* @cat@ is a standard Unix utility that writes a sequence of input to standard output.
* @<<EOF@ tells the shell to direct the following lines into the standard input for @cat@ up until it sees the line @EOF@.
* @>~/the_job@ redirects standard output to a file called @~/the_job@.
-* @"repository"@ is the name of a Git repository to search for the script version. You can access a list of available git repositories on the Arvados Workbench under "*Code repositories*":https://{{site.arvados_workbench_host}}/repositories.
+* @"repository"@ is the name of a Git repository to search for the script version. You can access a list of available git repositories on the Arvados Workbench under "*Code repositories*":{{site.arvados_workbench_host}}/repositories.
* @"script_version"@ specifies the version of the script that you wish to run. This can be in the form of an explicit Git revision hash, a tag, or a branch. Arvados logs the script version that was used in the run, enabling you to go back and re-run any past job with the guarantee that the exact same code will be used as was used in the previous run.
* @"script"@ specifies the name of the script to run. The script must be given relative to the @crunch_scripts/@ subdirectory of the Git repository.
* @"script_parameters"@ are provided to the script. In this case, the input is the PGP data Collection that we "put in Keep earlier":{{site.baseurl}}/user/tutorials/tutorial-keep.html.
h2. Monitor job progress
-Go to "*Recent jobs*":https://{{site.arvados_workbench_host}}/jobs in Workbench. Your job should be near the top of the table. This table refreshes automatically. When the job has completed successfully, it will show <span class="label label-success">finished</span> in the *Status* column.
+Go to "*Recent jobs*":{{site.arvados_workbench_host}}/jobs in Workbench. Your job should be near the top of the table. This table refreshes automatically. When the job has completed successfully, it will show <span class="label label-success">finished</span> in the *Status* column.
h2. Inspect the job output
-On the "Workbench Dashboard":https://{{site.arvados_workbench_host}}, look for the *Output* column of the *Recent jobs* table. Click on the link under *Output* for your job to go to the files page with the job output. The files page lists all the files that were output by the job. Click on the link under the *file* column to view a file, or click on the download button <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt"></span> to download the output file.
+On the "Workbench Dashboard":{{site.arvados_workbench_host}}, look for the *Output* column of the *Recent jobs* table. Click on the link under *Output* for your job to go to the files page with the job output. The files page lists all the files that were output by the job. Click on the link under the *file* column to view a file, or click on the download button <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt"></span> to download the output file.
On the command line, you can use @arv job get@ to access a JSON object describing the output:
h2. The job log
-When the job completes, you can access the job log. On the Workbench, visit "*Recent jobs*":https://{{site.arvados_workbench_host}}/jobs %(rarr)→% your job's UUID under the *uuid* column %(rarr)→% the collection link on the *log* row.
+When the job completes, you can access the job log. On the Workbench, visit "*Recent jobs*":{{site.arvados_workbench_host}}/jobs %(rarr)→% your job's UUID under the *uuid* column %(rarr)→% the collection link on the *log* row.
On the command line, the Keep identifier listed in the @"log"@ field from @arv job get@ specifies a collection. You can list the files in the collection: