# Do not use this file for site configuration. Create application.yml
# instead (see application.yml.example).
+# Below is a sample setting for diagnostics testing.
+# Configure workbench URL as "arvados_workbench_url"
+# Configure test user tokens as "user_tokens".
+# At this time the tests need an "active" user token.
+# Also, configure the pipelines to be executed as "pipelines_to_test".
+# For each of the pipelines identified by the name of your choice
+# ("pipeline_1" and "pipeline_2" in this sample), provide the following:
+# template_uuid: is the uuid of the template to be executed
+# input_paths: an array of inputs for the pipeline. Use either a collection's "uuid"
+# or a file's "uuid/file_name" path in this array. If the pipeline does not require
+# any inputs, this can be omitted.
+# max_wait_seconds: max time in seconds to wait for the pipeline run to complete.
+# Default value of 30 seconds is used when this value is not provided.
+ arvados_workbench_url: https://localhost:3031
+ user_tokens:
+ active: eu33jurqntstmwo05h1jr3eblmi961e802703y6657s8zb14r
+ pipelines_to_test:
+ pipeline_1:
+ template_uuid: zzzzz-p5p6p-rxj8d71854j9idn
+ input_paths: [zzzzz-4zz18-nz98douzhaa3jh2]
+ max_wait_seconds: 10
+ pipeline_2:
+ template_uuid: zzzzz-p5p6p-1xbobfobk94ppbv
+ input_paths: [zzzzz-4zz18-nz98douzhaa3jh2, zzzzz-4zz18-gpw9o5wpcti3nib]
+# Below is a sample setting for performance testing.
+# Configure workbench URL as "arvados_workbench_url"
+# Configure test user token as "user_token".
+ arvados_workbench_url: https://localhost:3031
+ user_token: eu33jurqntstmwo05h1jr3eblmi961e802703y6657s8zb14r
cache_classes: false
- whiny_nils: true
+ eager_load: true
consider_all_requests_local: true
action_controller.perform_caching: false
action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors: false
active_support.deprecation: :log
action_dispatch.best_standards_support: :builtin
- active_record.mass_assignment_sanitizer: :strict
- active_record.auto_explain_threshold_in_seconds: 0.5
- assets.compress: false
assets.debug: true
profiling_enabled: true
site_name: Arvados Workbench (dev)
+ local_modified: "<%= '-modified' if `git status -s` != '' %>"
+ # API server configuration
+ arvados_login_base: ~
+ arvados_v1_base: ~
+ arvados_insecure_https: ~
force_ssl: true
cache_classes: true
+ eager_load: true
consider_all_requests_local: false
action_controller.perform_caching: true
serve_static_assets: false
- assets.compress: true
assets.compile: false
assets.digest: true
i18n.fallbacks: true
data_import_dir: /data/arvados-workbench-upload/data
data_export_dir: /data/arvados-workbench-download/data
+ # API server configuration
+ arvados_login_base: ~
+ arvados_v1_base: ~
+ arvados_insecure_https: ~
site_name: Arvados Workbench
cache_classes: true
+ eager_load: false
serve_static_assets: true
static_cache_control: public, max-age=3600
- whiny_nils: true
consider_all_requests_local: true
action_controller.perform_caching: false
action_dispatch.show_exceptions: false
action_controller.allow_forgery_protection: false
action_mailer.delivery_method: :test
- active_record.mass_assignment_sanitizer: :strict
active_support.deprecation: :stderr
profiling_enabled: false
secret_token: <%= rand(2**256).to_s(36) %>
+ secret_key_base: <%= rand(2**256).to_s(36) %>
# When you run the Workbench's integration tests, it starts the API
# server as a dependency. These settings should match the API
# server's Rails defaults. If you adjust those, change these
# settings in application.yml to match.
- arvados_login_base: https://localhost:3001/login
- arvados_v1_base: https://localhost:3001/arvados/v1
+ arvados_login_base: https://localhost:3000/login
+ arvados_v1_base: https://localhost:3000/arvados/v1
arvados_insecure_https: true
site_name: Workbench:test
+ # Enable user profile with one required field
+ user_profile_form_fields:
+ - key: organization
+ type: text
+ form_field_title: Institution
+ form_field_description: Your organization
+ required: true
+ - key: role
+ type: select
+ form_field_title: Your role
+ form_field_description: Choose the category that best describes your role in your organization.
+ options:
+ - Bio-informatician
+ - Computational biologist
+ - Biologist or geneticist
+ - Software developer
+ - IT
+ - Other
+ assets.js_compressor: false
+ assets.css_compressor: false
data_import_dir: /tmp/arvados-workbench-upload
data_export_dir: /tmp/arvados-workbench-download
arvados_login_base: https://arvados.local/login
arvados_theme: default
show_user_agreement_inline: false
secret_token: ~
+ secret_key_base: false
+ default_openid_prefix: https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id
+ send_user_setup_notification_email: true
+ # Set user_profile_form_fields to enable and configure the user profile page.
+ # Default is set to false. A commented setting with full description is provided below.
+ user_profile_form_fields: false
+ # Below is a sample setting of user_profile_form_fields config parameter.
+ # This configuration parameter should be set to either false (to disable) or
+ # to an array as shown below.
+ # Configure the list of input fields to be displayed in the profile page
+ # using the attribute "key" for each of the input fields.
+ # This sample shows configuration with one required and one optional form fields.
+ # For each of these input fields:
+ # You can specify "type" as "text" or "select".
+ # List the "options" to be displayed for each of the "select" menu.
+ # Set "required" as "true" for any of these fields to make them required.
+ # If any of the required fields are missing in the user's profile, the user will be
+ # redirected to the profile page before they can access any Workbench features.
+ #user_profile_form_fields:
+ # - key: organization
+ # type: text
+ # form_field_title: Institution/Company
+ # form_field_description: Your organization
+ # required: true
+ # - key: role
+ # type: select
+ # form_field_title: Your role
+ # form_field_description: Choose the category that best describes your role in your organization.
+ # options:
+ # - Bio-informatician
+ # - Computational biologist
+ # - Biologist or geneticist
+ # - Software developer
+ # - IT
+ # - Other
+ # Use "user_profile_form_message" to configure the message you want to display on
+ # the profile page.
+ user_profile_form_message: Welcome to Arvados. All <span style="color:red">required fields</span> must be completed before you can proceed.
+ # source_version
+ source_version: "<%= `git log -n 1 --format=%h`.strip %>"
+ local_modified: false
+ # report notification to and from addresses
+ issue_reporter_email_from: arvados@example.com
+ issue_reporter_email_to: arvados@example.com
+ support_email_address: arvados@example.com
+ # filename suffixes for which view icon would be shown in collection show page
+ filename_suffixes_with_view_icon: [txt, gif, jpeg, jpg, png, html, htm, pdf]
+ # the maximum number of bytes to load in the log viewer
+ log_viewer_max_bytes: 1000000
+ # Set anonymous user token to enable anonymous user access. You can get
+ # the token by running "bundle exec ./script/get_anonymous_user_token.rb"
+ # in the directory where you API server is running.
+ anonymous_user_token: false