Rails.configuration.dns_server_reload_command = 'ignored!'
assert Node.dns_server_update 'compute65535', ''
+ test "ping new node with no hostname and default config" do
+ node = ping_node(:new_with_no_hostname, {})
+ slot_number = node.slot_number
+ refute_nil slot_number
+ assert_equal("compute#{slot_number}", node.hostname)
+ end
+ test "ping new node with no hostname and no config" do
+ Rails.configuration.assign_node_hostname = false
+ node = ping_node(:new_with_no_hostname, {})
+ refute_nil node.slot_number
+ assert_nil node.hostname
+ end
+ test "ping new node with zero padding config" do
+ Rails.configuration.assign_node_hostname = 'compute%<slot_number>04d'
+ node = ping_node(:new_with_no_hostname, {})
+ slot_number = node.slot_number
+ refute_nil slot_number
+ assert_equal("compute000#{slot_number}", node.hostname)
+ end
+ test "ping node with hostname and config and expect hostname unchanged" do
+ node = ping_node(:new_with_custom_hostname, {})
+ assert_equal(23, node.slot_number)
+ assert_equal("custom1", node.hostname)
+ end
+ test "ping node with hostname and no config and expect hostname unchanged" do
+ Rails.configuration.assign_node_hostname = false
+ node = ping_node(:new_with_custom_hostname, {})
+ assert_equal(23, node.slot_number)
+ assert_equal("custom1", node.hostname)
+ end
+ # Ping two nodes: one without a hostname and the other with a hostname.
+ # Verify that the first one gets a hostname and second one is unchanged.
+ test "ping two nodes one with no hostname and one with hostname and check hostnames" do
+ # ping node with no hostname and expect it set with config format
+ node = ping_node(:new_with_no_hostname, {})
+ slot_number = node.slot_number
+ refute_nil node.slot_number
+ assert_equal "compute#{slot_number}", node.hostname
+ # ping node with a hostname and expect it to be unchanged
+ node2 = ping_node(:new_with_custom_hostname, {})
+ refute_nil node2.slot_number
+ assert_equal "custom1", node2.hostname
+ end
+ test "update dns when nodemanager clears hostname and ip_address" do
+ act_as_system_user do
+ node = ping_node(:new_with_custom_hostname, {})
+ Node.expects(:dns_server_update).with(node.hostname, Node::UNUSED_NODE_IP)
+ node.update_attributes(hostname: nil, ip_address: nil)
+ end
+ end
+ test "update dns when hostname changes" do
+ act_as_system_user do
+ node = ping_node(:new_with_custom_hostname, {})
+ Node.expects(:dns_server_update).with(node.hostname, Node::UNUSED_NODE_IP)
+ Node.expects(:dns_server_update).with('foo0', node.ip_address)
+ node.update_attributes!(hostname: 'foo0')
+ Node.expects(:dns_server_update).with('foo0', Node::UNUSED_NODE_IP)
+ node.update_attributes!(hostname: nil, ip_address: nil)
+ Node.expects(:dns_server_update).with('foo0', '')
+ node.update_attributes!(hostname: 'foo0', ip_address: '')
+ Node.expects(:dns_server_update).with('foo0', '')
+ node.update_attributes!(hostname: 'foo0', ip_address: '')
+ end
+ end