+# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
require 'test_helper'
require 'helpers/git_test_helper'
+ def must_pipe(cmd)
+ begin
+ return IO.read("|#{cmd}")
+ ensure
+ assert $?.success?
+ end
+ end
assert $?.success?
+ def with_foo_repository
+ Dir.chdir("#{Rails.configuration.git_repositories_dir}/#{repositories(:foo).uuid}") do
+ must_pipe("git checkout master 2>&1")
+ yield
+ end
+ end
+ test 'tag_in_internal_repository, new non-tip sha1 in local repo' do
+ tag = "tag#{rand(10**10)}"
+ sha1 = nil
+ with_foo_repository do
+ must_pipe("git checkout -b branch-#{rand(10**10)} 2>&1")
+ must_pipe("echo -n #{tag.shellescape} >bar")
+ must_pipe("git add bar")
+ must_pipe("git -c user.email=x@x -c user.name=X commit -m -")
+ sha1 = must_pipe("git log -n1 --format=%H").strip
+ must_pipe("git rm bar")
+ must_pipe("git -c user.email=x@x -c user.name=X commit -m -")
+ end
+ Commit.tag_in_internal_repository 'active/foo', sha1, tag
+ gitint = "git --git-dir #{Rails.configuration.git_internal_dir.shellescape}"
+ assert_match(/^commit /, IO.read("|#{gitint} show #{tag.shellescape}"))
+ assert $?.success?
+ end
+ test 'tag_in_internal_repository, new unreferenced sha1 in local repo' do
+ tag = "tag#{rand(10**10)}"
+ sha1 = nil
+ with_foo_repository do
+ must_pipe("echo -n #{tag.shellescape} >bar")
+ must_pipe("git add bar")
+ must_pipe("git -c user.email=x@x -c user.name=X commit -m -")
+ sha1 = must_pipe("git log -n1 --format=%H").strip
+ must_pipe("git reset --hard HEAD^")
+ end
+ Commit.tag_in_internal_repository 'active/foo', sha1, tag
+ gitint = "git --git-dir #{Rails.configuration.git_internal_dir.shellescape}"
+ assert_match(/^commit /, IO.read("|#{gitint} show #{tag.shellescape}"))
+ assert $?.success?
+ end
# In active/shabranchnames, "7387838c69a21827834586cc42b467ff6c63293b" is
# both a commit hash, and the name of a branch that begins from that same
# commit.