WORKSPACE=path Path to the Arvados source tree to build packages from
CWLTOOL=path (optional) Path to cwltool git repository.
SALAD=path (optional) Path to schema_salad git repository.
+PYCMD=pythonexec (optional) Specify the python executable to use in the docker image. Defaults to "python3".
+if [[ -n "$PYCMD" ]] ; then
+ py="$PYCMD"
+if [[ $py = python3 ]] ; then
+ pipcmd=pip3
(cd sdk/python && python sdist)
sdk=$(cd sdk/python/dist && ls -t arvados-python-client-*.tar.gz | head -n1)
. build/
-python_sdk_ts=$(cd sdk/python && timestamp_from_git)
-cwl_runner_ts=$(cd sdk/cwl && timestamp_from_git)
-python_sdk_version=$(cd sdk/python && nohash_version_from_git 0.1)
-cwl_runner_version=$(cd sdk/cwl && nohash_version_from_git 1.0)
-if [[ $python_sdk_ts -gt $cwl_runner_ts ]]; then
- cwl_runner_version=$(cd sdk/python && nohash_version_from_git 1.0)
-docker build --build-arg sdk=$sdk --build-arg runner=$runner --build-arg salad=$salad --build-arg cwltool=$cwltool -f "$WORKSPACE/sdk/dev-jobs.dockerfile" -t arvados/jobs:$cwl_runner_version "$WORKSPACE/sdk"
+set -x
+docker build --no-cache --build-arg sdk=$sdk --build-arg runner=$runner --build-arg salad=$salad --build-arg cwltool=$cwltool --build-arg pythoncmd=$py --build-arg pipcmd=$pipcmd -f "$WORKSPACE/sdk/dev-jobs.dockerfile" -t arvados/jobs:$cwl_runner_version "$WORKSPACE/sdk"
echo arv-keepdocker arvados/jobs $cwl_runner_version
arv-keepdocker arvados/jobs $cwl_runner_version