+# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
require 'can_be_an_owner'
class User < ArvadosModel
include CommonApiTemplate
include CanBeAnOwner
+ # To avoid upgrade bugs, when changing the permission cache value
+ # format, change PERM_CACHE_PREFIX too:
+ PERM_CACHE_PREFIX = "perm_v20170725_"
+ PERM_CACHE_TTL = 172800
serialize :prefs, Hash
has_many :api_client_authorizations
format: {
- with: /^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*$/,
+ with: /\A[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*\z/,
message: "must begin with a letter and contain only alphanumerics",
uniqueness: true,
before_update :verify_repositories_empty, :if => Proc.new { |user|
user.username.nil? and user.username_changed?
+ before_update :setup_on_activate
before_create :check_auto_admin
before_create :set_initial_username, :if => Proc.new { |user|
user.username.nil? and user.email
ALL_PERMISSIONS = {read: true, write: true, manage: true}
+ # Map numeric permission levels (see lib/create_permission_view.sql)
+ # back to read/write/manage flags.
+ [{},
+ {read: true},
+ {read: true, write: true},
+ {read: true, write: true, manage: true}]
def full_name
"#{first_name} #{last_name}".strip
def is_invited
!!(self.is_active ||
Rails.configuration.new_users_are_active ||
- self.groups_i_can(:read).select { |x| x.match /-f+$/ }.first)
+ self.groups_i_can(:read).select { |x| x.match(/-f+$/) }.first)
def groups_i_can(verb)
timestamp = DbCurrentTime::db_current_time.to_i if timestamp.nil?
connection.execute "NOTIFY invalidate_permissions_cache, '#{timestamp}'"
- Rails.cache.delete_matched(/^groups_for_user_/)
+ Rails.cache.delete_matched(/^#{PERM_CACHE_PREFIX}/)
+ end
+ end
+ # Return a hash of {user_uuid: group_perms}
+ def self.all_group_permissions
+ install_view('permission')
+ all_perms = {}
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.
+ exec_query('SELECT user_uuid, target_owner_uuid, max(perm_level)
+ FROM permission_view
+ WHERE target_owner_uuid IS NOT NULL
+ GROUP BY user_uuid, target_owner_uuid',
+ # "name" arg is a query label that appears in logs:
+ "all_group_permissions",
+ ).rows.each do |user_uuid, group_uuid, max_p_val|
+ all_perms[user_uuid] ||= {}
+ all_perms[user_uuid][group_uuid] = PERMS_FOR_VAL[max_p_val.to_i]
+ all_perms
# Return a hash of {group_uuid: perm_hash} where perm_hash[:read]
# and perm_hash[:write] are true if this user can read and write
# objects owned by group_uuid.
- #
- # The permission graph is built by repeatedly enumerating all
- # permission links reachable from self.uuid, and then calling
- # search_permissions
def calculate_group_permissions
- permissions_from = {}
- todo = {self.uuid => true}
- done = {}
- # Build the equivalence class of permissions starting with
- # self.uuid. On each iteration of this loop, todo contains
- # the next set of uuids in the permission equivalence class
- # to evaluate.
- while !todo.empty?
- lookup_uuids = todo.keys
- lookup_uuids.each do |uuid| done[uuid] = true end
- todo = {}
- newgroups = []
- # include all groups owned by the current set of uuids.
- Group.where('owner_uuid in (?)', lookup_uuids).each do |group|
- newgroups << [group.owner_uuid, group.uuid, 'can_manage']
- end
- # add any permission links from the current lookup_uuids to a Group.
- Link.where('link_class = ? and tail_uuid in (?) and ' \
- '(head_uuid like ? or (name = ? and head_uuid like ?))',
- 'permission',
- lookup_uuids,
- Group.uuid_like_pattern,
- 'can_manage',
- User.uuid_like_pattern).each do |link|
- newgroups << [link.tail_uuid, link.head_uuid, link.name]
- end
- newgroups.each do |tail_uuid, head_uuid, perm_name|
- unless done.has_key? head_uuid
- todo[head_uuid] = true
- end
- link_permissions = {}
- case perm_name
- when 'can_read'
- link_permissions = {read:true}
- when 'can_write'
- link_permissions = {read:true,write:true}
- when 'can_manage'
- link_permissions = ALL_PERMISSIONS
- end
- permissions_from[tail_uuid] ||= {}
- permissions_from[tail_uuid][head_uuid] ||= {}
- link_permissions.each do |k,v|
- permissions_from[tail_uuid][head_uuid][k] ||= v
- end
- end
- end
- perms = search_permissions(self.uuid, permissions_from)
- Rails.cache.write "groups_for_user_#{self.uuid}", perms
- perms
+ self.class.install_view('permission')
+ group_perms = {}
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.
+ exec_query('SELECT target_owner_uuid, max(perm_level)
+ FROM permission_view
+ WHERE user_uuid = $1
+ AND target_owner_uuid IS NOT NULL
+ GROUP BY target_owner_uuid',
+ # "name" arg is a query label that appears in logs:
+ "group_permissions for #{uuid}",
+ # "binds" arg is an array of [col_id, value] for '$1' vars:
+ [[nil, uuid]],
+ ).rows.each do |group_uuid, max_p_val|
+ group_perms[group_uuid] = PERMS_FOR_VAL[max_p_val.to_i]
+ end
+ Rails.cache.write "#{PERM_CACHE_PREFIX}#{self.uuid}", group_perms, expires_in: PERM_CACHE_TTL
+ group_perms
# Return a hash of {group_uuid: perm_hash} where perm_hash[:read]
# and perm_hash[:write] are true if this user can read and write
# objects owned by group_uuid.
def group_permissions
- r = Rails.cache.read "groups_for_user_#{self.uuid}"
+ r = Rails.cache.read "#{PERM_CACHE_PREFIX}#{self.uuid}"
if r.nil?
if Rails.configuration.async_permissions_update
while r.nil?
- r = Rails.cache.read "groups_for_user_#{self.uuid}"
+ r = Rails.cache.read "#{PERM_CACHE_PREFIX}#{self.uuid}"
r = calculate_group_permissions
- def self.setup(user, openid_prefix, repo_name=nil, vm_uuid=nil)
- return user.setup_repo_vm_links(repo_name, vm_uuid, openid_prefix)
- end
# create links
- def setup_repo_vm_links(repo_name, vm_uuid, openid_prefix)
+ def setup(openid_prefix:, repo_name: nil, vm_uuid: nil)
oid_login_perm = create_oid_login_perm openid_prefix
repo_perm = create_user_repo_link repo_name
- vm_login_perm = create_vm_login_permission_link vm_uuid, username
+ vm_login_perm = create_vm_login_permission_link(vm_uuid, username) if vm_uuid
group_perm = create_user_group_link
return [oid_login_perm, repo_perm, vm_login_perm, group_perm, self].compact
# delete "All users" group read permissions for this user
group = Group.where(name: 'All users').select do |g|
- g[:uuid].match /-f+$/
+ g[:uuid].match(/-f+$/)
Link.destroy_all(tail_uuid: self.uuid,
head_uuid: group[:uuid],
- def create_oid_login_perm (openid_prefix)
- login_perm_props = { "identity_url_prefix" => openid_prefix}
+ def create_oid_login_perm(openid_prefix)
# Check oid_login_perm
oid_login_perms = Link.where(tail_uuid: self.email,
- link_class: 'permission',
- name: 'can_login').where("head_uuid = ?", self.uuid)
+ head_uuid: self.uuid,
+ link_class: 'permission',
+ name: 'can_login')
if !oid_login_perms.any?
# create openid login permission
name: 'can_login',
tail_uuid: self.email,
head_uuid: self.uuid,
- properties: login_perm_props
- )
+ properties: {
+ "identity_url_prefix" => openid_prefix,
+ })
logger.info { "openid login permission: " + oid_login_perm[:uuid] }
oid_login_perm = oid_login_perms.first
# create login permission for the given vm_uuid, if it does not already exist
def create_vm_login_permission_link(vm_uuid, repo_name)
# vm uuid is optional
- if vm_uuid
- vm = VirtualMachine.where(uuid: vm_uuid).first
+ return if !vm_uuid
- if not vm
- logger.warn "Could not find virtual machine for #{vm_uuid.inspect}"
- raise "No vm found for #{vm_uuid}"
- end
- else
- return
+ vm = VirtualMachine.where(uuid: vm_uuid).first
+ if !vm
+ logger.warn "Could not find virtual machine for #{vm_uuid.inspect}"
+ raise "No vm found for #{vm_uuid}"
logger.info { "vm uuid: " + vm[:uuid] }
# Send admin notifications
def send_admin_notifications
- AdminNotifier.new_user(self).deliver
+ AdminNotifier.new_user(self).deliver_now
if not self.is_active then
- AdminNotifier.new_inactive_user(self).deliver
+ AdminNotifier.new_inactive_user(self).deliver_now
+ end
+ end
+ # Automatically setup if is_active flag turns on
+ def setup_on_activate
+ return if [system_user_uuid, anonymous_user_uuid].include?(self.uuid)
+ if is_active && (new_record? || is_active_changed?)
+ setup(openid_prefix: Rails.configuration.default_openid_prefix)
# Automatically setup new user during creation
def auto_setup_new_user
- setup_repo_vm_links(nil, nil, Rails.configuration.default_openid_prefix)
+ setup(openid_prefix: Rails.configuration.default_openid_prefix)
if username
if self.prefs_changed?
if self.prefs_was.andand.empty? || !self.prefs_was.andand['profile']
profile_notification_address = Rails.configuration.user_profile_notification_address
- ProfileNotifier.profile_created(self, profile_notification_address).deliver if profile_notification_address
+ ProfileNotifier.profile_created(self, profile_notification_address).deliver_now if profile_notification_address