io.write content
+ # Database reset doesn't restore KeepServices; we have to
+ # save/restore manually.
+ use_token :admin do
+ @keep_services = KeepService.all.to_a
+ end
teardown do
+ use_token :admin do
+ @keep_services.each do |ks|
+ KeepService.find(ks.uuid).update_attributes(ks.attributes)
+ end
+ end
testfiles.each do |filename, _|
File.unlink(testfile_path filename)
click_link 'Upload files from my computer'
# Should be looking at a new empty collection.
assert_text 'New collection'
- assert_text 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0'
+ assert_text ' 0 files'
+ assert_text ' 0 bytes'
# The "Upload" tab should be active and loaded.
assert_selector ' div.panel'
- test "No Upload tab on non-writable collection" do
- need_javascript
- visit(page_with_token 'active',
- '/collections/'+api_fixture('collections')['user_agreement']['uuid'])
- assert_no_selector '.nav-tabs Upload'
- end
test "Upload two empty files with the same name" do
need_selenium "to make file uploads work"
visit page_with_token 'active', sandbox_path
assert_match /_text":"\. d41d8\S+ 0:0:empty.txt\\n\. d41d8\S+ 0:0:empty\\\\040\(1\).txt\\n"/, body
- test "Upload non-empty files, report errors" do
+ test "Upload non-empty files" do
need_selenium "to make file uploads work"
visit page_with_token 'active', sandbox_path
find('.nav-tabs a', text: 'Upload').click
attach_file 'file_selector', testfile_path('foo.txt')
assert_selector 'button:not([disabled])', text: 'Start'
click_button 'Start'
- if "test environment does not have a keepproxy yet, see #4534" != "fixed"
- using_wait_time 20 do
- assert_text :visible, 'error'
- end
- else
- assert_text :visible, 'Done!'
- visit sandbox_path+'.json'
- assert_match /_text":"\. 0cc1\S+ 0:1:a\\n\. acbd\S+ 0:3:foo.txt\\n"/, body
- end
+ assert_text :visible, 'Done!'
+ visit sandbox_path+'.json'
+ assert_match /_text":"\. 0cc1\S+ 0:1:a\\n\. acbd\S+ 0:3:foo.txt\\n"/, body
test "Report mixed-content error" do
skip 'Test suite does not use TLS'
need_selenium "to make file uploads work"
- begin
- use_token :admin
- proxy = KeepService.find(api_fixture('keep_services')['proxy']['uuid'])
- proxy.update_attributes service_ssl_flag: false
+ use_token :admin do
+ KeepService.where(service_type: 'proxy').first.
+ update_attributes(service_ssl_flag: false)
visit page_with_token 'active', sandbox_path
find('.nav-tabs a', text: 'Upload').click
test "Report network error" do
need_selenium "to make file uploads work"
- begin
- use_token :admin
- proxy = KeepService.find(api_fixture('keep_services')['proxy']['uuid'])
- # Even if you somehow do port>2^16, surely won't respond
- proxy.update_attributes service_host: '', service_port: 99999
+ use_token :admin do
+ # Even if you somehow do port>2^16, surely won't
+ # respond
+ KeepService.where(service_type: 'proxy').first.
+ update_attributes(service_host: '',
+ service_port: 99999)
visit page_with_token 'active', sandbox_path
find('.nav-tabs a', text: 'Upload').click