-<% log_uuids = [@object.uuid] + pipeline_jobs(@object).collect{|x|x[:job].andand[:uuid]}.compact %>
-<% log_history = stderr_log_history(log_uuids) %>
-<div id="event_log_div"
- class="arv-log-event-listener arv-log-event-handler-append-logs arv-log-event-subscribe-to-pipeline-job-uuids arv-job-log-window"
- data-object-uuids="<%= log_uuids.join(' ') %>"
- ><%= log_history.join("\n") %></div>
-<%# Applying a long throttle suppresses the auto-refresh of this
- partial that would normally be triggered by arv-log-event. %>
-<div class="arv-log-refresh-control"
- data-load-throttle="86486400000" <%# 1001 nights %>
- ></div>
+<% log_ids = @object.job_log_ids
+ still_logging, done_logging = log_ids.keys.partition { |k| log_ids[k].nil? }
+<% unless done_logging.empty? %>
+ <table class="topalign table table-condensed table-fixedlayout">
+ <colgroup>
+ <col width="40%" />
+ <col width="60%" />
+ </colgroup>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>finished component</th>
+ <th>job log</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <% done_logging.each do |cname| %>
+ <tr>
+ <td><%= cname %></td>
+ <td><%= link_to("Log for #{cname}",
+ {controller: "collections", action: "show", id: log_ids[cname]})
+ %></td>
+ </tr>
+ <% end %>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+<% end %>
+<% unless still_logging.empty? %>
+ <h4>Logs in progress</h4>
+ <div id="event_log_div"
+ class="arv-log-event-listener arv-log-event-handler-append-logs arv-log-event-subscribe-to-pipeline-job-uuids arv-job-log-window"
+ data-object-uuids="<%= @object.stderr_log_object_uuids.join(' ') %>"
+ ><%= @object.stderr_log_lines.join("\n") %></div>
+ <%# Applying a long throttle suppresses the auto-refresh of this
+ partial that would normally be triggered by arv-log-event. %>
+ <div class="arv-log-refresh-control"
+ data-load-throttle="86486400000" <%# 1001 nights %>
+ ></div>
+<% end %>