require 'test_helper'
class LogTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- # test "the truth" do
- # assert true
- # end
+ include CurrentApiClient
+ :create => [:created_at, :assert_nil, :assert_not_nil],
+ :update => [:modified_at, :assert_not_nil, :assert_not_nil],
+ :destroy => [nil, :assert_not_nil, :assert_nil],
+ }
+ def setup
+ @start_time =
+ @log_count = 1
+ end
+ def assert_properties(test_method, event, props, *keys)
+ verb = (test_method == :assert_nil) ? 'have nil' : 'define'
+ keys.each do |prop_name|
+ assert_includes(props, prop_name, "log properties missing #{prop_name}")
+ self.send(test_method, props[prop_name],
+ "#{event.to_s} log should #{verb} #{prop_name}")
+ end
+ end
+ def get_logs_about(thing)
+ Log.where(object_uuid: thing.uuid).order("created_at ASC").all
+ end
+ def assert_logged(thing, event_type)
+ logs = get_logs_about(thing)
+ assert_equal(@log_count, logs.size, "log count mismatch")
+ @log_count += 1
+ log = logs.last
+ props =
+ assert_equal(current_user.andand.uuid, log.owner_uuid,
+ "log is not owned by current user")
+ assert_equal(current_user.andand.uuid, log.modified_by_user_uuid,
+ "log is not 'modified by' current user")
+ assert_equal(current_api_client.andand.uuid, log.modified_by_client_uuid,
+ "log is not 'modified by' current client")
+ assert_equal(thing.uuid, log.object_uuid, "log UUID mismatch")
+ assert_equal(event_type.to_s, log.event_type, "log event type mismatch")
+ time_method, old_props_test, new_props_test = EVENT_TEST_METHODS[event_type]
+ if time_method.nil? or (timestamp = thing.send(time_method)).nil?
+ assert(log.event_at >= @start_time, "log timestamp too old")
+ else
+ assert_in_delta(timestamp, log.event_at, 1, "log timestamp mismatch")
+ end
+ assert_properties(old_props_test, event_type, props,
+ 'old_etag', 'old_attributes')
+ assert_properties(new_props_test, event_type, props,
+ 'new_etag', 'new_attributes')
+ yield props if block_given?
+ end
+ def assert_auth_logged_with_clean_properties(auth, event_type)
+ assert_logged(auth, event_type) do |props|
+ ['old_attributes', 'new_attributes'].map { |k| props[k] }.compact
+ .each do |attributes|
+ refute_includes(attributes, 'api_token',
+ "auth log properties include sensitive API token")
+ end
+ yield props if block_given?
+ end
+ end
+ def set_user_from_auth(auth_name)
+ client_auth = api_client_authorizations(auth_name)
+ Thread.current[:api_client_authorization] = client_auth
+ Thread.current[:api_client] = client_auth.api_client
+ Thread.current[:user] = client_auth.user
+ end
+ test "creating a user makes a log" do
+ set_user_from_auth :admin_trustedclient
+ u = "Log", last_name: "Test")
+ assert_logged(u, :create) do |props|
+ assert_equal(u.etag, props['new_etag'], "new user etag mismatch")
+ assert_equal(u.first_name, props['new_attributes']['first_name'],
+ "new user first name mismatch")
+ assert_equal(u.last_name, props['new_attributes']['last_name'],
+ "new user first name mismatch")
+ end
+ end
+ test "updating a virtual machine makes a log" do
+ set_user_from_auth :admin_trustedclient
+ vm = virtual_machines(:testvm)
+ orig_etag = vm.etag
+ vm.hostname = 'testvm.testshell'
+ assert_logged(vm, :update) do |props|
+ assert_equal(orig_etag, props['old_etag'], "updated VM old etag mismatch")
+ assert_equal(vm.etag, props['new_etag'], "updated VM new etag mismatch")
+ assert_equal('', props['old_attributes']['hostname'],
+ "updated VM old name mismatch")
+ assert_equal('testvm.testshell', props['new_attributes']['hostname'],
+ "updated VM new name mismatch")
+ end
+ end
+ test "destroying an authorization makes a log" do
+ set_user_from_auth :admin_trustedclient
+ auth = api_client_authorizations(:spectator)
+ orig_etag = auth.etag
+ orig_attrs = auth.attributes
+ orig_attrs.delete 'api_token'
+ auth.destroy
+ assert_logged(auth, :destroy) do |props|
+ assert_equal(orig_etag, props['old_etag'], "destroyed auth etag mismatch")
+ assert_equal(orig_attrs, props['old_attributes'],
+ "destroyed auth attributes mismatch")
+ end
+ end
+ test "saving an unchanged client still makes a log" do
+ set_user_from_auth :admin_trustedclient
+ client = api_clients(:untrusted)
+ client.is_trusted = client.is_trusted
+ assert_logged(client, :update) do |props|
+ ['old', 'new'].each do |age|
+ assert_equal(client.etag, props["#{age}_etag"],
+ "unchanged client #{age} etag mismatch")
+ assert_equal(client.attributes, props["#{age}_attributes"],
+ "unchanged client #{age} attributes mismatch")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ test "updating a group twice makes two logs" do
+ set_user_from_auth :admin_trustedclient
+ group = groups(:empty_lonely_group)
+ name1 =
+ name2 = "#{name1} under test"
+ = name2
+ assert_logged(group, :update) do |props|
+ assert_equal(name1, props['old_attributes']['name'],
+ "group start name mismatch")
+ assert_equal(name2, props['new_attributes']['name'],
+ "group updated name mismatch")
+ end
+ = name1
+ assert_logged(group, :update) do |props|
+ assert_equal(name2, props['old_attributes']['name'],
+ "group pre-revert name mismatch")
+ assert_equal(name1, props['new_attributes']['name'],
+ "group final name mismatch")
+ end
+ end
+ test "making a log doesn't get logged" do
+ set_user_from_auth :active_trustedclient
+ log =
+ assert_equal(0, get_logs_about(log).size, "made a Log about a Log")
+ end
+ test "non-admins can't modify or delete logs" do
+ set_user_from_auth :active_trustedclient
+ log = "immutable log test")
+ assert_nothing_raised {! }
+ log.summary = "log mutation test should fail"
+ assert_raise(ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError) {! }
+ assert_raise(ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError) { log.destroy }
+ end
+ test "admins can modify and delete logs" do
+ set_user_from_auth :admin_trustedclient
+ log = "admin log mutation test")
+ assert_nothing_raised {! }
+ log.summary = "admin mutated log test"
+ assert_nothing_raised {! }
+ assert_nothing_raised { log.destroy }
+ end
+ test "failure saving log causes failure saving object" do
+ Log.class_eval do
+ alias_method :_orig_validations, :perform_validations
+ def perform_validations(options)
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+ set_user_from_auth :active_trustedclient
+ user = users(:active)
+ user.first_name = 'Test'
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) {! }
+ ensure
+ Log.class_eval do
+ alias_method :perform_validations, :_orig_validations
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ test "don't log changes only to ApiClientAuthorization.last_used_*" do
+ set_user_from_auth :admin_trustedclient
+ auth = api_client_authorizations(:spectator)
+ start_log_count = get_logs_about(auth).size
+ auth.last_used_at =
+ auth.last_used_by_ip_address = '::1'
+ assert_equal(start_log_count, get_logs_about(auth).size,
+ "log count changed after 'using' ApiClientAuthorization")
+ auth.created_by_ip_address = '::1'
+ assert_logged(auth, :update)
+ end
+ test "token isn't included in ApiClientAuthorization logs" do
+ set_user_from_auth :admin_trustedclient
+ auth =
+ auth.user = users(:spectator)
+ auth.api_client = api_clients(:untrusted)
+ assert_auth_logged_with_clean_properties(auth, :create)
+ auth.expires_at =
+ assert_auth_logged_with_clean_properties(auth, :update)
+ auth.destroy
+ assert_auth_logged_with_clean_properties(auth, :destroy)
+ end
+ test "use ownership and permission links to determine which logs a user can see" do
+ c = Log.readable_by(users(:admin)).order("id asc").each.to_a
+ assert_equal 5, c.size
+ assert_equal 1, c[0].id # no-op
+ assert_equal 2, c[1].id # admin changes repository foo, which is owned by active user
+ assert_equal 3, c[2].id # admin changes specimen owned_by_spectator
+ assert_equal 4, c[3].id # foo collection added, readable by active through link
+ assert_equal 5, c[4].id # baz collection added, readable by active and spectator through group 'all users' group membership
+ c = Log.readable_by(users(:active)).order("id asc").each.to_a
+ assert_equal 3, c.size
+ assert_equal 2, c[0].id # admin changes repository foo, which is owned by active user
+ assert_equal 4, c[1].id # foo collection added, readable by active through link
+ assert_equal 5, c[2].id # baz collection added, readable by active and spectator through group 'all users' group membership
+ c = Log.readable_by(users(:spectator)).order("id asc").each.to_a
+ assert_equal 2, c.size
+ assert_equal 3, c[0].id # admin changes specimen owned_by_spectator
+ assert_equal 5, c[1].id # baz collection added, readable by active and spectator through group 'all users' group membership
+ end