+namespace :db do
+ namespace :structure do
+ task :dump do
+ require 'tempfile'
+ origfnm = File.expand_path('../db/structure.sql', __FILE__)
+ tmpfnm = Tempfile.new 'structure.sql', File.expand_path('..', origfnm)
+ begin
+ tmpfile = File.new tmpfnm, 'w'
+ origfile = File.new origfnm
+ origfile.each_line do |line|
+ if /^SET lock_timeout = 0;/ =~ line
+ # Avoid edit wars between versions that do/don't write this line.
+ next
+ elsif /^COMMENT ON EXTENSION/ =~ line
+ # Avoid warning message when loading:
+ # "structure.sql:22: ERROR: must be owner of extension plpgsql"
+ tmpfile.write "-- "
+ end
+ tmpfile.write line
+ end
+ origfile.close
+ tmpfile.close
+ File.rename tmpfnm, origfnm
+ tmpfnm = false
+ ensure
+ File.unlink tmpfnm if tmpfnm
+ end
+ end
+ end