within '.modal-content' do
find 'label', text: 'Virtual Machine'
fill_in "email", :with => "foo@example.com"
- fill_in "repo_name", :with => "newtestrepo"
click_button "Submit"
click_link 'Advanced'
click_link 'Metadata'
- assert page.has_text? 'Repository: foo/newtestrepo'
assert !(page.has_text? 'VirtualMachine:')
click_link 'Admin'
assert page.has_text? 'As an admin, you can setup'
- click_link 'Setup Active User'
+ click_link 'Setup shell account for Active User'
within '.modal-content' do
find 'label', text: 'Virtual Machine'
- fill_in "repo_name", :with => "activetestrepo"
click_button "Submit"
click_link 'Advanced'
click_link 'Metadata'
- assert page.has_text? 'Repository: active/activetestrepo'
vm_links = all("a", text: "VirtualMachine:")
assert_equal(1, vm_links.size)
assert_equal("VirtualMachine: testvm2.shell", vm_links.first.text)
# Click on Setup button again and this time also choose a VM
click_link 'Admin'
- click_link 'Setup Active User'
+ click_link 'Setup shell account for Active User'
within '.modal-content' do
- fill_in "repo_name", :with => "activetestrepo2"
select("testvm.shell", :from => 'vm_uuid')
fill_in "groups", :with => "test group one, test-group-two"
click_button "Submit"
click_link 'Advanced'
click_link 'Metadata'
- assert page.has_text? 'Repository: active/activetestrepo2'
assert page.has_text? 'VirtualMachine: testvm.shell'
assert page.has_text? '["test group one", "test-group-two"]'
click_link 'Advanced'
click_link 'Metadata'
- assert page.has_no_text? 'Repository: active/'
assert page.has_no_text? 'VirtualMachine: testvm.shell'
# setup user again and verify links present
click_link 'Admin'
- click_link 'Setup Active User'
+ click_link 'Setup shell account for Active User'
within '.modal-content' do
- fill_in "repo_name", :with => "activetestrepo"
select("testvm.shell", :from => 'vm_uuid')
click_button "Submit"
click_link 'Advanced'
click_link 'Metadata'
- assert page.has_text? 'Repository: active/activetestrepo'
assert page.has_text? 'VirtualMachine: testvm.shell'
- [
- ['admin', false],
- ['active', true],
- ].each do |username, expect_show_button|
- test "login as #{username} and access show button #{expect_show_button}" do
- need_javascript
- user = api_fixture('users', username)
- visit page_with_token(username, '/users')
- if expect_show_button
- within('tr', text: user['uuid']) do
- assert_text user['email']
- assert_selector 'a', text: 'Show'
- find('a', text: 'Show').click
- end
- assert_selector 'a', 'Data collections'
- else
- # no 'Show' button in the admin user's own row
- within('tr', text: user['uuid']) do
- assert_text user['email']
- assert_no_selector 'a', text: 'Show'
- end
- # but the admin user can access 'Show' button for other users
- active_user = api_fixture('users', 'active')
- within('tr', text: active_user['uuid']) do
- assert_text active_user['email']
- assert_selector 'a', text: 'Show'
- find('a', text: 'Show').click
- assert_selector 'a', 'Attributes'
- end
- end
+ test "test add group button" do
+ need_javascript
+ user_url = "/users/#{api_fixture('users')['active']['uuid']}"
+ visit page_with_token('admin_trustedclient', user_url)
+ # Setup user
+ click_link 'Admin'
+ assert page.has_text? 'As an admin, you can setup'
+ click_link 'Add new group'
+ within '.modal-content' do
+ fill_in "group_name_input", :with => "test-group-added-in-modal"
+ click_button "Create"
+ wait_for_ajax
+ # Back in the user "Admin" tab
+ assert page.has_text? 'test-group-added-in-modal'