h2(#supportedlinux). Supported GNU/Linux distributions
table(table table-bordered table-condensed).
-|_. Distribution|_. State|_. Last supported version|
+|_. Distribution|_. State|_. Last supported Arvados version|
|CentOS 7|Supported|Latest|
+|Debian 11 ("bullseye")|Supported|Latest|
|Debian 10 ("buster")|Supported|Latest|
+|Ubuntu 20.04 ("focal")|Supported|Latest|
|Ubuntu 18.04 ("bionic")|Supported|Latest|
-|Ubuntu 16.04 ("xenial")|Supported|Latest|
-|Debian 9 ("stretch")|EOL|Latest 2.1.X release|
+|Ubuntu 16.04 ("xenial")|EOL|2.1.2|
+|Debian 9 ("stretch")|EOL|2.1.2|
|Debian 8 ("jessie")|EOL|1.4.3|
|Ubuntu 14.04 ("trusty")|EOL|1.4.3|
|Ubuntu 12.04 ("precise")|EOL|8ed7b6dd5d4df93a3f37096afe6d6f81c2a7ef6e (2017-05-03)|
table(table table-bordered table-condensed).
|\3=. *Core*|
-|"Postgres database":install-postgresql.html |Stores data for the API server.|Required.|
-|"API server":install-api-server.html |Core Arvados logic for managing users, groups, collections, containers, and enforcing permissions.|Required.|
+|"PostgreSQL database":install-postgresql.html |Stores data for the API server.|Required.|
+|"API server + Controller":install-api-server.html |Core Arvados logic for managing users, groups, collections, containers, and enforcing permissions.|Required.|
|\3=. *Keep (storage)*|
|"Keepstore":install-keepstore.html |Stores content-addressed blocks in a variety of backends (local filesystem, cloud object storage).|Required.|
|"Keepproxy":install-keepproxy.html |Gateway service to access keep servers from external networks.|Required to be able to use arv-put, arv-get, or arv-mount outside the private Arvados network.|
|"Keep-balance":install-keep-balance.html |Storage cluster maintenance daemon responsible for moving blocks to their optimal server location, adjusting block replication levels, and trashing unreferenced blocks.|Required to free deleted data from underlying storage, and to ensure proper replication and block distribution (including support for storage classes).|
|\3=. *User interface*|
|"Workbench":install-workbench-app.html, "Workbench2":install-workbench2-app.html |Primary graphical user interface for working with file collections and running containers.|Optional. Depends on API server, keep-web, websockets server.|
-|"Workflow Composer":install-composer.html |Graphical user interface for editing Common Workflow Language workflows.|Optional. Depends on git server (arv-git-httpd).|
+|"Workflow Composer":install-composer.html |Graphical user interface for editing Common Workflow Language workflows.|Optional. Depends on git server (arvados-git-httpd).|
|\3=. *Additional services*|
|"Websockets server":install-ws.html |Event distribution server.|Required to view streaming container logs in Workbench.|
|"Shell server":install-shell-server.html |Synchronize (create/delete/configure) Unix shell accounts with Arvados users.|Optional.|
|"Git server":install-arv-git-httpd.html |Arvados-hosted git repositories, with Arvados-token based authentication.|Optional, but required by Workflow Composer.|
|\3=. *Crunch (running containers)*|
|"arvados-dispatch-cloud":crunch2-cloud/install-dispatch-cloud.html |Allocate and free cloud VM instances on demand based on workload.|Optional, not needed for a static Slurm cluster such as on-premises HPC.|
-|"crunch-dispatch-slurm":crunch2-slurm/install-prerequisites.html |Run analysis workflows using Docker containers distributed across a Slurm cluster.|Optional, not needed for a Cloud installation, or if you wish to use Arvados for data management only.|
+|"crunch-dispatch-slurm":crunch2-slurm/install-dispatch.html |Run analysis workflows using Docker or Singularity containers distributed across a Slurm cluster.|Optional, not needed for a Cloud installation, or if you wish to use Arvados for data management only.|
+|"crunch-dispatch-lsf":crunch2-lsf/install-dispatch.html |Run analysis workflows using Docker or Singularity containers distributed across an LSF cluster.|Optional, not needed for a Cloud installation, or if you wish to use Arvados for data management only.|
h2(#identity). Identity provider
* LDAP login to authenticate users by username/password using the LDAP protocol, supported by many services such as OpenLDAP and Active Directory.
* PAM login to authenticate users by username/password according to the PAM configuration on the controller node.
+h2(#postgresql). PostgreSQL
+Arvados works well with a standalone PostgreSQL installation. When deploying on AWS, Aurora RDS also works but Aurora Serverless is not recommended.
h2(#storage). Storage backend
Choose which backend you will use for storing and retrieving content-addressed Keep blocks.
Choose which backend you will use to schedule computation.
* On AWS EC2 and Azure, you probably want to use @arvados-dispatch-cloud@ to manage the full lifecycle of cloud compute nodes: starting up nodes sized to the container request, executing containers on those nodes, and shutting nodes down when no longer needed.
-* For on-premise HPC clusters using "slurm":https://slurm.schedmd.com/ use @crunch-dispatch-slurm@ to execute containers with slurm job submissions.
+* For on-premises HPC clusters using "slurm":https://slurm.schedmd.com/ use @crunch-dispatch-slurm@ to execute containers with slurm job submissions.
+* For on-premises HPC clusters using "LSF":https://www.ibm.com/products/hpc-workload-management/ use @crunch-dispatch-lsf@ to execute containers with slurm job submissions.
* For single node demos, use @crunch-dispatch-local@ to execute containers directly.
h2(#machines). Hardware (or virtual machines)
<div class="offset1">
table(table table-bordered table-condensed).
|_. Function|_. Number of nodes|_. Recommended specs|
-|Postgres database, Arvados API server, Arvados controller, Git, Websockets, Container dispatcher|1|16+ GiB RAM, 4+ cores, fast disk for database|
+|PostgreSQL database, Arvados API server, Arvados controller, Git, Websockets, Container dispatcher|1|16+ GiB RAM, 4+ cores, fast disk for database|
|Workbench, Keepproxy, Keep-web, Keep-balance|1|8 GiB RAM, 2+ cores|
|Keepstore servers ^1^|2+|4 GiB RAM|
|Compute worker nodes ^1^|0+ |Depends on workload; scaled dynamically in the cloud|
^1^ Should be scaled up as needed
-^2^ Refers to shell nodes managed by Arvados, that provide ssh access for users to interact with Arvados at the command line. Optional.
+^2^ Refers to shell nodes managed by Arvados that provide ssh access for users to interact with Arvados at the command line. Optional.
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For a small demo installation, it is possible to run all the Arvados services on a single node. Special considerations for single-node installs will be noted in boxes like this.
h2(#clusterid). Arvados Cluster ID
-Each Arvados installation should have a cluster identifier, which is a unique 5-character lowercase alphanumeric string. Here is one way to make a random 5-character string:
+Each Arvados installation is identified by a cluster identifier, which is a unique 5-character lowercase alphanumeric string. There are 36 5 = 60466176 possible cluster identifiers.
+* For automated test purposes, use “z****”
+* For experimental/local-only/private clusters that won’t ever be visible on the public Internet, use “x****”
+* For long-lived clusters, we recommend reserving a cluster id. Contact "info@curii.com":mailto:info@curii.com for more information.
+Here is one way to make a random 5-character string:
<pre><code>~$ <span class="userinput">tr -dc 0-9a-z </dev/urandom | head -c5; echo</span>
h2(#dnstls). DNS entries and TLS certificates
-The following services are normally public-facing and require DNS entries and corresponding TLS certificates. Get certificates from your preferred TLS certificate provider. We recommend using "Let's Encrypt":https://letsencrypt.org/. You can run several services on same node, but each distinct hostname requires its own TLS certificate.
+The following services are normally public-facing and require DNS entries and corresponding TLS certificates. Get certificates from your preferred TLS certificate provider. We recommend using "Let's Encrypt":https://letsencrypt.org/. You can run several services on the same node, but each distinct DNS name requires a valid, matching TLS certificate.
-This guide uses the following hostname conventions. A later part of this guide will describe how to set up Nginx virtual hosts.
+This guide uses the following DNS name conventions. A later part of this guide will describe how to set up Nginx virtual hosts.
+It is possible to use custom DNS names for the Arvados services.
<div class="offset1">
table(table table-bordered table-condensed).
-|_. Function|_. Hostname|
+|_. Function|_. DNS name|
|Arvados API|@ClusterID.example.com@|
|Arvados Git server|git.@ClusterID.example.com@|
+|Arvados Webshell|webshell.@ClusterID.example.com@|
|Arvados Websockets endpoint|ws.@ClusterID.example.com@|
|Arvados Workbench|workbench.@ClusterID.example.com@|
|Arvados Workbench 2|workbench2.@ClusterID.example.com@|
|Arvados Keepproxy server|keep.@ClusterID.example.com@|
|Arvados Keep-web server|download.@ClusterID.example.com@
-*.collections.@ClusterID.example.com@ or
-*<notextile>--</notextile>collections.@ClusterID.example.com@ or
+*.collections.@ClusterID.example.com@ _or_
+*<notextile>--</notextile>collections.@ClusterID.example.com@ _or_
collections.@ClusterID.example.com@ (see the "keep-web install docs":install-keep-web.html)|
+Setting up Arvados is easiest when Wildcard TLS and wildcard DNS are available. It is also possible to set up Arvados without wildcard TLS and DNS, but not having a wildcard for @keep-web@ (i.e. not having *.collections.@ClusterID.example.com@) comes with a tradeoff: it will disable some features that allow users to view Arvados-hosted data in their browsers. More information on this tradeoff caused by the CORS rules applied by modern browsers is available in the "keep-web URL pattern guide":../api/keep-web-urls.html.
+The table below lists the required TLS certificates and DNS names in each scenario.
+<div class="offset1">
+table(table table-bordered table-condensed).
+||_. Wildcard TLS and DNS available|_. Wildcard TLS available|_. Other|
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It is also possible to create your own certificate authority, issue server certificates, and install a custom root certificate in the browser. This is out of scope for this guide.
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