// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
-import React from 'react';
-import { Grid } from '@material-ui/core';
-import { ProcessInformationCard } from './process-information-card';
+import React, { useState } from 'react';
+import { Grid, StyleRulesCallback, WithStyles, withStyles } from '@material-ui/core';
import { DefaultView } from 'components/default-view/default-view';
import { ProcessIcon } from 'components/icon/icon';
import { Process } from 'store/processes/process';
import { SubprocessPanel } from 'views/subprocess-panel/subprocess-panel';
import { SubprocessFilterDataProps } from 'components/subprocess-filter/subprocess-filter';
+import { MPVContainer, MPVPanelContent, MPVPanelState } from 'components/multi-panel-view/multi-panel-view';
+import { ArvadosTheme } from 'common/custom-theme';
+import { ProcessDetailsCard } from './process-details-card';
+import { getIOParamDisplayValue, ProcessIOCard, ProcessIOCardType, ProcessIOParameter } from './process-io-card';
+import { getProcessPanelLogs, ProcessLogsPanel } from 'store/process-logs-panel/process-logs-panel';
+import { ProcessLogsCard } from './process-log-card';
+import { FilterOption } from 'views/process-panel/process-log-form';
+import { getInputs, getInputCollectionMounts, getOutputParameters, getRawInputs } from 'store/processes/processes-actions';
+import { CommandInputParameter, getIOParamId } from 'models/workflow';
+import { CommandOutputParameter } from 'cwlts/mappings/v1.0/CommandOutputParameter';
+import { AuthState } from 'store/auth/auth-reducer';
+import { ProcessCmdCard } from './process-cmd-card';
+import { ContainerRequestResource } from 'models/container-request';
+type CssRules = 'root';
+const styles: StyleRulesCallback<CssRules> = (theme: ArvadosTheme) => ({
+ root: {
+ width: '100%',
+ },
export interface ProcessPanelRootDataProps {
process?: Process;
subprocesses: Array<Process>;
filters: Array<SubprocessFilterDataProps>;
+ processLogsPanel: ProcessLogsPanel;
+ auth: AuthState;
export interface ProcessPanelRootActionProps {
onContextMenu: (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>, process: Process) => void;
onToggle: (status: string) => void;
- openProcessInputDialog: (uuid: string) => void;
- navigateToOutput: (uuid: string) => void;
- navigateToWorkflow: (uuid: string) => void;
cancelProcess: (uuid: string) => void;
+ onLogFilterChange: (filter: FilterOption) => void;
+ navigateToLog: (uuid: string) => void;
+ onCopyToClipboard: (uuid: string) => void;
+ fetchOutputs: (containerRequest: ContainerRequestResource, fetchOutputs) => void;
+export type ProcessPanelRootProps = ProcessPanelRootDataProps & ProcessPanelRootActionProps & WithStyles<CssRules>;
+type OutputDetails = {
+ rawOutputs?: any;
+ pdh?: string;
-export type ProcessPanelRootProps = ProcessPanelRootDataProps & ProcessPanelRootActionProps;
+const panelsData: MPVPanelState[] = [
+ {name: "Details"},
+ {name: "Command"},
+ {name: "Logs", visible: true},
+ {name: "Inputs"},
+ {name: "Outputs"},
+ {name: "Subprocesses"},
+export const ProcessPanelRoot = withStyles(styles)(
+ ({ process, auth, processLogsPanel, fetchOutputs, ...props }: ProcessPanelRootProps) => {
+ const [outputDetails, setOutputs] = useState<OutputDetails | undefined>(undefined);
+ const [outputDefinitions, setOutputDefinitions] = useState<CommandOutputParameter[]>([]);
+ const [rawInputs, setInputs] = useState<CommandInputParameter[] | undefined>(undefined);
+ const [processedOutputs, setProcessedOutputs] = useState<ProcessIOParameter[] | undefined>(undefined);
+ const [processedInputs, setProcessedInputs] = useState<ProcessIOParameter[] | undefined>(undefined);
+ const outputUuid = process?.containerRequest.outputUuid;
+ const requestUuid = process?.containerRequest.uuid;
+ const containerRequest = process?.containerRequest;
-export const ProcessPanelRoot = ({ process, ...props }: ProcessPanelRootProps) =>
- process
- ? <Grid container spacing={16} alignItems="stretch">
- <Grid item sm={12} md={12}>
- <ProcessInformationCard
+ const inputMounts = getInputCollectionMounts(process?.containerRequest);
+ // Resets state when changing processes
+ React.useEffect(() => {
+ setOutputs(undefined);
+ setOutputDefinitions([]);
+ setInputs(undefined);
+ setProcessedOutputs(undefined);
+ setProcessedInputs(undefined);
+ }, [requestUuid]);
+ // Fetch raw output (async for fetching from keep)
+ React.useEffect(() => {
+ if (containerRequest) {
+ fetchOutputs(containerRequest, setOutputs);
+ }
+ }, [containerRequest, fetchOutputs]);
+ // Format raw output into ProcessIOParameter[] when it changes
+ React.useEffect(() => {
+ if (outputDetails !== undefined && outputDetails.rawOutputs && containerRequest) {
+ const newOutputDefinitions = getOutputParameters(containerRequest);
+ // Avoid setting output definitions back to [] when mounts briefly go missing
+ if (newOutputDefinitions.length) {
+ setOutputDefinitions(newOutputDefinitions);
+ }
+ setProcessedOutputs(formatOutputData(outputDefinitions, outputDetails.rawOutputs, outputDetails.pdh, auth));
+ }
+ }, [outputDetails, auth, containerRequest, outputDefinitions]);
+ // Fetch raw inputs and format into ProcessIOParameter[]
+ // Can be sync because inputs are either already in containerRequest mounts or props
+ React.useEffect(() => {
+ if (containerRequest) {
+ // Since mounts can disappear and reappear, only set inputs if raw / processed inputs is undefined or new inputs has content
+ const newRawInputs = getRawInputs(containerRequest);
+ if (rawInputs === undefined || (newRawInputs && newRawInputs.length)) {
+ setInputs(newRawInputs);
+ }
+ const newInputs = getInputs(containerRequest);
+ if (processedInputs === undefined || (newInputs && newInputs.length)) {
+ setProcessedInputs(formatInputData(newInputs, auth));
+ }
+ }
+ }, [requestUuid, auth, containerRequest, processedInputs, rawInputs]);
+ return process
+ ? <MPVContainer className={props.classes.root} spacing={8} panelStates={panelsData} justify-content="flex-start" direction="column" wrap="nowrap">
+ <MPVPanelContent forwardProps xs="auto" data-cy="process-details">
+ <ProcessDetailsCard
onContextMenu={event => props.onContextMenu(event, process)}
- openProcessInputDialog={props.openProcessInputDialog}
- navigateToOutput={props.navigateToOutput}
- openWorkflow={props.navigateToWorkflow}
- </Grid>
- <Grid item sm={12} md={12}>
+ </MPVPanelContent>
+ <MPVPanelContent forwardProps xs="auto" data-cy="process-cmd">
+ <ProcessCmdCard
+ onCopy={props.onCopyToClipboard}
+ process={process} />
+ </MPVPanelContent>
+ <MPVPanelContent forwardProps xs maxHeight='50%' data-cy="process-logs">
+ <ProcessLogsCard
+ onCopy={props.onCopyToClipboard}
+ process={process}
+ lines={getProcessPanelLogs(processLogsPanel)}
+ selectedFilter={{
+ label: processLogsPanel.selectedFilter,
+ value: processLogsPanel.selectedFilter
+ }}
+ filters={processLogsPanel.filters.map(
+ filter => ({ label: filter, value: filter })
+ )}
+ onLogFilterChange={props.onLogFilterChange}
+ navigateToLog={props.navigateToLog}
+ />
+ </MPVPanelContent>
+ <MPVPanelContent forwardProps xs maxHeight='50%' data-cy="process-inputs">
+ <ProcessIOCard
+ label={ProcessIOCardType.INPUT}
+ process={process}
+ params={processedInputs}
+ raw={rawInputs}
+ mounts={inputMounts}
+ />
+ </MPVPanelContent>
+ <MPVPanelContent forwardProps xs maxHeight='50%' data-cy="process-outputs">
+ <ProcessIOCard
+ label={ProcessIOCardType.OUTPUT}
+ process={process}
+ params={processedOutputs}
+ raw={outputDetails?.rawOutputs}
+ outputUuid={outputUuid || ""}
+ />
+ </MPVPanelContent>
+ <MPVPanelContent forwardProps xs maxHeight='50%' data-cy="process-children">
<SubprocessPanel />
- </Grid>
- </Grid>
+ </MPVPanelContent>
+ </MPVContainer>
: <Grid container
messages={['Process not found']} />
+ }
+const formatInputData = (inputs: CommandInputParameter[], auth: AuthState): ProcessIOParameter[] => {
+ return inputs.map(input => {
+ return {
+ id: getIOParamId(input),
+ label: input.label || "",
+ value: getIOParamDisplayValue(auth, input)
+ };
+ });
+const formatOutputData = (definitions: CommandOutputParameter[], values: any, pdh: string | undefined, auth: AuthState): ProcessIOParameter[] => {
+ return definitions.map(output => {
+ return {
+ id: getIOParamId(output),
+ label: output.label || "",
+ value: getIOParamDisplayValue(auth, Object.assign(output, { value: values[getIOParamId(output)] || [] }), pdh)
+ };
+ });