-h1. Collection
-This resource concerns metadata, usage accounting, and integrity checks for data stored on the cloud. Reading and writing the data _per se_ is achieved by the "Keep":/user/tutorials/tutorial-keep.html storage system.
+This resource concerns metadata, usage accounting, and integrity checks for data stored on the cloud. Reading and writing the data _per se_ is achieved by the "Keep":{{site.baseurl}}/user/tutorials/tutorial-keep.html storage system.
h2. Methods
-See "REST methods for working with Arvados resources":/api/methods.html
+See "REST methods for working with Arvados resources":{{site.baseurl}}/api/methods.html
API endpoint base: @https://{{ site.arvados_api_host }}/arvados/v1/links@
h2. Resource
-Each collection has, in addition to the usual "attributes of Arvados resources":/api/resources.html:
+Each collection has, in addition to the usual "attributes of Arvados resources":{{site.baseurl}}/api/resources.html:
table(table table-bordered table-condensed).
|_. Attribute|_. Type|_. Description|_. Example|