+# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
# A library of functions shared by the various scripts in this directory.
# older packages.
+if [[ -z "$ARVADOS_BUILDING_VERSION" ]]; then
debug_echo () {
echo "$@" >"$STDOUT_IF_DEBUG"
version_from_git() {
- # Generates a version number from the git log for the current working
- # directory, and writes it to stdout.
- local git_ts git_hash
- declare $(format_last_commit_here "git_ts=%ct git_hash=%h")
- echo "0.1.$(date -ud "@$git_ts" +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).$git_hash"
+ # Output the version being built, or if we're building a
+ # dev/prerelease, output a version number based on the git log for
+ # the current working directory.
+ if [[ -n "$ARVADOS_BUILDING_VERSION" ]]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ local git_ts git_hash prefix
+ if [[ -n "$1" ]] ; then
+ prefix="$1"
+ else
+ prefix="0.1"
+ fi
+ declare $(format_last_commit_here "git_ts=%ct git_hash=%h")
+ ARVADOS_BUILDING_VERSION="$(git describe --abbrev=0).$(date -ud "@$git_ts" +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)"
nohash_version_from_git() {
- version_from_git | cut -d. -f1-3
+ if [[ -n "$ARVADOS_BUILDING_VERSION" ]]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ version_from_git $1 | cut -d. -f1-4
timestamp_from_git() {
local gem_version="$(nohash_version_from_git)"
local gem_src_dir="$(pwd)"
+ if [[ -n "$ONLY_BUILD" ]] && [[ "$gem_name" != "$ONLY_BUILD" ]] ; then
+ return 0
+ fi
if ! [[ -e "${gem_name}-${gem_version}.gem" ]]; then
find -maxdepth 1 -name "${gem_name}-*.gem" -delete
local description="$1"; shift
local license_file="${1:-agpl-3.0.txt}"; shift
+ if [[ -n "$ONLY_BUILD" ]] && [[ "$prog" != "$ONLY_BUILD" ]] ; then
+ return 0
+ fi
debug_echo "package_go_binary $src_path as $prog"
local basename="${src_path##*/}"
mkdir -p "$GOPATH/src/git.curoverse.com"
ln -sfn "$WORKSPACE" "$GOPATH/src/git.curoverse.com/arvados.git"
+ (cd "$GOPATH/src/git.curoverse.com/arvados.git" && "$GOPATH/bin/govendor" sync -v)
cd "$GOPATH/src/git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/$src_path"
local version="$(version_from_git)"
local timestamp="$(timestamp_from_git)"
- # If the command imports anything from the Arvados SDK, bump the
- # version number and build a new package whenever the SDK changes.
+ # Update the version number and build a new package if the vendor
+ # bundle has changed, or the command imports anything from the
+ # Arvados SDK and the SDK has changed.
+ declare -a checkdirs=(vendor)
if grep -qr git.curoverse.com/arvados .; then
- cd "$GOPATH/src/git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go"
- if [[ $(timestamp_from_git) -gt "$timestamp" ]]; then
- version=$(version_from_git)
+ checkdirs+=(sdk/go)
+ if [[ "$prog" -eq "crunch-dispatch-slurm" ]]; then
+ checkdirs+=(lib/dispatchcloud)
+ for dir in ${checkdirs[@]}; do
+ cd "$GOPATH/src/git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/$dir"
+ ts="$(timestamp_from_git)"
+ if [[ "$ts" -gt "$timestamp" ]]; then
+ version=$(version_from_git)
+ timestamp="$ts"
+ fi
+ done
cd $WORKSPACE/packages/$TARGET
- go get "git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/$src_path"
+ test_package_presence $prog $version go
+ if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ go get -ldflags "-X main.version=${version}" "git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/$src_path"
- declare -a switches=()
+ local -a switches=()
if [[ -e "${systemd_unit}" ]]; then
default_iteration() {
+ if [[ -n "$ARVADOS_BUILDING_VERSION" ]]; then
+ return
+ fi
local package_name="$1"; shift
local package_version="$1"; shift
+ local package_type="$1"; shift
local iteration=1
if [[ $package_version =~ ^0\.1\.([0-9]{14})(\.|$) ]] && \
[[ ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} -le $LICENSE_PACKAGE_TS ]]; then
+ if [[ $package_type =~ ^python ]]; then
+ # Fix --iteration for #9242.
+ iteration=2
+ fi
echo $iteration
+test_rails_package_presence() {
+ local pkgname="$1"; shift
+ local srcdir="$1"; shift
+ if [[ -n "$ONLY_BUILD" ]] && [[ "$pkgname" != "$ONLY_BUILD" ]] ; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ tmppwd=`pwd`
+ cd $srcdir
+ local version="$(version_from_git)"
+ cd $tmppwd
+ test_package_presence $pkgname $version rails "$RAILS_PACKAGE_ITERATION"
+test_package_presence() {
+ local pkgname="$1"; shift
+ local version="$1"; shift
+ local pkgtype="$1"; shift
+ local iteration="$1"; shift
+ local arch="$1"; shift
+ if [[ -n "$ONLY_BUILD" ]] && [[ "$pkgname" != "$ONLY_BUILD" ]] ; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [[ "$iteration" == "" ]]; then
+ iteration="$(default_iteration "$pkgname" "$version" "$pkgtype")"
+ fi
+ if [[ "$arch" == "" ]]; then
+ rpm_architecture="x86_64"
+ deb_architecture="amd64"
+ if [[ "$pkgtype" =~ ^(python|python3)$ ]]; then
+ rpm_architecture="noarch"
+ deb_architecture="all"
+ fi
+ if [[ "$pkgtype" =~ ^(src)$ ]]; then
+ rpm_architecture="noarch"
+ deb_architecture="all"
+ fi
+ # These python packages have binary components
+ if [[ "$pkgname" =~ (ruamel|ciso|pycrypto|pyyaml) ]]; then
+ rpm_architecture="x86_64"
+ deb_architecture="amd64"
+ fi
+ else
+ rpm_architecture=$arch
+ deb_architecture=$arch
+ fi
+ if [[ "$FORMAT" == "deb" ]]; then
+ local complete_pkgname="${pkgname}_$version${iteration:+-$iteration}_$deb_architecture.deb"
+ else
+ # rpm packages get iteration 1 if we don't supply one
+ iteration=${iteration:-1}
+ local complete_pkgname="$pkgname-$version-${iteration}.$rpm_architecture.rpm"
+ fi
+ # See if we can skip building the package, only if it already exists in the
+ # processed/ directory. If so, move it back to the packages directory to make
+ # sure it gets picked up by the test and/or upload steps.
+ # Get the list of packages from the repos
+ if [[ "$FORMAT" == "deb" ]]; then
+ debian_distros="jessie precise stretch trusty wheezy xenial"
+ for D in ${debian_distros}; do
+ if [ ${pkgname:0:3} = "lib" ]; then
+ repo_subdir=${pkgname:0:4}
+ else
+ repo_subdir=${pkgname:0:1}
+ fi
+ repo_pkg_list=$(curl -o - http://apt.arvados.org/pool/${D}/main/${repo_subdir}/)
+ echo ${repo_pkg_list} |grep -q ${complete_pkgname}
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "Package $complete_pkgname exists, not rebuilding!"
+ curl -o ./${complete_pkgname} http://apt.arvados.org/pool/${D}/main/${repo_subdir}/${complete_pkgname}
+ return 1
+ else
+ echo "Package $complete_pkgname not found, building"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ centos_repo="http://rpm.arvados.org/CentOS/7/dev/x86_64/"
+ repo_pkg_list=$(curl -o - ${centos_repo})
+ echo ${repo_pkg_list} |grep -q ${complete_pkgname}
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "Package $complete_pkgname exists, not rebuilding!"
+ curl -o ./${complete_pkgname} ${centos_repo}${complete_pkgname}
+ return 1
+ else
+ echo "Package $complete_pkgname not found, building"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ fi
handle_rails_package() {
local pkgname="$1"; shift
+ if [[ -n "$ONLY_BUILD" ]] && [[ "$pkgname" != "$ONLY_BUILD" ]] ; then
+ return 0
+ fi
local srcdir="$1"; shift
+ cd "$srcdir"
local license_path="$1"; shift
+ local version="$(version_from_git)"
local scripts_dir="$(mktemp --tmpdir -d "$pkgname-XXXXXXXX.scripts")" && \
- local version_file="$(mktemp --tmpdir "$pkgname-XXXXXXXX.version")" && (
+ (
set -e
_build_rails_package_scripts "$pkgname" "$scripts_dir"
cd "$srcdir"
mkdir -p tmp
- version_from_git >"$version_file"
git rev-parse HEAD >git-commit.version
bundle package --all
if [[ 0 != "$?" ]] || ! cd "$WORKSPACE/packages/$TARGET"; then
echo "ERROR: $pkgname package prep failed" >&2
- rm -rf "$scripts_dir" "$version_file"
+ rm -rf "$scripts_dir"
return 1
local railsdir="/var/www/${pkgname%-server}/current"
- local -a pos_args=("$srcdir/=$railsdir" "$pkgname" "Curoverse, Inc." dir
- "$(cat "$version_file")")
+ local -a pos_args=("$srcdir/=$railsdir" "$pkgname" "Curoverse, Inc." dir "$version")
local license_arg="$license_path=$railsdir/$(basename "$license_path")"
- local -a switches=(--iteration=6
- --after-install "$scripts_dir/postinst"
+ local -a switches=(--after-install "$scripts_dir/postinst"
--before-remove "$scripts_dir/prerm"
--after-remove "$scripts_dir/postrm")
+ if [[ -z "$ARVADOS_BUILDING_VERSION" ]]; then
+ switches+=(--iteration $RAILS_PACKAGE_ITERATION)
+ fi
# For some reason fpm excludes need to not start with /.
local exclude_root="${railsdir#/}"
# .git and packages are for the SSO server, which is built from its
switches+=(-x "$exclude_root/$exclude")
fpm_build "${pos_args[@]}" "${switches[@]}" \
+ -x "$exclude_root/vendor/cache-*" \
-x "$exclude_root/vendor/bundle" "$@" "$license_arg"
- rm -rf "$scripts_dir" "$version_file"
+ rm -rf "$scripts_dir"
# Build packages for everything
- local default_iteration_value="$(default_iteration "$PACKAGE" "$VERSION")"
+ if [[ -n "$ONLY_BUILD" ]] && [[ "$PACKAGE_NAME" != "$ONLY_BUILD" ]] && [[ "$PACKAGE" != "$ONLY_BUILD" ]] ; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ local default_iteration_value="$(default_iteration "$PACKAGE" "$VERSION" "$PACKAGE_TYPE")"
+ local python=""
case "$PACKAGE_TYPE" in
# All Arvados Python2 packages depend on Python 2.7.
# Make sure we build with that for consistency.
+ python=python2.7
set -- "$@" --python-bin python2.7 \
--python-easyinstall "$EASY_INSTALL2" \
--python-package-name-prefix "$PYTHON2_PKG_PREFIX" \
--python-install-data . \
--exclude "${PYTHON2_INSTALL_LIB#/}/tests" \
--depends "$PYTHON2_PACKAGE"
- # Fix --iteration for #9242.
- default_iteration_value=$(($default_iteration_value + 1))
# fpm does not actually support a python3 package type. Instead
# necessary arguments to fpm's command line later, after we're
# done handling positional arguments.
+ python=python3
set -- "$@" --python-bin python3 \
--python-easyinstall "$EASY_INSTALL3" \
--python-package-name-prefix "$PYTHON3_PKG_PREFIX" \
--python-install-data . \
--exclude "${PYTHON3_INSTALL_LIB#/}/tests" \
--depends "$PYTHON3_PACKAGE"
- # Fix --iteration for #9242.
- default_iteration_value=$(($default_iteration_value + 1))
+ # 12271 - As FPM-generated packages don't include scripts by default, the
+ # packages cleanup on upgrade depends on files being listed on the %files
+ # section in the generated SPEC files. To remove DIRECTORIES, they need to
+ # be listed in that sectiontoo, so we need to add this parameter to properly
+ # remove lingering dirs. But this only works for python2: if used on
+ # python33, it includes dirs like /opt/rh/python33 that belong to
+ # other packages.
+ if [[ "$FORMAT" = rpm ]] && [[ "$python" = python2.7 ]]; then
+ COMMAND_ARR+=('--rpm-auto-add-directories')
+ fi
if [[ "${DEBUG:-0}" != "0" ]]; then
COMMAND_ARR+=('--verbose' '--log' 'info')
if [[ "$VERSION" != "" ]]; then
- # We can always add an --iteration here. If another one is specified in $@,
- # that will take precedence, as desired.
- COMMAND_ARR+=(--iteration "$default_iteration_value")
+ if [[ -n "$default_iteration_value" ]]; then
+ # We can always add an --iteration here. If another one is specified in $@,
+ # that will take precedence, as desired.
+ COMMAND_ARR+=(--iteration "$default_iteration_value")
+ fi
if [[ python = "$PACKAGE_TYPE" ]] && [[ -e "${PACKAGE}/${PACKAGE_NAME}.service" ]]
declare -a fpm_dirs=(
# source dir part of 'dir' package ("/source=/dest" => "/source"):
- # backports ("llfuse==0.41.1" => "backports/python-llfuse")
+ # backports ("llfuse>=1.0" => "backports/python-llfuse")
if [[ -n "$PACKAGE_NAME" ]]; then
+ # if something went wrong and debug is off, print out the fpm command that errored
+ if [[ 0 -ne $? ]] && [[ "$STDOUT_IF_DEBUG" == "/dev/null" ]]; then
+ echo -e "\n${COMMAND_ARR[@]}\n"
+ fi
# verify build results
if [[ "$FPM_PACKAGE_NAME" == "" ]]; then
+ echo
echo "Error: $PACKAGE: Unable to figure out package name from fpm results:"
+ return 1
elif [[ "$FPM_RESULTS" =~ "File already exists" ]]; then
echo "Package $FPM_PACKAGE_NAME exists, not rebuilding"
+ return 0
elif [[ 0 -ne "$FPM_EXIT_CODE" ]]; then
echo "Error building package for $1:\n $FPM_RESULTS"
+ return 1