// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
-import { default as unionize, ofType, UnionOf } from "unionize";
-import { TreePickerNode } from "./tree-picker";
+import { unionize, ofType, UnionOf } from "~/common/unionize";
+import { TreeNode, initTreeNode, getNodeDescendants, getNodeDescendantsIds, getNodeValue, TreeNodeStatus, getNode } from '~/models/tree';
+import { Dispatch } from 'redux';
+import { RootState } from '~/store/store';
+import { ServiceRepository } from '~/services/services';
+import { FilterBuilder } from '~/services/api/filter-builder';
+import { pipe, map, values, mapValues } from 'lodash/fp';
+import { ResourceKind } from '~/models/resource';
+import { GroupContentsResource } from '../../services/groups-service/groups-service';
+import { CollectionDirectory, CollectionFile } from '../../models/collection-file';
+import { getTreePicker, TreePicker } from './tree-picker';
+import { ProjectsTreePickerItem } from '~/views-components/projects-tree-picker/generic-projects-tree-picker';
export const treePickerActions = unionize({
- LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE: ofType<{ id: string, pickerKind: string }>(),
- LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE_SUCCESS: ofType<{ id: string, nodes: Array<TreePickerNode>, pickerKind: string }>(),
- TOGGLE_TREE_PICKER_NODE_COLLAPSE: ofType<{ id: string, pickerKind: string }>(),
- TOGGLE_TREE_PICKER_NODE_SELECT: ofType<{ id: string, pickerKind: string }>()
-}, {
- tag: 'type',
- value: 'payload'
- });
+ LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE: ofType<{ id: string, pickerId: string }>(),
+ LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE_SUCCESS: ofType<{ id: string, nodes: Array<TreeNode<any>>, pickerId: string }>(),
+ TOGGLE_TREE_PICKER_NODE_COLLAPSE: ofType<{ id: string, pickerId: string }>(),
+ ACTIVATE_TREE_PICKER_NODE: ofType<{ id: string, pickerId: string }>(),
+ DEACTIVATE_TREE_PICKER_NODE: ofType<{ pickerId: string }>(),
+ TOGGLE_TREE_PICKER_NODE_SELECTION: ofType<{ id: string, pickerId: string }>(),
+ SELECT_TREE_PICKER_NODE: ofType<{ id: string | string[], pickerId: string }>(),
+ DESELECT_TREE_PICKER_NODE: ofType<{ id: string | string[], pickerId: string }>(),
+ EXPAND_TREE_PICKER_NODES: ofType<{ ids: string[], pickerId: string }>(),
+ RESET_TREE_PICKER: ofType<{ pickerId: string }>()
export type TreePickerAction = UnionOf<typeof treePickerActions>;
+export const getProjectsTreePickerIds = (pickerId: string) => ({
+ home: `${pickerId}_home`,
+ shared: `${pickerId}_shared`,
+ favorites: `${pickerId}_favorites`,
+export const getAllNodes = <Value>(pickerId: string, filter = (node: TreeNode<Value>) => true) => (state: TreePicker) =>
+ pipe(
+ () => values(getProjectsTreePickerIds(pickerId)),
+ ids => ids
+ .map(id => getTreePicker<Value>(id)(state)),
+ trees => trees
+ .map(getNodeDescendants(''))
+ .reduce((allNodes, nodes) => allNodes.concat(nodes), []),
+ allNodes => allNodes
+ .reduce((map, node) =>
+ filter(node)
+ ? map.set(node.id, node)
+ : map, new Map<string, TreeNode<Value>>())
+ .values(),
+ uniqueNodes => Array.from(uniqueNodes),
+ )();
+export const getSelectedNodes = <Value>(pickerId: string) => (state: TreePicker) =>
+ getAllNodes<Value>(pickerId, node => node.selected)(state);
+export const initProjectsTreePicker = (pickerId: string) =>
+ async (dispatch: Dispatch, _: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
+ const { home, shared, favorites } = getProjectsTreePickerIds(pickerId);
+ dispatch<any>(initUserProject(home));
+ dispatch<any>(initSharedProject(shared));
+ dispatch<any>(initFavoritesProject(favorites));
+ };
+interface ReceiveTreePickerDataParams<T> {
+ data: T[];
+ extractNodeData: (value: T) => { id: string, value: T, status?: TreeNodeStatus };
+ id: string;
+ pickerId: string;
+export const receiveTreePickerData = <T>(params: ReceiveTreePickerDataParams<T>) =>
+ (dispatch: Dispatch) => {
+ const { data, extractNodeData, id, pickerId, } = params;
+ dispatch(treePickerActions.LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE_SUCCESS({
+ id,
+ nodes: data.map(item => initTreeNode(extractNodeData(item))),
+ pickerId,
+ }));
+ dispatch(treePickerActions.TOGGLE_TREE_PICKER_NODE_COLLAPSE({ id, pickerId }));
+ };
+interface LoadProjectParams {
+ id: string;
+ pickerId: string;
+ includeCollections?: boolean;
+ includeFiles?: boolean;
+ loadShared?: boolean;
+export const loadProject = (params: LoadProjectParams) =>
+ async (dispatch: Dispatch, _: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
+ const { id, pickerId, includeCollections = false, includeFiles = false, loadShared = false } = params;
+ dispatch(treePickerActions.LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE({ id, pickerId }));
+ const filters = pipe(
+ (fb: FilterBuilder) => includeCollections
+ ? fb.addIsA('uuid', [ResourceKind.PROJECT, ResourceKind.COLLECTION])
+ : fb.addIsA('uuid', [ResourceKind.PROJECT]),
+ fb => fb.getFilters(),
+ )(new FilterBuilder());
+ const { items } = await services.groupsService.contents(loadShared ? '' : id, { filters, excludeHomeProject: loadShared || undefined });
+ dispatch<any>(receiveTreePickerData<GroupContentsResource>({
+ id,
+ pickerId,
+ data: items,
+ extractNodeData: item => ({
+ id: item.uuid,
+ value: item,
+ status: item.kind === ResourceKind.PROJECT
+ ? TreeNodeStatus.INITIAL
+ : includeFiles
+ ? TreeNodeStatus.INITIAL
+ : TreeNodeStatus.LOADED
+ }),
+ }));
+ };
+export const loadCollection = (id: string, pickerId: string) =>
+ async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
+ dispatch(treePickerActions.LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE({ id, pickerId }));
+ const picker = getTreePicker<ProjectsTreePickerItem>(pickerId)(getState().treePicker);
+ if (picker) {
+ const node = getNode(id)(picker);
+ if (node && 'kind' in node.value && node.value.kind === ResourceKind.COLLECTION) {
+ const files = await services.collectionService.files(node.value.portableDataHash);
+ const data = getNodeDescendants('')(files).map(node => node.value);
+ dispatch<any>(receiveTreePickerData<CollectionDirectory | CollectionFile>({
+ id,
+ pickerId,
+ data,
+ extractNodeData: value => ({
+ id: value.id,
+ status: TreeNodeStatus.LOADED,
+ value,
+ }),
+ }));
+ }
+ }
+ };
+export const initUserProject = (pickerId: string) =>
+ async (dispatch: Dispatch<any>, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
+ const uuid = services.authService.getUuid();
+ if (uuid) {
+ dispatch(receiveTreePickerData({
+ id: '',
+ pickerId,
+ data: [{ uuid, name: 'Projects' }],
+ extractNodeData: value => ({
+ id: value.uuid,
+ status: TreeNodeStatus.INITIAL,
+ value,
+ }),
+ }));
+ }
+ };
+export const loadUserProject = (pickerId: string, includeCollections = false, includeFiles = false) =>
+ async (dispatch: Dispatch<any>, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
+ const uuid = services.authService.getUuid();
+ if (uuid) {
+ dispatch(loadProject({ id: uuid, pickerId, includeCollections, includeFiles }));
+ }
+ };
+export const initSharedProject = (pickerId: string) =>
+ async (dispatch: Dispatch<any>, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
+ dispatch(receiveTreePickerData({
+ id: '',
+ pickerId,
+ data: [{ uuid: 'Shared with me', name: 'Shared with me' }],
+ extractNodeData: value => ({
+ id: value.uuid,
+ status: TreeNodeStatus.INITIAL,
+ value,
+ }),
+ }));
+ };
+export const initFavoritesProject = (pickerId: string) =>
+ async (dispatch: Dispatch<any>, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
+ dispatch(receiveTreePickerData({
+ id: '',
+ pickerId,
+ data: [{ uuid: 'Favorites', name: 'Favorites' }],
+ extractNodeData: value => ({
+ id: value.uuid,
+ status: TreeNodeStatus.INITIAL,
+ value,
+ }),
+ }));
+ };
+interface LoadFavoritesProjectParams {
+ pickerId: string;
+ includeCollections?: boolean;
+ includeFiles?: boolean;
+export const loadFavoritesProject = (params: LoadFavoritesProjectParams) =>
+ async (dispatch: Dispatch<any>, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
+ const { pickerId, includeCollections = false, includeFiles = false } = params;
+ const uuid = services.authService.getUuid();
+ if (uuid) {
+ const filters = pipe(
+ (fb: FilterBuilder) => includeCollections
+ ? fb.addIsA('headUuid', [ResourceKind.PROJECT, ResourceKind.COLLECTION])
+ : fb.addIsA('headUuid', [ResourceKind.PROJECT]),
+ fb => fb.getFilters(),
+ )(new FilterBuilder());
+ const { items } = await services.favoriteService.list(uuid, { filters });
+ dispatch<any>(receiveTreePickerData<GroupContentsResource>({
+ id: 'Favorites',
+ pickerId,
+ data: items,
+ extractNodeData: item => ({
+ id: item.uuid,
+ value: item,
+ status: item.kind === ResourceKind.PROJECT
+ ? TreeNodeStatus.INITIAL
+ : includeFiles
+ ? TreeNodeStatus.INITIAL
+ : TreeNodeStatus.LOADED
+ }),
+ }));
+ }
+ };