# Methods that don't require login should
# skip_around_filter :require_thread_api_token
around_filter :require_thread_api_token, except: ERROR_ACTIONS
+ before_filter :set_cache_buster
before_filter :accept_uuid_as_id_param, except: ERROR_ACTIONS
before_filter :check_user_agreements, except: ERROR_ACTIONS
before_filter :check_user_profile, except: ERROR_ACTIONS
with: :render_exception)
+ def set_cache_buster
+ response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate"
+ response.headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache"
+ response.headers["Expires"] = "Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT"
+ end
def unprocessable(message=nil)
@errors ||= []
+ # params[:order]:
+ #
+ # The order can be left empty to allow it to default.
+ # Or it can be a comma separated list of real database column names, one per model.
+ # Column names should always be qualified by a table name and a direction is optional, defaulting to asc
+ # (e.g. "collections.name" or "collections.name desc").
+ # If a column name is specified, that table will be sorted by that column.
+ # If there are objects from different models that will be shown (such as in Jobs and Pipelines tab),
+ # then a sort column name can optionally be specified for each model, passed as an comma-separated list (e.g. "jobs.script, pipeline_instances.name")
+ # Currently only one sort column name and direction can be specified for each model.
def load_filters_and_paging_params
- @order = params[:order] || 'created_at desc'
+ if params[:order].blank?
+ @order = 'created_at desc'
+ elsif params[:order].is_a? Array
+ @order = params[:order]
+ else
+ begin
+ @order = JSON.load(params[:order])
+ rescue
+ @order = params[:order].split(',')
+ end
+ end
@order = [@order] unless @order.is_a? Array
@limit ||= 200
def render_index
- respond_to do |f|
- f.json { render json: @objects }
- f.html {
- if params[:tab_pane]
- render_pane params[:tab_pane]
- else
- render
- end
- }
- f.js { render }
+ if params[:partial]
+ respond_to do |f|
+ f.json {
+ @next_page_href = next_page_href(partial: params[:partial])
+ render json: {
+ content: render_to_string(partial: "show_#{params[:partial]}.html", formats: [:html]),
+ next_page_href: @next_page_href
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ else
+ respond_to do |f|
+ f.json { render json: @objects }
+ f.html {
+ if params[:tab_pane]
+ render_pane params[:tab_pane]
+ else
+ render
+ end
+ }
+ f.js { render }
+ end
f.html {
if params['tab_pane']
- render_pane params['tab_pane']
+ render_pane(if params['tab_pane'].is_a? Hash then params['tab_pane']["name"] else params['tab_pane'] end)
elsif request.method.in? ['GET', 'HEAD']
false # For convenience to return from callbacks
- def using_specific_api_token(api_token)
+ def using_specific_api_token(api_token, opts={})
start_values = {}
[:arvados_api_token, :user].each do |key|
start_values[key] = Thread.current[key]
- load_api_token(api_token)
+ if opts.fetch(:load_user, true)
+ load_api_token(api_token)
+ else
+ Thread.current[:arvados_api_token] = api_token
+ Thread.current[:user] = nil
+ end
helper_method :running_pipelines
def running_pipelines
- PipelineInstance.order(["started_at asc", "created_at asc"]).filter([["state", "in", ["RunningOnServer", "RunningOnClient"]]])
+ pi = PipelineInstance.order(["started_at asc", "created_at asc"]).filter([["state", "in", ["RunningOnServer", "RunningOnClient"]]])
+ jobs = {}
+ pi.each do |pl|
+ pl.components.each do |k,v|
+ if v.is_a? Hash and v[:job]
+ jobs[v[:job][:uuid]] = {}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if jobs.keys.any?
+ Job.filter([["uuid", "in", jobs.keys]]).each do |j|
+ jobs[j[:uuid]] = j
+ end
+ pi.each do |pl|
+ pl.components.each do |k,v|
+ if v.is_a? Hash and v[:job]
+ v[:job] = jobs[v[:job][:uuid]]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ pi
helper_method :finished_pipelines
crumbs = []
current = @name_link || @object
while current
+ # Halt if a group ownership loop is detected. API should refuse
+ # to produce this state, but it could still arise from a race
+ # condition when group ownership changes between our find()
+ # queries.
+ break if crumbs.collect(&:uuid).include? current.uuid
if current.is_a?(Group) and current.group_class == 'project'
crumbs.prepend current