(Note: because the syntax is designed to mimic standard shell syntax, it is necessary to quote the metacharacters @<@, @>@ and @|@ as either @\<@, @\>@ and @\|@ or @'<'@, @'>'@ and @'|'@.)
-$ <span class="userinput">arv-run grep -H -n ATTGGAGGAAAGATGAGTGAC \< *.fastq \> output.txt</span>
- 1 stderr run-command: grep -H -n ATTGGAGGAAAGATGAGTGAC < /keep/3229739b505d2b878b62aed09895a55a+142/HWI-ST1027_129_D0THKACXX.1_1.fastq > output.txt
- 2 stderr run-command: grep -H -n ATTGGAGGAAAGATGAGTGAC < /keep/3229739b505d2b878b62aed09895a55a+142/HWI-ST1027_129_D0THKACXX.1_2.fastq > output.txt
- 2 stderr run-command: completed with exit code 0 (success)
- 2 stderr run-command: the following output files will be saved to keep:
- 2 stderr run-command: 121 ./output.txt
- 2 stderr run-command: start writing output to keep
- 1 stderr run-command: completed with exit code 0 (success)
- 1 stderr run-command: the following output files will be saved to keep:
- 1 stderr run-command: 363 ./output.txt
- 1 stderr run-command: start writing output to keep
- 2 stderr upload wrote 121 total 121
- 1 stderr upload wrote 363 total 363
+{% include 'arv_run_redirection' %}
You may use "run-command":run-command.html parameter substitution in the output file name to generate different filenames for each task: