import os
import sys
import llfuse
-from llfuse import FUSEError
import errno
import stat
import threading
import _strptime
import calendar
import threading
-from arvados.util import portable_data_hash_pattern, uuid_pattern, collection_uuid_pattern, group_uuid_pattern, user_uuid_pattern, link_uuid_pattern
+import itertools
+import ciso8601
+import collections
+import functools
-_logger = logging.getLogger('arvados.arvados_fuse')
-# Match any character which FUSE or Linux cannot accommodate as part
-# of a filename. (If present in a collection filename, they will
-# appear as underscores in the fuse mount.)
-_disallowed_filename_characters = re.compile('[\x00/]')
-class SafeApi(object):
- '''Threadsafe wrapper for API object. This stores and returns a different api
- object per thread, because httplib2 which underlies apiclient is not
- threadsafe.
- '''
- def __init__(self, config):
- = config.get('ARVADOS_API_HOST')
- self.api_token = config.get('ARVADOS_API_TOKEN')
- self.insecure = config.flag_is_true('ARVADOS_API_HOST_INSECURE')
- self.local = threading.local()
- self.block_cache = arvados.KeepBlockCache()
- def localapi(self):
- if 'api' not in self.local.__dict__:
- self.local.api = arvados.api('v1', False,,
- self.api_token, self.insecure)
- return self.local.api
- def localkeep(self):
- if 'keep' not in self.local.__dict__:
- self.local.keep = arvados.KeepClient(api_client=self.localapi(), block_cache=self.block_cache)
- return self.local.keep
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- # Proxy nonexistent attributes to the local API client.
- try:
- return getattr(self.localapi(), name)
- except AttributeError:
- return super(SafeApi, self).__getattr__(name)
-def convertTime(t):
- '''Parse Arvados timestamp to unix time.'''
- try:
- return calendar.timegm(time.strptime(t, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
- except (TypeError, ValueError):
- return 0
-def sanitize_filename(dirty):
- '''Replace disallowed filename characters with harmless "_".'''
- if dirty is None:
- return None
- elif dirty == '':
- return '_'
- elif dirty == '.':
- return '_'
- elif dirty == '..':
- return '__'
- else:
- return _disallowed_filename_characters.sub('_', dirty)
-class FreshBase(object):
- '''Base class for maintaining fresh/stale state to determine when to update.'''
- def __init__(self):
- self._stale = True
- self._poll = False
- self._last_update = time.time()
- self._atime = time.time()
- self._poll_time = 60
- # Mark the value as stale
- def invalidate(self):
- self._stale = True
- # Test if the entries dict is stale.
- def stale(self):
- if self._stale:
- return True
- if self._poll:
- return (self._last_update + self._poll_time) < self._atime
- return False
- def fresh(self):
- self._stale = False
- self._last_update = time.time()
- def atime(self):
- return self._atime
-class File(FreshBase):
- '''Base for file objects.'''
- def __init__(self, parent_inode, _mtime=0):
- super(File, self).__init__()
- self.inode = None
- self.parent_inode = parent_inode
- self._mtime = _mtime
- def size(self):
- return 0
- def readfrom(self, off, size):
- return ''
- def mtime(self):
- return self._mtime
-class StreamReaderFile(File):
- '''Wraps a StreamFileReader as a file.'''
- def __init__(self, parent_inode, reader, _mtime):
- super(StreamReaderFile, self).__init__(parent_inode, _mtime)
- self.reader = reader
- def size(self):
- return self.reader.size()
- def readfrom(self, off, size):
- return self.reader.readfrom(off, size)
- def stale(self):
- return False
-class StringFile(File):
- '''Wrap a simple string as a file'''
- def __init__(self, parent_inode, contents, _mtime):
- super(StringFile, self).__init__(parent_inode, _mtime)
- self.contents = contents
- def size(self):
- return len(self.contents)
- def readfrom(self, off, size):
- return self.contents[off:(off+size)]
-class ObjectFile(StringFile):
- '''Wrap a dict as a serialized json object.'''
- def __init__(self, parent_inode, obj):
- super(ObjectFile, self).__init__(parent_inode, "", 0)
- self.uuid = obj['uuid']
- self.update(obj)
- def update(self, obj):
- self._mtime = convertTime(obj['modified_at']) if 'modified_at' in obj else 0
- self.contents = json.dumps(obj, indent=4, sort_keys=True) + "\n"
-class Directory(FreshBase):
- '''Generic directory object, backed by a dict.
- Consists of a set of entries with the key representing the filename
- and the value referencing a File or Directory object.
- '''
- def __init__(self, parent_inode):
- super(Directory, self).__init__()
- '''parent_inode is the integer inode number'''
- self.inode = None
- if not isinstance(parent_inode, int):
- raise Exception("parent_inode should be an int")
- self.parent_inode = parent_inode
- self._entries = {}
- self._mtime = time.time()
- # Overriden by subclasses to implement logic to update the entries dict
- # when the directory is stale
- def update(self):
- pass
- # Only used when computing the size of the disk footprint of the directory
- # (stub)
- def size(self):
- return 0
- def checkupdate(self):
- if self.stale():
- try:
- self.update()
- except apiclient.errors.HttpError as e:
- _logger.debug(e)
- def __getitem__(self, item):
- self.checkupdate()
- return self._entries[item]
- def items(self):
- self.checkupdate()
- return self._entries.items()
- def __iter__(self):
- self.checkupdate()
- return self._entries.iterkeys()
- def __contains__(self, k):
- self.checkupdate()
- return k in self._entries
- def merge(self, items, fn, same, new_entry):
- '''Helper method for updating the contents of the directory. Takes a list
- describing the new contents of the directory, reuse entries that are
- the same in both the old and new lists, create new entries, and delete
- old entries missing from the new list.
- items: iterable with new directory contents
- fn: function to take an entry in 'items' and return the desired file or
- directory name, or None if this entry should be skipped
- same: function to compare an existing entry (a File or Directory
- object) with an entry in the items list to determine whether to keep
- the existing entry.
- new_entry: function to create a new directory entry (File or Directory
- object) from an entry in the items list.
- '''
- oldentries = self._entries
- self._entries = {}
- changed = False
- for i in items:
- name = sanitize_filename(fn(i))
- if name:
- if name in oldentries and same(oldentries[name], i):
- # move existing directory entry over
- self._entries[name] = oldentries[name]
- del oldentries[name]
- else:
- # create new directory entry
- ent = new_entry(i)
- if ent is not None:
- self._entries[name] = self.inodes.add_entry(ent)
- changed = True
- # delete any other directory entries that were not in found in 'items'
- for i in oldentries:
- llfuse.invalidate_entry(self.inode, str(i))
- self.inodes.del_entry(oldentries[i])
- changed = True
- if changed:
- self._mtime = time.time()
- self.fresh()
- def clear(self):
- '''Delete all entries'''
- oldentries = self._entries
- self._entries = {}
- for n in oldentries:
- if isinstance(n, Directory):
- n.clear()
- llfuse.invalidate_entry(self.inode, str(n))
- self.inodes.del_entry(oldentries[n])
- self.invalidate()
- def mtime(self):
- return self._mtime
-class CollectionDirectory(Directory):
- '''Represents the root of a directory tree holding a collection.'''
- def __init__(self, parent_inode, inodes, api, num_retries, collection):
- super(CollectionDirectory, self).__init__(parent_inode)
- self.inodes = inodes
- self.api = api
- self.num_retries = num_retries
- self.collection_object_file = None
- self.collection_object = None
- if isinstance(collection, dict):
- self.collection_locator = collection['uuid']
- else:
- self.collection_locator = collection
- def same(self, i):
- return i['uuid'] == self.collection_locator or i['portable_data_hash'] == self.collection_locator
- def new_collection(self, new_collection_object):
- self.collection_object = new_collection_object
- if self.collection_object_file is not None:
- self.collection_object_file.update(self.collection_object)
- self.clear()
- collection = arvados.CollectionReader(
- self.collection_object["manifest_text"], self.api,
- self.api.localkeep(), num_retries=self.num_retries)
- collection.normalize()
- for s in collection.all_streams():
- cwd = self
- for part in'/'):
- if part != '' and part != '.':
- partname = sanitize_filename(part)
- if partname not in cwd._entries:
- cwd._entries[partname] = self.inodes.add_entry(Directory(cwd.inode))
- cwd = cwd._entries[partname]
- for k, v in s.files().items():
- cwd._entries[sanitize_filename(k)] = self.inodes.add_entry(StreamReaderFile(cwd.inode, v, self.mtime()))
- def update(self):
- try:
- if self.collection_object is not None and portable_data_hash_pattern.match(self.collection_locator):
- return True
- with llfuse.lock_released:
- new_collection_object = self.api.collections().get(
- uuid=self.collection_locator
- ).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries)
- if "portable_data_hash" not in new_collection_object:
- new_collection_object["portable_data_hash"] = new_collection_object["uuid"]
- # end with llfuse.lock_released, re-acquire lock
- if self.collection_object is None or self.collection_object["portable_data_hash"] != new_collection_object["portable_data_hash"]:
- self.new_collection(new_collection_object)
- self.fresh()
- return True
- except apiclient.errors.HttpError as e:
- if e.resp.status == 404:
- _logger.warn("arv-mount %s: not found", self.collection_locator)
- else:
- _logger.error("arv-mount %s: error", self.collection_locator)
- _logger.exception(detail)
- except arvados.errors.ArgumentError as detail:
- _logger.warning("arv-mount %s: error %s", self.collection_locator, detail)
- if self.collection_object is not None and "manifest_text" in self.collection_object:
- _logger.warning("arv-mount manifest_text is: %s", self.collection_object["manifest_text"])
- except Exception as detail:
- _logger.error("arv-mount %s: error", self.collection_locator)
- if self.collection_object is not None and "manifest_text" in self.collection_object:
- _logger.error("arv-mount manifest_text is: %s", self.collection_object["manifest_text"])
- _logger.exception(detail)
- return False
- def __getitem__(self, item):
- self.checkupdate()
- if item == '.arvados#collection':
- if self.collection_object_file is None:
- self.collection_object_file = ObjectFile(self.inode, self.collection_object)
- self.inodes.add_entry(self.collection_object_file)
- return self.collection_object_file
- else:
- return super(CollectionDirectory, self).__getitem__(item)
- def __contains__(self, k):
- if k == '.arvados#collection':
- return True
- else:
- return super(CollectionDirectory, self).__contains__(k)
- def mtime(self):
- self.checkupdate()
- return convertTime(self.collection_object["modified_at"]) if self.collection_object is not None and 'modified_at' in self.collection_object else 0
-class MagicDirectory(Directory):
- '''A special directory that logically contains the set of all extant keep
- locators. When a file is referenced by lookup(), it is tested to see if it
- is a valid keep locator to a manifest, and if so, loads the manifest
- contents as a subdirectory of this directory with the locator as the
- directory name. Since querying a list of all extant keep locators is
- impractical, only collections that have already been accessed are visible
- to readdir().
- '''
- def __init__(self, parent_inode, inodes, api, num_retries):
- super(MagicDirectory, self).__init__(parent_inode)
- self.inodes = inodes
- self.api = api
- self.num_retries = num_retries
- # Have to defer creating readme_file because at this point we don't
- # yet have an inode assigned.
- self.readme_file = None
- def create_readme(self):
- if self.readme_file is None:
- text = '''This directory provides access to Arvados collections as subdirectories listed
-by uuid (in the form 'zzzzz-4zz18-1234567890abcde') or portable data hash (in
-the form '1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv+123').
-Note that this directory will appear empty until you attempt to access a
-specific collection subdirectory (such as trying to 'cd' into it), at which
-point the collection will actually be looked up on the server and the directory
-will appear if it exists.
- self.readme_file = self.inodes.add_entry(StringFile(self.inode, text, time.time()))
- self._entries["README"] = self.readme_file
- def __contains__(self, k):
- self.create_readme()
- if k in self._entries:
- return True
- if not portable_data_hash_pattern.match(k) and not uuid_pattern.match(k):
- return False
- try:
- e = self.inodes.add_entry(CollectionDirectory(
- self.inode, self.inodes, self.api, self.num_retries, k))
- if e.update():
- self._entries[k] = e
- return True
- else:
- return False
- except Exception as e:
- _logger.debug('arv-mount exception keep %s', e)
- return False
- def items(self):
- self.create_readme()
- return self._entries.items()
+from fusedir import sanitize_filename, Directory, CollectionDirectory, MagicDirectory, TagsDirectory, ProjectDirectory, SharedDirectory, CollectionDirectoryBase
+from fusefile import StringFile, FuseArvadosFile
- def __getitem__(self, item):
- if item in self:
- return self._entries[item]
- else:
- raise KeyError("No collection with id " + item)
+_logger = logging.getLogger('arvados.arvados_fuse')
+log_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
+llogger = logging.getLogger('llfuse')
-class RecursiveInvalidateDirectory(Directory):
- def invalidate(self):
- if self.inode == llfuse.ROOT_INODE:
- llfuse.lock.acquire()
- try:
- super(RecursiveInvalidateDirectory, self).invalidate()
- for a in self._entries:
- self._entries[a].invalidate()
- except Exception as e:
- _logger.exception(e)
- finally:
- if self.inode == llfuse.ROOT_INODE:
- llfuse.lock.release()
-class TagsDirectory(RecursiveInvalidateDirectory):
- '''A special directory that contains as subdirectories all tags visible to the user.'''
- def __init__(self, parent_inode, inodes, api, num_retries, poll_time=60):
- super(TagsDirectory, self).__init__(parent_inode)
- self.inodes = inodes
- self.api = api
- self.num_retries = num_retries
- self._poll = True
- self._poll_time = poll_time
+class Handle(object):
+ """Connects a numeric file handle to a File or Directory object that has
+ been opened by the client."""
- def update(self):
- with llfuse.lock_released:
- tags = self.api.links().list(
- filters=[['link_class', '=', 'tag']],
- select=['name'], distinct=True
- ).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries)
- if "items" in tags:
- self.merge(tags['items'],
- lambda i: i['name'] if 'name' in i else i['uuid'],
- lambda a, i: a.tag == i,
- lambda i: TagDirectory(self.inode, self.inodes, self.api, self.num_retries, i['name'], poll=self._poll, poll_time=self._poll_time))
-class TagDirectory(Directory):
- '''A special directory that contains as subdirectories all collections visible
- to the user that are tagged with a particular tag.
- '''
- def __init__(self, parent_inode, inodes, api, num_retries, tag,
- poll=False, poll_time=60):
- super(TagDirectory, self).__init__(parent_inode)
- self.inodes = inodes
- self.api = api
- self.num_retries = num_retries
- self.tag = tag
- self._poll = poll
- self._poll_time = poll_time
+ def __init__(self, fh, obj):
+ self.fh = fh
+ self.obj = obj
+ self.obj.inc_use()
- def update(self):
- with llfuse.lock_released:
- taggedcollections = self.api.links().list(
- filters=[['link_class', '=', 'tag'],
- ['name', '=', self.tag],
- ['head_uuid', 'is_a', 'arvados#collection']],
- select=['head_uuid']
- ).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries)
- self.merge(taggedcollections['items'],
- lambda i: i['head_uuid'],
- lambda a, i: a.collection_locator == i['head_uuid'],
- lambda i: CollectionDirectory(self.inode, self.inodes, self.api, self.num_retries, i['head_uuid']))
-class ProjectDirectory(Directory):
- '''A special directory that contains the contents of a project.'''
- def __init__(self, parent_inode, inodes, api, num_retries, project_object,
- poll=False, poll_time=60):
- super(ProjectDirectory, self).__init__(parent_inode)
- self.inodes = inodes
- self.api = api
- self.num_retries = num_retries
- self.project_object = project_object
- self.project_object_file = None
- self.uuid = project_object['uuid']
- def createDirectory(self, i):
- if collection_uuid_pattern.match(i['uuid']):
- return CollectionDirectory(self.inode, self.inodes, self.api, self.num_retries, i)
- elif group_uuid_pattern.match(i['uuid']):
- return ProjectDirectory(self.inode, self.inodes, self.api, self.num_retries, i, self._poll, self._poll_time)
- elif link_uuid_pattern.match(i['uuid']):
- if i['head_kind'] == 'arvados#collection' or portable_data_hash_pattern.match(i['head_uuid']):
- return CollectionDirectory(self.inode, self.inodes, self.api, self.num_retries, i['head_uuid'])
- else:
- return None
- elif uuid_pattern.match(i['uuid']):
- return ObjectFile(self.parent_inode, i)
- else:
- return None
- def update(self):
- if self.project_object_file == None:
- self.project_object_file = ObjectFile(self.inode, self.project_object)
- self.inodes.add_entry(self.project_object_file)
- def namefn(i):
- if 'name' in i:
- if i['name'] is None or len(i['name']) == 0:
- return None
- elif collection_uuid_pattern.match(i['uuid']) or group_uuid_pattern.match(i['uuid']):
- # collection or subproject
- return i['name']
- elif link_uuid_pattern.match(i['uuid']) and i['head_kind'] == 'arvados#collection':
- # name link
- return i['name']
- elif 'kind' in i and i['kind'].startswith('arvados#'):
- # something else
- return "{}.{}".format(i['name'], i['kind'][8:])
- else:
- return None
- def samefn(a, i):
- if isinstance(a, CollectionDirectory):
- return a.collection_locator == i['uuid']
- elif isinstance(a, ProjectDirectory):
- return a.uuid == i['uuid']
- elif isinstance(a, ObjectFile):
- return a.uuid == i['uuid'] and not a.stale()
- return False
+ def release(self):
+ self.obj.dec_use()
+ def flush(self):
with llfuse.lock_released:
- if group_uuid_pattern.match(self.uuid):
- self.project_object = self.api.groups().get(
- uuid=self.uuid).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries)
- elif user_uuid_pattern.match(self.uuid):
- self.project_object = self.api.users().get(
- uuid=self.uuid).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries)
- contents = arvados.util.list_all(self.api.groups().contents,
- self.num_retries, uuid=self.uuid)
- # Name links will be obsolete soon, take this out when there are no more pre-#3036 in use.
- contents += arvados.util.list_all(
- self.api.links().list, self.num_retries,
- filters=[['tail_uuid', '=', self.uuid],
- ['link_class', '=', 'name']])
- # end with llfuse.lock_released, re-acquire lock
- self.merge(contents,
- namefn,
- samefn,
- self.createDirectory)
+ return self.obj.flush()
- def __getitem__(self, item):
- self.checkupdate()
- if item == '.arvados#project':
- return self.project_object_file
- else:
- return super(ProjectDirectory, self).__getitem__(item)
- def __contains__(self, k):
- if k == '.arvados#project':
- return True
- else:
- return super(ProjectDirectory, self).__contains__(k)
+class FileHandle(Handle):
+ """Connects a numeric file handle to a File object that has
+ been opened by the client."""
+ pass
-class SharedDirectory(Directory):
- '''A special directory that represents users or groups who have shared projects with me.'''
+class DirectoryHandle(Handle):
+ """Connects a numeric file handle to a Directory object that has
+ been opened by the client."""
- def __init__(self, parent_inode, inodes, api, num_retries, exclude,
- poll=False, poll_time=60):
- super(SharedDirectory, self).__init__(parent_inode)
- self.inodes = inodes
- self.api = api
- self.num_retries = num_retries
- self.current_user = api.users().current().execute(num_retries=num_retries)
- self._poll = True
- self._poll_time = poll_time
+ def __init__(self, fh, dirobj, entries):
+ super(DirectoryHandle, self).__init__(fh, dirobj)
+ self.entries = entries
- def update(self):
- with llfuse.lock_released:
- all_projects = arvados.util.list_all(
- self.api.groups().list, self.num_retries,
- filters=[['group_class','=','project']])
- objects = {}
- for ob in all_projects:
- objects[ob['uuid']] = ob
- roots = []
- root_owners = {}
- for ob in all_projects:
- if ob['owner_uuid'] != self.current_user['uuid'] and ob['owner_uuid'] not in objects:
- roots.append(ob)
- root_owners[ob['owner_uuid']] = True
- lusers = arvados.util.list_all(
- self.api.users().list, self.num_retries,
- filters=[['uuid','in', list(root_owners)]])
- lgroups = arvados.util.list_all(
- self.api.groups().list, self.num_retries,
- filters=[['uuid','in', list(root_owners)]])
- users = {}
- groups = {}
- for l in lusers:
- objects[l["uuid"]] = l
- for l in lgroups:
- objects[l["uuid"]] = l
- contents = {}
- for r in root_owners:
- if r in objects:
- obr = objects[r]
- if "name" in obr:
- contents[obr["name"]] = obr
- if "first_name" in obr:
- contents[u"{} {}".format(obr["first_name"], obr["last_name"])] = obr
- for r in roots:
- if r['owner_uuid'] not in objects:
- contents[r['name']] = r
- # end with llfuse.lock_released, re-acquire lock
- try:
- self.merge(contents.items(),
- lambda i: i[0],
- lambda a, i: a.uuid == i[1]['uuid'],
- lambda i: ProjectDirectory(self.inode, self.inodes, self.api, self.num_retries, i[1], poll=self._poll, poll_time=self._poll_time))
- except Exception as e:
- _logger.exception(e)
+class InodeCache(object):
+ def __init__(self, cap):
+ self._entries = collections.OrderedDict()
+ self._counter = itertools.count(1)
+ self.cap = cap
+ self._total = 0
+ def _remove(self, obj, clear):
+ if clear and not obj.clear():
+ _logger.debug("Could not clear %s in_use %s", obj, obj.in_use())
+ return False
+ self._total -= obj._cache_size
+ del self._entries[obj._cache_priority]
+ _logger.debug("Cleared %s total now %i", obj, self._total)
+ return True
-class FileHandle(object):
- '''Connects a numeric file handle to a File or Directory object that has
- been opened by the client.'''
- def __init__(self, fh, entry):
- self.fh = fh
- self.entry = entry
+ def cap_cache(self):
+ _logger.debug("total is %i cap is %i", self._total, self.cap)
+ if self._total > self.cap:
+ need_gc = False
+ for key in list(self._entries.keys()):
+ if self._total < self.cap or len(self._entries) < 4:
+ break
+ self._remove(self._entries[key], True)
+ def manage(self, obj):
+ if obj.persisted():
+ obj._cache_priority = next(self._counter)
+ obj._cache_size = obj.objsize()
+ self._entries[obj._cache_priority] = obj
+ self._total += obj.objsize()
+ _logger.debug("Managing %s total now %i", obj, self._total)
+ self.cap_cache()
+ def touch(self, obj):
+ if obj.persisted():
+ if obj._cache_priority in self._entries:
+ self._remove(obj, False)
+ self.manage(obj)
+ _logger.debug("Touched %s (%i) total now %i", obj, obj.objsize(), self._total)
+ def unmanage(self, obj):
+ if obj.persisted() and obj._cache_priority in self._entries:
+ self._remove(obj, True)
class Inodes(object):
- '''Manage the set of inodes. This is the mapping from a numeric id
- to a concrete File or Directory object'''
+ """Manage the set of inodes. This is the mapping from a numeric id
+ to a concrete File or Directory object"""
- def __init__(self):
+ def __init__(self, inode_cache=256*1024*1024):
self._entries = {}
- self._counter = llfuse.ROOT_INODE
+ self._counter = itertools.count(llfuse.ROOT_INODE)
+ self._obj_cache = InodeCache(cap=inode_cache)
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self._entries[item]
def __contains__(self, k):
return k in self._entries
+ def touch(self, entry):
+ entry._atime = time.time()
+ self._obj_cache.touch(entry)
+ def cap_cache(self):
+ self._obj_cache.cap_cache()
def add_entry(self, entry):
- entry.inode = self._counter
+ entry.inode = next(self._counter)
self._entries[entry.inode] = entry
- self._counter += 1
+ self._obj_cache.manage(entry)
return entry
def del_entry(self, entry):
+ self._obj_cache.unmanage(entry)
del self._entries[entry.inode]
+def catch_exceptions(orig_func):
+ @functools.wraps(orig_func)
+ def catch_exceptions_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ return orig_func(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ except llfuse.FUSEError:
+ raise
+ except EnvironmentError as e:
+ raise llfuse.FUSEError(e.errno)
+ except Exception:
+ _logger.exception("")
+ raise llfuse.FUSEError(errno.EIO)
+ return catch_exceptions_wrapper
class Operations(llfuse.Operations):
- '''This is the main interface with llfuse. The methods on this object are
- called by llfuse threads to service FUSE events to query and read from
- the file system.
+ """This is the main interface with llfuse.
+ The methods on this object are called by llfuse threads to service FUSE
+ events to query and read from the file system.
llfuse has its own global lock which is acquired before calling a request handler,
so request handlers do not run concurrently unless the lock is explicitly released
- using "with llfuse.lock_released:"'''
+ using 'with llfuse.lock_released:'
+ """
- def __init__(self, uid, gid, encoding="utf-8"):
+ def __init__(self, uid, gid, encoding="utf-8", inode_cache=1000, num_retries=7):
super(Operations, self).__init__()
- self.inodes = Inodes()
+ self.inodes = Inodes(inode_cache)
self.uid = uid
self.gid = gid
self.encoding = encoding
# is fully initialized should wait() on this event object.
self.initlock = threading.Event()
+ self.num_retries = num_retries
def init(self):
# Allow threads that are waiting for the driver to be finished
# initializing to continue
def access(self, inode, mode, ctx):
return True
+ @catch_exceptions
def getattr(self, inode):
if inode not in self.inodes:
raise llfuse.FUSEError(errno.ENOENT)
entry.st_mode |= stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH | stat.S_IFDIR
entry.st_mode |= stat.S_IFREG
+ if isinstance(e, FuseArvadosFile):
+ entry.st_mode |= stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH
+ if e.writable():
+ entry.st_mode |= stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IWOTH
entry.st_nlink = 1
entry.st_uid = self.uid
return entry
+ @catch_exceptions
def lookup(self, parent_inode, name):
name = unicode(name, self.encoding)
_logger.debug("arv-mount lookup: parent_inode %i name %s",
raise llfuse.FUSEError(errno.ENOENT)
+ @catch_exceptions
def open(self, inode, flags):
if inode in self.inodes:
p = self.inodes[inode]
raise llfuse.FUSEError(errno.ENOENT)
- if (flags & os.O_WRONLY) or (flags & os.O_RDWR):
- raise llfuse.FUSEError(errno.EROFS)
if isinstance(p, Directory):
raise llfuse.FUSEError(errno.EISDIR)
+ if ((flags & os.O_WRONLY) or (flags & os.O_RDWR)) and not p.writable():
+ raise llfuse.FUSEError(errno.EPERM)
fh = self._filehandles_counter
self._filehandles_counter += 1
self._filehandles[fh] = FileHandle(fh, p)
+ self.inodes.touch(p)
return fh
+ @catch_exceptions
def read(self, fh, off, size):
_logger.debug("arv-mount read %i %i %i", fh, off, size)
if fh in self._filehandles:
raise llfuse.FUSEError(errno.EBADF)
- # update atime
- handle.entry._atime = time.time()
+ self.inodes.touch(handle.obj)
with llfuse.lock_released:
- return handle.entry.readfrom(off, size)
+ return handle.obj.readfrom(off, size, self.num_retries)
except arvados.errors.NotFoundError as e:
_logger.warning("Block not found: " + str(e))
raise llfuse.FUSEError(errno.EIO)
- except Exception as e:
- _logger.exception(e)
- raise llfuse.FUSEError(errno.EIO)
+ @catch_exceptions
+ def write(self, fh, off, buf):
+ _logger.debug("arv-mount write %i %i %i", fh, off, len(buf))
+ if fh in self._filehandles:
+ handle = self._filehandles[fh]
+ else:
+ raise llfuse.FUSEError(errno.EBADF)
+ if not handle.obj.writable():
+ raise llfuse.FUSEError(errno.EPERM)
+ self.inodes.touch(handle.obj)
+ with llfuse.lock_released:
+ return handle.obj.writeto(off, buf, self.num_retries)
+ @catch_exceptions
def release(self, fh):
if fh in self._filehandles:
+ try:
+ self._filehandles[fh].flush()
+ except EnvironmentError as e:
+ raise llfuse.FUSEError(e.errno)
+ except Exception:
+ _logger.exception("Flush error")
+ self._filehandles[fh].release()
del self._filehandles[fh]
+ self.inodes.cap_cache()
+ def releasedir(self, fh):
+ self.release(fh)
+ @catch_exceptions
def opendir(self, inode):
_logger.debug("arv-mount opendir: inode %i", inode)
raise llfuse.FUSEError(errno.EIO)
# update atime
- p._atime = time.time()
+ self.inodes.touch(p)
- self._filehandles[fh] = FileHandle(fh, [('.', p), ('..', parent)] + list(p.items()))
+ self._filehandles[fh] = DirectoryHandle(fh, p, [('.', p), ('..', parent)] + list(p.items()))
return fh
+ @catch_exceptions
def readdir(self, fh, off):
_logger.debug("arv-mount readdir: fh %i off %i", fh, off)
raise llfuse.FUSEError(errno.EBADF)
- _logger.debug("arv-mount handle.entry %s", handle.entry)
+ _logger.debug("arv-mount handle.dirobj %s", handle.obj)
e = off
- while e < len(handle.entry):
- if handle.entry[e][1].inode in self.inodes:
+ while e < len(handle.entries):
+ if handle.entries[e][1].inode in self.inodes:
- yield (handle.entry[e][0].encode(self.encoding), self.getattr(handle.entry[e][1].inode), e+1)
+ yield (handle.entries[e][0].encode(self.encoding), self.getattr(handle.entries[e][1].inode), e+1)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
e += 1
- def releasedir(self, fh):
- del self._filehandles[fh]
+ @catch_exceptions
def statfs(self):
st = llfuse.StatvfsData()
st.f_bsize = 64 * 1024
st.f_frsize = 0
return st
- # The llfuse documentation recommends only overloading functions that
- # are actually implemented, as the default implementation will raise ENOSYS.
- # However, there is a bug in the llfuse default implementation of create()
- # "create() takes exactly 5 positional arguments (6 given)" which will crash
- # arv-mount.
- # The workaround is to implement it with the proper number of parameters,
- # and then everything works out.
- def create(self, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5):
- raise llfuse.FUSEError(errno.EROFS)
+ def _check_writable(self, inode_parent):
+ if inode_parent in self.inodes:
+ p = self.inodes[inode_parent]
+ else:
+ raise llfuse.FUSEError(errno.ENOENT)
+ if not isinstance(p, Directory):
+ raise llfuse.FUSEError(errno.ENOTDIR)
+ if not p.writable():
+ raise llfuse.FUSEError(errno.EPERM)
+ if not isinstance(p, CollectionDirectoryBase):
+ raise llfuse.FUSEError(errno.EPERM)
+ return p
+ @catch_exceptions
+ def create(self, inode_parent, name, mode, flags, ctx):
+ p = self._check_writable(inode_parent)
+ with llfuse.lock_released:
+, "w")
+ # The file entry should have been implicitly created by callback.
+ f = p[name]
+ fh = self._filehandles_counter
+ self._filehandles_counter += 1
+ self._filehandles[fh] = FileHandle(fh, f)
+ self.inodes.touch(p)
+ return (fh, self.getattr(f.inode))
+ @catch_exceptions
+ def mkdir(self, inode_parent, name, mode, ctx):
+ p = self._check_writable(inode_parent)
+ with llfuse.lock_released:
+ p.collection.mkdirs(name)
+ # The dir entry should have been implicitly created by callback.
+ d = p[name]
+ return self.getattr(d.inode)
+ @catch_exceptions
+ def unlink(self, inode_parent, name):
+ p = self._check_writable(inode_parent)
+ with llfuse.lock_released:
+ p.collection.remove(name)
+ def rmdir(self, inode_parent, name):
+ self.unlink(inode_parent, name)
+ @catch_exceptions
+ def rename(self, inode_parent_old, name_old, inode_parent_new, name_new):
+ src = self._check_writable(inode_parent_old)
+ dest = self._check_writable(inode_parent_new)
+ with llfuse.lock_released:
+ dest.collection.copy(name_old, name_new, source_collection=src.collection, overwrite=True)
+ src.collection.remove(name_old)
+ @catch_exceptions
+ def flush(self, fh):
+ if fh in self._filehandles:
+ self._filehandles[fh].flush()
+ def fsync(self, fh, datasync):
+ self.flush(fh)
+ def fsyncdir(self, fh, datasync):
+ self.flush(fh)