+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from future.utils import listitems, listvalues, viewkeys
+from builtins import str
+from past.builtins import basestring
+from builtins import object
import functools
import logging
import os
from stat import *
from .arvfile import split, _FileLikeObjectBase, ArvadosFile, ArvadosFileWriter, ArvadosFileReader, _BlockManager, synchronized, must_be_writable, NoopLock
-from keep import KeepLocator, KeepClient
+from .keep import KeepLocator, KeepClient
from .stream import StreamReader
from ._normalize_stream import normalize_stream
from ._ranges import Range, LocatorAndRange
from .safeapi import ThreadSafeApiCache
-import config
-import errors
-import util
-import events
+import arvados.config as config
+import arvados.errors as errors
+import arvados.util
+import arvados.events as events
from arvados.retry import retry_method
_logger = logging.getLogger('arvados.collection')
if fields:
clean_fields = fields[:1] + [
(re.sub(r'\+[^\d][^\+]*', '', x)
- if re.match(util.keep_locator_pattern, x)
+ if re.match(arvados.util.keep_locator_pattern, x)
else x)
for x in fields[1:]]
clean += [' '.join(clean_fields), "\n"]
def _work_trees(self):
path, stream_name, max_manifest_depth = self._queued_trees[0]
- d = util.listdir_recursive(
+ d = arvados.util.listdir_recursive(
path, max_depth = (None if max_manifest_depth == 0 else 0))
if d:
self._queue_dirents(stream_name, d)
def write(self, newdata):
- if hasattr(newdata, '__iter__'):
+ if isinstance(newdata, bytes):
+ pass
+ elif isinstance(newdata, str):
+ newdata = newdata.encode()
+ elif hasattr(newdata, '__iter__'):
for s in newdata:
return self._last_open
def flush_data(self):
- data_buffer = ''.join(self._data_buffer)
+ data_buffer = b''.join(self._data_buffer)
if data_buffer:
sending manifest_text() to the API server's "create
collection" endpoint.
- return self._my_keep().put(self.manifest_text(), copies=self.replication)
+ return self._my_keep().put(self.manifest_text().encode(),
+ copies=self.replication)
def portable_data_hash(self):
- stripped = self.stripped_manifest()
+ stripped = self.stripped_manifest().encode()
return hashlib.md5(stripped).hexdigest() + '+' + str(len(stripped))
def manifest_text(self):
return writer
def check_dependencies(self):
- for path, orig_stat in self._dependencies.items():
+ for path, orig_stat in listitems(self._dependencies):
if not S_ISREG(orig_stat[ST_MODE]):
raise errors.StaleWriterStateError("{} not file".format(path))
item = ArvadosFile(self, pathcomponents[0])
self._items[pathcomponents[0]] = item
- self._committed = False
+ self.set_committed(False)
self.notify(ADD, self, pathcomponents[0], item)
return item
# create new collection
item = Subcollection(self, pathcomponents[0])
self._items[pathcomponents[0]] = item
- self._committed = False
+ self.set_committed(False)
self.notify(ADD, self, pathcomponents[0], item)
if isinstance(item, RichCollectionBase):
return item.find_or_create(pathcomponents[1], create_type)
path to a file in the collection
- one of "r", "r+", "w", "w+", "a", "a+"
+ a string consisting of "r", "w", or "a", optionally followed
+ by "b" or "t", optionally followed by "+".
+ :"b":
+ binary mode: write() accepts bytes, read() returns bytes.
+ :"t":
+ text mode (default): write() accepts strings, read() returns strings.
opens for reading
the end of the file. Writing does not affect the file pointer for
- mode = mode.replace("b", "")
- if len(mode) == 0 or mode[0] not in ("r", "w", "a"):
- raise errors.ArgumentError("Bad mode '%s'" % mode)
- create = (mode != "r")
- if create and not self.writable():
- raise IOError(errno.EROFS, "Collection is read only")
+ if not re.search(r'^[rwa][bt]?\+?$', mode):
+ raise errors.ArgumentError("Invalid mode {!r}".format(mode))
- if create:
- arvfile = self.find_or_create(path, FILE)
- else:
+ if mode[0] == 'r' and '+' not in mode:
+ fclass = ArvadosFileReader
arvfile = self.find(path)
+ elif not self.writable():
+ raise IOError(errno.EROFS, "Collection is read only")
+ else:
+ fclass = ArvadosFileWriter
+ arvfile = self.find_or_create(path, FILE)
if arvfile is None:
raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, "File not found", path)
if not isinstance(arvfile, ArvadosFile):
raise IOError(errno.EISDIR, "Is a directory", path)
- if mode[0] == "w":
+ if mode[0] == 'w':
- name = os.path.basename(path)
- if mode == "r":
- return ArvadosFileReader(arvfile, num_retries=self.num_retries)
- else:
- return ArvadosFileWriter(arvfile, mode, num_retries=self.num_retries)
+ return fclass(arvfile, mode=mode, num_retries=self.num_retries)
def modified(self):
"""Determine if the collection has been modified since last commited."""
def committed(self):
"""Determine if the collection has been committed to the API server."""
- if self._committed is False:
- return False
- for v in self._items.values():
- if v.committed() is False:
- return False
- return True
+ return self._committed
- def set_committed(self):
- """Recursively set committed flag to True."""
- self._committed = True
- for k,v in self._items.items():
- v.set_committed()
+ def set_committed(self, value=True):
+ """Recursively set committed flag.
+ If value is True, set committed to be True for this and all children.
+ If value is False, set committed to be False for this and all parents.
+ """
+ if value == self._committed:
+ return
+ if value:
+ for k,v in listitems(self._items):
+ v.set_committed(True)
+ self._committed = True
+ else:
+ self._committed = False
+ if self.parent is not None:
+ self.parent.set_committed(False)
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterate over names of files and collections contained in this collection."""
- return iter(self._items.keys())
+ return iter(viewkeys(self._items))
def __getitem__(self, k):
def __delitem__(self, p):
"""Delete an item by name which is directly contained by this collection."""
del self._items[p]
- self._committed = False
+ self.set_committed(False)
self.notify(DEL, self, p, None)
def keys(self):
"""Get a list of names of files and collections directly contained in this collection."""
- return self._items.keys()
+ return viewkeys(self._items)
def values(self):
"""Get a list of files and collection objects directly contained in this collection."""
- return self._items.values()
+ return listvalues(self._items)
def items(self):
"""Get a list of (name, object) tuples directly contained in this collection."""
- return self._items.items()
+ return listitems(self._items)
def exists(self, path):
"""Test if there is a file or collection at `path`."""
raise IOError(errno.ENOTEMPTY, "Directory not empty", path)
deleteditem = self._items[pathcomponents[0]]
del self._items[pathcomponents[0]]
- self._committed = False
+ self.set_committed(False)
self.notify(DEL, self, pathcomponents[0], deleteditem)
def _clonefrom(self, source):
- for k,v in source.items():
+ for k,v in listitems(source):
self._items[k] = v.clone(self, k)
def clone(self):
item = source_obj.clone(self, target_name)
self._items[target_name] = item
- self._committed = False
+ self.set_committed(False)
if modified_from:
self.notify(MOD, self, target_name, (modified_from, item))
if changes:
- self._committed = False
+ self.set_committed(False)
for change in changes:
event_type = change[0]
path = change[1]
# then return API server's PDH response.
return self._portable_data_hash
- stripped = self.portable_manifest_text()
+ stripped = self.portable_manifest_text().encode()
return hashlib.md5(stripped).hexdigest() + '+' + str(len(stripped))
def flush(self):
"""Flush bufferblocks to Keep."""
- for e in self.values():
+ for e in listvalues(self):
self.events = None
if manifest_locator_or_text:
- if re.match(util.keep_locator_pattern, manifest_locator_or_text):
+ if re.match(arvados.util.keep_locator_pattern, manifest_locator_or_text):
self._manifest_locator = manifest_locator_or_text
- elif re.match(util.collection_uuid_pattern, manifest_locator_or_text):
+ elif re.match(arvados.util.collection_uuid_pattern, manifest_locator_or_text):
self._manifest_locator = manifest_locator_or_text
- elif re.match(util.manifest_pattern, manifest_locator_or_text):
+ elif re.match(arvados.util.manifest_pattern, manifest_locator_or_text):
self._manifest_text = manifest_locator_or_text
raise errors.ArgumentError(
self._manifest_text = self._api_response['manifest_text']
+ self._portable_data_hash = self._api_response['portable_data_hash']
# If not overriden via kwargs, we should try to load the
# replication_desired from the API server
if self.replication_desired is None:
# mode. Return an exception, or None if successful.
self._manifest_text = self._my_keep().get(
- self._manifest_locator, num_retries=self.num_retries)
+ self._manifest_locator, num_retries=self.num_retries).decode()
except Exception as e:
return e
error_via_api = None
error_via_keep = None
should_try_keep = ((self._manifest_text is None) and
- util.keep_locator_pattern.match(
+ arvados.util.keep_locator_pattern.match(
if ((self._manifest_text is None) and
- util.signed_locator_pattern.match(self._manifest_locator)):
+ arvados.util.signed_locator_pattern.match(self._manifest_locator)):
error_via_keep = self._populate_from_keep()
if self._manifest_text is None:
error_via_api = self._populate_from_api_server()
def _has_collection_uuid(self):
- return self._manifest_locator is not None and re.match(util.collection_uuid_pattern, self._manifest_locator)
+ return self._manifest_locator is not None and re.match(arvados.util.collection_uuid_pattern, self._manifest_locator)
def __enter__(self):
return self
self._manifest_text = self._api_response["manifest_text"]
self._portable_data_hash = self._api_response["portable_data_hash"]
- self.set_committed()
+ self.set_committed(True)
return self._manifest_text
self._portable_data_hash = self._api_response["portable_data_hash"]
self._manifest_text = text
- self.set_committed()
+ self.set_committed(True)
return text
stream_name = tok.replace('\\040', ' ')
blocks = []
segments = []
- streamoffset = 0L
+ streamoffset = 0
state = BLOCKS
self.find_or_create(stream_name, COLLECTION)
if state == BLOCKS:
block_locator = re.match(r'[0-9a-f]{32}\+(\d+)(\+\S+)*', tok)
if block_locator:
- blocksize = long(block_locator.group(1))
+ blocksize = int(block_locator.group(1))
blocks.append(Range(tok, streamoffset, blocksize, 0))
streamoffset += blocksize
if state == SEGMENTS:
file_segment = re.search(r'^(\d+):(\d+):(\S+)', tok)
if file_segment:
- pos = long(file_segment.group(1))
- size = long(file_segment.group(2))
+ pos = int(file_segment.group(1))
+ size = int(file_segment.group(2))
name = file_segment.group(3).replace('\\040', ' ')
filepath = os.path.join(stream_name, name)
afile = self.find_or_create(filepath, FILE)
stream_name = None
- self.set_committed()
+ self.set_committed(True)
def notify(self, event, collection, name, item):
def _reparent(self, newparent, newname):
- self._committed = False
+ self.set_committed(False)
self.parent.remove(self.name, recursive=True)
self.parent = newparent