stream per filesystem directory that contains files.
-upload_opts.add_argument('--project-uuid', metavar='UUID', help="""
-Store the collection in the specified project, instead of your Home
-upload_opts.add_argument('--name', help="""
-Save the collection with the specified name, rather than the default
-generic name "Saved at {time} by {username}@{host}".
_group = upload_opts.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
_group.add_argument('--as-stream', action='store_true', dest='stream',
it is not a directory. Implies --manifest.
+upload_opts.add_argument('--portable-data-hash', action='store_true',
+ help="""
+Print the portable data hash instead of the Arvados UUID for the collection
+created by the upload.
run_opts = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+run_opts.add_argument('--project-uuid', metavar='UUID', help="""
+Store the collection in the specified project, instead of your Home
+run_opts.add_argument('--name', help="""
+Save the collection with the specified name.
_group = run_opts.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
_group.add_argument('--progress', action='store_true',
def exit_signal_handler(sigcode, frame):
-def check_project_exists(project_uuid):
- try:
- api_client.groups().get(uuid=project_uuid).execute()
- except (apiclient.errors.Error, arvados.errors.NotFoundError) as error:
- raise ValueError("Project {} not found ({})".format(project_uuid,
- error))
+def desired_project_uuid(api_client, project_uuid):
+ if project_uuid:
+ if arvados.util.user_uuid_pattern.match(project_uuid):
+ api_client.users().get(uuid=project_uuid).execute()
+ return project_uuid
+ elif arvados.util.group_uuid_pattern.match(project_uuid):
+ api_client.groups().get(uuid=project_uuid).execute()
+ return project_uuid
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Not a valid project uuid: {}".format(project_uuid))
- return True
-def prep_project_link(args, stderr, project_exists=check_project_exists):
- # Given the user's command line arguments, return a dictionary with data
- # to create the desired project link for this Collection, or None.
- # Raises ValueError if the arguments request something impossible.
- making_collection = not (args.raw or
- if not making_collection:
- if or args.project_uuid:
- raise ValueError("Requested a Link without creating a Collection")
- return None
- link = {'tail_uuid': args.project_uuid,
- 'link_class': 'name',
- 'name':}
- if not link['tail_uuid']:
- link['tail_uuid'] = api_client.users().current().execute()['uuid']
- elif not project_exists(link['tail_uuid']):
- raise ValueError("Project {} not found".format(args.project_uuid))
- if not link['name']:
- link['name'] = "Saved at {} by {}@{}".format(
- datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC"),
- pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name,
- socket.gethostname())
- stderr.write(
- "arv-put: No --name specified. Saving as \"%s\"\n" % link['name'])
- link['owner_uuid'] = link['tail_uuid']
- return link
-def create_project_link(locator, link):
- link['head_uuid'] = locator
- return api_client.links().create(body=link).execute()
+ return api_client.users().current().execute()['uuid']
def main(arguments=None, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr):
global api_client
status = 0
args = parse_arguments(arguments)
+ # Determine the name to use
+ if
+ if or args.raw:
+ print >>stderr, "Cannot use --name with --stream or --raw"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ collection_name =
+ else:
+ collection_name = "Saved at {} by {}@{}".format(
+ datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC"),
+ pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name,
+ socket.gethostname())
+ if args.project_uuid and ( or args.raw):
+ print >>stderr, "Cannot use --project-uuid with --stream or --raw"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Determine the parent project
- project_link = prep_project_link(args, stderr)
- except ValueError as error:
- print >>stderr, "arv-put: {}.".format(error)
- sys.exit(2)
+ project_uuid = desired_project_uuid(api_client, args.project_uuid)
+ except (apiclient.errors.Error, ValueError) as error:
+ print >>stderr, error
+ sys.exit(1)
if args.progress:
reporter = progress_writer(human_progress)
elif args.raw:
output = ','.join(writer.data_locators())
- # Register the resulting collection in Arvados.
- collection = api_client.collections().create(
- body={
- 'manifest_text': writer.manifest_text(),
- 'owner_uuid': project_link['tail_uuid']
- },
- ).execute()
- output = collection['uuid']
- if project_link is not None:
- # Update collection name
- try:
- if 'name' in collection:
- arvados.api().collections().update(uuid=output,
- body={"owner_uuid": project_link["tail_uuid"],
- "name": project_link["name"]}).execute()
- else:
- create_project_link(output, project_link)
- except apiclient.errors.Error as error:
- print >>stderr, (
- "arv-put: Error adding Collection to project: {}.".format(
- error))
- status = 1
+ try:
+ # Register the resulting collection in Arvados.
+ collection = api_client.collections().create(
+ body={
+ 'owner_uuid': project_uuid,
+ 'name': collection_name,
+ 'manifest_text': writer.manifest_text()
+ },
+ ensure_unique_name=True
+ ).execute()
+ print >>stderr, "Collection saved as '%s'" % collection['name']
+ if args.portable_data_hash and 'portable_data_hash' in collection and collection['portable_data_hash']:
+ output = collection['portable_data_hash']
+ else:
+ output = collection['uuid']
+ except apiclient.errors.Error as error:
+ print >>stderr, (
+ "arv-put: Error creating Collection on project: {}.".format(
+ error))
+ status = 1
# Print the locator (uuid) of the new collection.