object, input_schema, set_attr_path)
+ dn = ""
+ attrvalue = object
+ set_attr_path.each do |a|
+ dn += "[#{a}]"
+ attrvalue = attrvalue[a.to_sym]
+ end
+ return dn, attrvalue
+ end
+ def cwl_inputs_required(object, inputs_schema, set_attr_path)
+ r = 0
+ inputs_schema.each do |input|
+ required, primary_type, param_id = cwl_input_info(input)
+ dn, attrvalue = cwl_input_value(object, input, set_attr_path + [param_id])
+ r += 1 if required and attrvalue.nil?
+ end
+ r
+ end
+ def render_cwl_input(object, input_schema, set_attr_path, htmloptions={})
+ required, primary_type, param_id = cwl_input_info(input_schema)
+ dn, attrvalue = cwl_input_value(object, input_schema, set_attr_path + [param_id])
+ attrvalue = if attrvalue.nil? then "" else attrvalue end
+ id = "#{object.uuid}-#{param_id}"
+ opt_empty_selection = if required then [] else [{value: "", text: ""}] end
+ if ["Directory", "File"].include? primary_type
+ chooser_title = "Choose a #{primary_type == 'Directory' ? 'dataset' : 'file'}:"
+ selection_param = object.class.to_s.underscore + dn
+ if attrvalue.is_a? Hash
+ display_value = attrvalue[:"http://arvados.org/cwl#collectionUUID"] || attrvalue[:"arv:collection"] || attrvalue[:location]
+ re = CollectionsHelper.match_uuid_with_optional_filepath(display_value)
+ locationre = CollectionsHelper.match(attrvalue[:location][5..-1])
+ if re
+ if locationre and locationre[4]
+ display_value = "#{Collection.find(re[1]).name} / #{locationre[4][1..-1]}"
+ else
+ display_value = Collection.find(re[1]).name
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ modal_path = choose_collections_path \
+ ({ title: chooser_title,
+ filters: [['owner_uuid', '=', object.owner_uuid]].to_json,
+ action_name: 'OK',
+ action_href: container_request_path(id: object.uuid),
+ action_method: 'patch',
+ preconfigured_search_str: "",
+ action_data: {
+ merge: true,
+ use_preview_selection: primary_type == 'File' ? true : nil,
+ selection_param: selection_param,
+ success: 'page-refresh'
+ }.to_json,
+ })
+ return content_tag('div', :class => 'input-group') do
+ html = text_field_tag(dn, display_value,
+ :class =>
+ "form-control #{'required' if required}")
+ html + content_tag('span', :class => 'input-group-btn') do
+ link_to('Choose',
+ modal_path,
+ { :class => "btn btn-primary",
+ :remote => true,
+ :method => 'get',
+ })
+ end
+ end
+ elsif "boolean" == primary_type
+ return link_to attrvalue.to_s, '#', {
+ "data-emptytext" => "none",
+ "data-placement" => "bottom",
+ "data-type" => "select",
+ "data-source" => (opt_empty_selection + [{value: "true", text: "true"}, {value: "false", text: "false"}]).to_json,
+ "data-url" => url_for(action: "update", id: object.uuid, controller: object.class.to_s.pluralize.underscore, merge: true),
+ "data-title" => "Set value for #{cwl_shortname(input_schema[:id])}",
+ "data-name" => dn,
+ "data-pk" => "{id: \"#{object.uuid}\", key: \"#{object.class.to_s.underscore}\"}",
+ "data-value" => attrvalue.to_s,
+ # "clear" button interferes with form-control's up/down arrows
+ "data-clear" => false,
+ :class => "editable #{'required' if required} form-control",
+ :id => id
+ }.merge(htmloptions)
+ elsif primary_type.is_a? Hash and primary_type[:type] == "enum"
+ return link_to attrvalue, '#', {
+ "data-emptytext" => "none",
+ "data-placement" => "bottom",
+ "data-type" => "select",
+ "data-source" => (opt_empty_selection + primary_type[:symbols].map {|i| {:value => i, :text => i} }).to_json,
+ "data-url" => url_for(action: "update", id: object.uuid, controller: object.class.to_s.pluralize.underscore, merge: true),
+ "data-title" => "Set value for #{cwl_shortname(input_schema[:id])}",
+ "data-name" => dn,
+ "data-pk" => "{id: \"#{object.uuid}\", key: \"#{object.class.to_s.underscore}\"}",
+ "data-value" => attrvalue,
+ # "clear" button interferes with form-control's up/down arrows
+ "data-clear" => false,
+ :class => "editable #{'required' if required} form-control",
+ :id => id
+ }.merge(htmloptions)
+ elsif primary_type.is_a? String
+ if ["int", "long"].include? primary_type
+ datatype = "number"
+ else
+ datatype = "text"
+ end
+ return link_to attrvalue, '#', {
+ "data-emptytext" => "none",
+ "data-placement" => "bottom",
+ "data-type" => datatype,
+ "data-url" => url_for(action: "update", id: object.uuid, controller: object.class.to_s.pluralize.underscore, merge: true),
+ "data-title" => "Set value for #{cwl_shortname(input_schema[:id])}",
+ "data-name" => dn,
+ "data-pk" => "{id: \"#{object.uuid}\", key: \"#{object.class.to_s.underscore}\"}",
+ "data-value" => attrvalue,
+ # "clear" button interferes with form-control's up/down arrows
+ "data-clear" => false,
+ :class => "editable #{'required' if required} form-control",
+ :id => id
+ }.merge(htmloptions)
+ else
+ return "Unable to render editing control for parameter type #{primary_type}"
+ end
+ end
def render_arvados_object_list_start(list, button_text, button_href,
params={}, *rest, &block)
show_max = params.delete(:show_max) || 3
"Collection" => "fa-archive",
+ "ContainerRequest" => "fa-gears",
"Group" => "fa-users",
"Human" => "fa-male", # FIXME: Use a more inclusive icon.
"Job" => "fa-gears",
"Trait" => "fa-clipboard",
"User" => "fa-user",
"VirtualMachine" => "fa-terminal",
+ "Workflow" => "fa-gears",
render_runtime duration, use_words, round_to_min
+ # Keep locators are expected to be of the form \"...<pdh/file_path>\" or \"...<uuid/file_path>\"
+ JSON_KEEP_LOCATOR_REGEXP = /([0-9a-f]{32}\+\d+[^'"]*|[a-z0-9]{5}-4zz18-[a-z0-9]{15}[^'"]*)(?=['"]|\z|$)/
+ def keep_locator_in_json str
+ # Return a list of all matches
+ str.scan(JSON_KEEP_LOCATOR_REGEXP).flatten
+ end
def is_textile?( object, attr )
is_textile = object.textile_attributes.andand.include?(attr)