name: queued
state: Committed
priority: 1
- created_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
- updated_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
- modified_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ created_at: <%= 2.minute.ago.to_s(:db) %>
+ updated_at: <%= 1.minute.ago.to_s(:db) %>
+ modified_at: <%= 1.minute.ago.to_s(:db) %>
modified_by_user_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
container_image: test
cwd: test
output_path: test
command: ["echo", "hello"]
container_uuid: zzzzz-dz642-queuedcontainer
+ runtime_constraints:
+ vcpus: 1
+ ram: 123
uuid: zzzzz-xvhdp-cr4runningcntnr
name: running
state: Committed
priority: 1
- created_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
- updated_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
- modified_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ created_at: <%= 2.minute.ago.to_s(:db) %>
+ updated_at: <%= 1.minute.ago.to_s(:db) %>
+ modified_at: <%= 1.minute.ago.to_s(:db) %>
modified_by_user_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
container_image: test
cwd: test
output_path: test
command: ["echo", "hello"]
container_uuid: zzzzz-dz642-runningcontainr
+ runtime_constraints:
+ vcpus: 1
+ ram: 123
+ uuid: zzzzz-xvhdp-req4runningcntr
+ owner_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ name: requester_for_running_cr
+ state: Committed
+ priority: 1
+ created_at: <%= 2.minute.ago.to_s(:db) %>
+ updated_at: <%= 2.minute.ago.to_s(:db) %>
+ modified_at: <%= 2.minute.ago.to_s(:db) %>
+ modified_by_user_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ container_image: test
+ cwd: test
+ output_path: test
+ command: ["echo", "hello"]
+ container_uuid: zzzzz-dz642-logscontainer03
+ requesting_container_uuid: zzzzz-dz642-runningcontainr
+ runtime_constraints:
+ vcpus: 1
+ ram: 123
uuid: zzzzz-xvhdp-cr4runningcntn2
owner_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
name: running
output_path: test
command: ["echo", "hello"]
container_uuid: zzzzz-dz642-runningcontain2
+ runtime_constraints:
+ vcpus: 1
+ ram: 123
uuid: zzzzz-xvhdp-cr4completedctr
output_path: test
command: ["echo", "hello"]
container_uuid: zzzzz-dz642-compltcontainer
+ log_uuid: zzzzz-4zz18-y9vne9npefyxh8g
+ output_uuid: zzzzz-4zz18-znfnqtbbv4spc3w
+ runtime_constraints:
+ vcpus: 1
+ ram: 123
uuid: zzzzz-xvhdp-cr4completedcr2
output_path: test
command: ["echo", "hello"]
container_uuid: zzzzz-dz642-compltcontainr2
+ runtime_constraints:
+ vcpus: 1
+ ram: 123
+ uuid: zzzzz-xvhdp-9zacv3o1xw6sxz5
+ owner_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ name: requester
+ state: Committed
+ priority: 1
+ created_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ updated_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ modified_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ modified_by_user_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ container_image: test
+ cwd: /
+ output_path: /output
+ command: ["request-another-container", "echo", "hello"]
+ container_uuid: zzzzz-dz642-requestingcntnr
+ runtime_constraints:
+ vcpus: 1
+ ram: 123
uuid: zzzzz-xvhdp-cr4requestercnt
command: ["echo", "hello"]
container_uuid: zzzzz-dz642-requestercntnr1
requesting_container_uuid: zzzzz-dz642-requestingcntnr
+ runtime_constraints:
+ vcpus: 1
+ ram: 123
uuid: zzzzz-xvhdp-cr4requestercn2
output_path: test
command: ["echo", "hello"]
requesting_container_uuid: zzzzz-dz642-requestercntnr1
+ runtime_constraints:
+ vcpus: 1
+ ram: 123
+ uuid: zzzzz-xvhdp-runninganonaccs
+ owner_uuid: zzzzz-j7d0g-zhxawtyetzwc5f0
+ name: running anonymously accessible cr
+ state: Committed
+ priority: 1
+ created_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ updated_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ modified_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ modified_by_user_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ container_image: test
+ cwd: test
+ output_path: test
+ command: ["echo", "hello"]
+ container_uuid: zzzzz-dz642-runningcontain2
+ runtime_constraints:
+ vcpus: 1
+ ram: 123
+ uuid: zzzzz-xvhdp-cr4failedcontnr
+ owner_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ name: cr for container exit code not 0
+ state: Committed
+ priority: 1
+ created_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ updated_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ modified_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ modified_by_user_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ container_image: test
+ cwd: test
+ output_path: test
+ command: ["echo", "hello"]
+ container_uuid: zzzzz-dz642-failedcontainr1
+ runtime_constraints:
+ vcpus: 1
+ ram: 123
+ uuid: zzzzz-xvhdp-canceledqueuedc
+ owner_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ name: canceled with queued container
+ state: Committed
+ priority: 0
+ created_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ updated_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ modified_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ modified_by_user_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ container_image: test
+ cwd: test
+ output_path: test
+ command: ["echo", "hello"]
+ container_uuid: zzzzz-dz642-queuedcontainer
+ runtime_constraints:
+ vcpus: 1
+ ram: 123
+ uuid: zzzzz-xvhdp-canceledlocekdc
+ owner_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ name: canceled with locked container
+ state: Committed
+ priority: 0
+ created_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ updated_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ modified_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ modified_by_user_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ container_image: test
+ cwd: test
+ output_path: test
+ command: ["echo", "hello"]
+ container_uuid: zzzzz-dz642-lockedcontainer
+ runtime_constraints:
+ vcpus: 1
+ ram: 123
+ uuid: zzzzz-xvhdp-canceledrunning
+ owner_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ name: canceled with running container
+ state: Committed
+ priority: 0
+ created_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ updated_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ modified_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ modified_by_user_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ container_image: test
+ cwd: test
+ output_path: test
+ command: ["echo", "hello"]
+ container_uuid: zzzzz-dz642-runningcontainr
+ runtime_constraints:
+ vcpus: 1
+ ram: 123
+ uuid: zzzzz-xvhdp-cr4uncommittedc
+ owner_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ name: uncommitted
+ created_at: <%= 2.minute.ago.to_s(:db) %>
+ updated_at: <%= 1.minute.ago.to_s(:db) %>
+ modified_at: <%= 1.minute.ago.to_s(:db) %>
+ modified_by_user_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ command: ["arvados-cwl-runner", "--local", "--api=containers",
+ "/var/lib/cwl/workflow.json", "/var/lib/cwl/cwl.input.json"]
+ output_path: "/var/spool/cwl"
+ cwd: "/var/spool/cwl"
+ priority: 1
+ state: "Uncommitted"
+ container_image: arvados/jobs
+ mounts: {
+ "/var/lib/cwl/workflow.json": {
+ "kind": "json",
+ "content": {
+ "cwlVersion": "v1.0",
+ "$graph": [{
+ "id": "#main",
+ "class": "CommandLineTool",
+ "baseCommand": ["echo"],
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "doc": "a longer documentation string for this parameter (optional)",
+ "type": "boolean",
+ "id": "ex_boolean",
+ "label": "a short label for this parameter (optional)",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "type": ["null", "boolean"],
+ "id": "ex_boolean_opt",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "doc": "directory selection should present the workbench collection picker",
+ "type": "Directory",
+ "id": "ex_dir",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "double",
+ "id": "ex_double",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "doc": "file selection should present the workbench file picker",
+ "type": "File",
+ "id": "ex_file",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "float",
+ "id": "ex_float",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "int",
+ "id": "ex_int",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "type": ["null", "int"],
+ "id": "ex_int_opt",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "long",
+ "id": "ex_long",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": "ex_string",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "type": ["null", "string"],
+ "id": "ex_string_opt",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "type": {
+ "type": "enum",
+ "symbols": ["a", "b", "c"]
+ },
+ "id": "ex_enum",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "type": ["null", {
+ "type": "enum",
+ "symbols": ["a", "b", "c"]
+ }],
+ "id": "ex_enum_opt",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ }
+ ],
+ "outputs": []
+ }]
+ }
+ },
+ "/var/lib/cwl/cwl.input.json": {
+ "kind": "json",
+ "content": {}
+ },
+ "stdout": {
+ "kind": "file",
+ "path": "/var/spool/cwl/cwl.output.json"
+ },
+ "/var/spool/cwl": {
+ "kind": "collection",
+ "writable": true
+ }
+ }
+ runtime_constraints:
+ vcpus: 1
+ ram: 256000000
+ API: true
+ uuid: zzzzz-xvhdp-cr4uncommittedd
+ owner_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ name: uncommitted_ready_to_run
+ created_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ updated_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ modified_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ modified_by_user_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ command: ["arvados-cwl-runner", "--local", "--api=containers",
+ "/var/lib/cwl/workflow.json", "/var/lib/cwl/cwl.input.json"]
+ output_path: "/var/spool/cwl"
+ cwd: "/var/spool/cwl"
+ priority: 1
+ state: "Uncommitted"
+ container_image: arvados/jobs
+ mounts: {
+ "/var/lib/cwl/workflow.json": {
+ "kind": "json",
+ "content": {
+ "cwlVersion": "v1.0",
+ "class": "CommandLineTool",
+ "baseCommand": ["echo"],
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "doc": "a longer documentation string for this parameter (optional)",
+ "type": "boolean",
+ "id": "ex_boolean",
+ "label": "a short label for this parameter (optional)",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "type": ["null", "boolean"],
+ "id": "ex_boolean_opt",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "doc": "directory selection should present the workbench collection picker",
+ "type": "Directory",
+ "id": "ex_dir",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "double",
+ "id": "ex_double",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "doc": "file selection should present the workbench file picker",
+ "type": "File",
+ "id": "ex_file",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "float",
+ "id": "ex_float",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "int",
+ "id": "ex_int",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "type": ["null", "int"],
+ "id": "ex_int_opt",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "long",
+ "id": "ex_long",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": "ex_string",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "type": ["null", "string"],
+ "id": "ex_string_opt",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "type": {
+ "type": "enum",
+ "symbols": ["a", "b", "c"]
+ },
+ "id": "ex_enum",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "type": ["null", {
+ "type": "enum",
+ "symbols": ["a", "b", "c"]
+ }],
+ "id": "ex_enum_opt",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ }
+ ],
+ "outputs": []
+ }
+ },
+ "/var/lib/cwl/cwl.input.json": {
+ "kind": "json",
+ "content": {
+ "ex_string_opt": null,
+ "ex_int_opt": null,
+ "ex_boolean": false,
+ "ex_boolean_opt": true,
+ "ex_dir": {
+ "class": "Directory",
+ "location": "keep:1f4b0bc7583c2a7f9102c395f4ffc5e3+45",
+ "arv:collection": "zzzzz-4zz18-znfnqtbbv4spc3w"
+ },
+ "ex_double": 66.0,
+ "ex_file": {
+ "class": "File",
+ "location": "keep:1f4b0bc7583c2a7f9102c395f4ffc5e3+45/foo",
+ "arv:collection": "zzzzz-4zz18-znfnqtbbv4spc3w/foo"
+ },
+ "ex_float": 55.0,
+ "ex_int": 55,
+ "ex_long": 22,
+ "ex_string": "qq",
+ "ex_enum": "a"
+ }
+ },
+ "stdout": {
+ "kind": "file",
+ "path": "/var/spool/cwl/cwl.output.json"
+ },
+ "/var/spool/cwl": {
+ "kind": "collection",
+ "writable": true
+ }
+ }
+ runtime_constraints:
+ vcpus: 1
+ ram: 256000000
+ API: true
+ uuid: zzzzz-xvhdp-cr4uncommitted2
+ owner_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ name: uncommitted with directory input
+ created_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ updated_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ modified_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ modified_by_user_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ command: ["arvados-cwl-runner", "--local", "--api=containers",
+ "/var/lib/cwl/workflow.json", "/var/lib/cwl/cwl.input.json"]
+ output_path: "/var/spool/cwl"
+ cwd: "/var/spool/cwl"
+ priority: 1
+ state: Uncommitted
+ container_image: fa3c1a9cb6783f85f2ecda037e07b8c3+167
+ mounts: {
+ "/var/lib/cwl/workflow.json": {
+ "kind": "json",
+ "content": {
+ "cwlVersion": "v1.0",
+ "class": "CommandLineTool",
+ "baseCommand": ["echo"],
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "type": "Directory",
+ "id": "directory_type",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ }
+ ],
+ "outputs": []
+ }
+ },
+ "/var/lib/cwl/cwl.input.json": {
+ "kind": "json",
+ "content": {}
+ },
+ "stdout": {
+ "kind": "file",
+ "path": "/var/spool/cwl/cwl.output.json"
+ },
+ "/var/spool/cwl": {
+ "kind": "collection",
+ "writable": true
+ }
+ }
+ runtime_constraints:
+ vcpus: 1
+ ram: 256000000
+ API: true
+ uuid: zzzzz-xvhdp-cr4uncommittedf
+ owner_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ name: uncommitted with directory input
+ created_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ updated_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ modified_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ modified_by_user_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ command: ["arvados-cwl-runner", "--local", "--api=containers",
+ "/var/lib/cwl/workflow.json", "/var/lib/cwl/cwl.input.json"]
+ output_path: "/var/spool/cwl"
+ cwd: "/var/spool/cwl"
+ priority: 1
+ state: Uncommitted
+ container_image: fa3c1a9cb6783f85f2ecda037e07b8c3+167
+ mounts: {
+ "/var/lib/cwl/workflow.json": {
+ "kind": "json",
+ "content": {
+ "cwlVersion": "v1.0",
+ "class": "CommandLineTool",
+ "baseCommand": ["echo"],
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "type": "File",
+ "id": "file_type",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ }
+ ],
+ "outputs": []
+ }
+ },
+ "/var/lib/cwl/cwl.input.json": {
+ "kind": "json",
+ "content": {}
+ },
+ "stdout": {
+ "kind": "file",
+ "path": "/var/spool/cwl/cwl.output.json"
+ },
+ "/var/spool/cwl": {
+ "kind": "collection",
+ "writable": true
+ }
+ }
+ runtime_constraints:
+ vcpus: 1
+ ram: 256000000
+ API: true
+ uuid: zzzzz-xvhdp-cr4uncommitted3
+ owner_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ name: uncommitted with required and optional inputs
+ created_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ updated_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ modified_at: 2016-01-11 11:11:11.111111111 Z
+ modified_by_user_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ command: ["arvados-cwl-runner", "--local", "--api=containers",
+ "/var/lib/cwl/workflow.json", "/var/lib/cwl/cwl.input.json"]
+ output_path: "/var/spool/cwl"
+ cwd: "/var/spool/cwl"
+ priority: 1
+ state: Uncommitted
+ container_image: fa3c1a9cb6783f85f2ecda037e07b8c3+167
+ mounts: {
+ "/var/lib/cwl/workflow.json": {
+ "kind": "json",
+ "content": {
+ "cwlVersion": "v1.0",
+ "class": "CommandLineTool",
+ "baseCommand": ["echo"],
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "type": "int",
+ "id": "int_required",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ },
+ {
+ "type": ["null", "int"],
+ "id": "int_optional",
+ "inputBinding": {"position": 1}
+ }
+ ],
+ "outputs": []
+ }
+ },
+ "/var/lib/cwl/cwl.input.json": {
+ "kind": "json",
+ "content": {}
+ },
+ "stdout": {
+ "kind": "file",
+ "path": "/var/spool/cwl/cwl.output.json"
+ },
+ "/var/spool/cwl": {
+ "kind": "collection",
+ "writable": true
+ }
+ }
+ runtime_constraints:
+ vcpus: 1
+ ram: 256000000
+ API: true
+# Test Helper trims the rest of the file
+# Do not add your fixtures below this line as the rest of this file will be trimmed by test_helper
+# container requests in project_with_2_pipelines_and_60_crs
+<% for i in 1..60 do %>
+ uuid: zzzzz-xvhdp-oneof60crs<%= i.to_s.rjust(5, '0') %>
+ created_at: <%= ((i+5)/5).hour.ago.to_s(:db) %>
+ owner_uuid: zzzzz-j7d0g-nnncrspipelines
+ name: cr-<%= i.to_s %>
+ output_path: test
+ command: ["echo", "hello"]
+<% end %>
+# Do not add your fixtures below this line as the rest of this file will be trimmed by test_helper