Restrict apiserver tests to the given file
sdk/python_test="--test-suite tests.test_keep_locator"
Restrict Python SDK tests to the given class
- Restrict Workbench tests to the given file
Show all log messages, even when tests pass (also works
with services/keepstore_test etc.)
Available tests:
-apps/workbench (*)
-apps/workbench_units (*)
-apps/workbench_functionals (*)
-apps/workbench_integration (*)
-(*) apps/workbench is shorthand for apps/workbench_units +
- apps/workbench_functionals + apps/workbench_integration
# First make sure to remove any ARVADOS_ variables from the calling
exit_cleanly() {
trap - INT
- if which >/dev/null; then
- $BUILD_NUMBER "$WORKSPACE/apps/workbench/log/test.log" "$WORKSPACE/apps/workbench/log/"
- fi
- rotate_logfile "$WORKSPACE/apps/workbench/log/" "test.log"
rotate_logfile "$WORKSPACE/services/api/log/" "test.log"
|| fatal "Locale '${LANG}' is broken/missing. Try: echo ${LANG} | sudo tee -a /etc/locale.gen && sudo locale-gen"
echo -n 'ruby: '
ruby -v \
- || fatal "No ruby. Install >=2.1.9 (using rbenv, rvm, or source)"
+ || fatal "No ruby. Install >=2.7 from package or source"
echo -n 'go: '
go version \
|| fatal "No go binary. See"
find /usr/include -path '*gnutls/gnutls.h' | egrep --max-count=1 . \
|| fatal "No gnutls/gnutls.h. Try: apt-get install libgnutls28-dev"
echo -n 'virtualenv: '
- python3 -m venv -h | egrep --max-count=1 . \
+ python3 -m venv --help | grep -q '^usage: venv ' \
+ && echo "venv module found" \
|| fatal "No virtualenv. Try: apt-get install python3-venv"
echo -n 'Python3 pyconfig.h: '
find /usr/include -path '*/python3*/pyconfig.h' | egrep --max-count=1 . \
|| fatal "No gitolite. Try: apt-get install gitolite3"
echo -n 'npm: '
npm --version \
- || fatal "No npm. Try: wget -O- | sudo tar -C /usr/local -xJf - && sudo ln -s ../node-v10.23.1-linux-x64/bin/{node,npm} /usr/local/bin/"
+ || fatal "No npm. Try: wget -O- | sudo tar -C /usr/local -xJf - && sudo ln -s ../node-v12.22.12-linux-x64/bin/{node,npm} /usr/local/bin/"
echo -n 'cadaver: '
cadaver --version | grep -w cadaver \
|| fatal "No cadaver. Try: apt-get install cadaver"
|| fatal "No libpam pam_appl.h. Try: apt-get install libpam0g-dev"
echo -n 'postgresql: '
psql --version || fatal "No postgresql. Try: apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client-common"
- echo -n 'phantomjs: '
- phantomjs --version || fatal "No phantomjs. Try: apt-get install phantomjs"
echo -n 'xvfb: '
which Xvfb || fatal "No xvfb. Try: apt-get install xvfb"
echo -n 'graphviz: '
dot -V || fatal "No graphviz. Try: apt-get install graphviz"
- echo -n 'geckodriver: '
- geckodriver --version | grep ^geckodriver || echo "No geckodriver. Try: arvados-server install"
echo -n 'singularity: '
singularity --version || fatal "No singularity. Try: arvados-server install"
echo -n 'docker client: '
rotate_logfile() {
- # i.e. rotate_logfile "$WORKSPACE/apps/workbench/log/" "test.log"
+ # i.e. rotate_logfile "$WORKSPACE/services/api/log/" "test.log"
# $BUILD_NUMBER is set by Jenkins if this script is being called as part of a Jenkins run
if [[ -f "$1/$2" ]]; then
THEDATE=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
declare -A skip
declare -A only
declare -A testargs
while [[ -n "$1" ]]
trap interrupt INT
setup_ruby_environment() {
- if [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] ; then
- source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
- using_rvm=true
- elif [[ -s "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] ; then
- source "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm"
- using_rvm=true
- else
- using_rvm=false
- fi
- if [[ "$using_rvm" == true ]]; then
- # If rvm is in use, we can't just put separate "dependencies"
- # and "gems-under-test" paths to GEM_PATH: passenger resets
- # the environment to the "current gemset", which would lose
- # our GEM_PATH and prevent our test suites from running ruby
- # programs (for example, the Workbench test suite could not
- # boot an API server or run arv). Instead, we have to make an
- # rvm gemset and use it for everything.
- [[ `type rvm | head -n1` == "rvm is a function" ]] \
- || fatal 'rvm check'
- # Put rvm's favorite path back in first place (overriding
- # virtualenv, which just put itself there). Ignore rvm's
- # complaint about not being in first place already.
- rvm use @default 2>/dev/null
- # Create (if needed) and switch to an @arvados-tests-* gemset,
- # salting the gemset name so it doesn't interfere with
- # concurrent builds in other workspaces. Leave the choice of
- # ruby to the caller.
- gemset="arvados-tests-$(echo -n "${WORKSPACE}" | md5sum | head -c16)"
- rvm use "@${gemset}" --create \
- || fatal 'rvm gemset setup'
- rvm env
- (bundle version | grep -q 2.2.19) || gem install --no-document bundler -v 2.2.19
- bundle="$(which bundle)"
- echo "$bundle"
- "$bundle" version | grep 2.2.19 || fatal 'install bundler'
- else
- # When our "bundle install"s need to install new gems to
- # satisfy dependencies, we want them to go where "gem install
- # --user-install" would put them. (However, if the caller has
- # already set GEM_HOME, we assume that's where dependencies
- # should be installed, and we should leave it alone.)
- if [ -z "$GEM_HOME" ]; then
- user_gempath="$(gem env gempath)"
- export GEM_HOME="${user_gempath%%:*}"
- fi
- PATH="$(gem env gemdir)/bin:$PATH"
- # When we build and install our own gems, we install them in our
- # $GEMHOME tmpdir, and we want them to be at the front of GEM_PATH and
- # PATH so integration tests prefer them over other versions that
- # happen to be installed in $user_gempath, system dirs, etc.
- tmpdir_gem_home="$(env - PATH="$PATH" HOME="$GEMHOME" gem env gempath | cut -f1 -d:)"
- PATH="$tmpdir_gem_home/bin:$PATH"
- export GEM_PATH="$tmpdir_gem_home:$(gem env gempath)"
- echo "Will install dependencies to $(gem env gemdir)"
- echo "Will install bundler and arvados gems to $tmpdir_gem_home"
- echo "Gem search path is GEM_PATH=$GEM_PATH"
- bundle="bundle"
- (
- export HOME=$GEMHOME
- versions=(2.2.19)
- for v in ${versions[@]}; do
- if ! gem list --installed --version "${v}" bundler >/dev/null; then
- gem install --no-document --user $(for v in ${versions[@]}; do echo bundler:${v}; done)
- break
- fi
- done
- "$bundle" version | tee /dev/stderr | grep -q 'version 2'
- ) || fatal 'install bundler'
- if test -d /var/lib/arvados-arvbox/ ; then
- # Inside arvbox, use bundler-installed binstubs. The
- # system bundler and rail's own bin/bundle refuse to work.
- # I don't know why.
- bundle=binstubs/bundle
- fi
+ # When our "bundle install"s need to install new gems to
+ # satisfy dependencies, we want them to go where "gem install
+ # --user-install" would put them. (However, if the caller has
+ # already set GEM_HOME, we assume that's where dependencies
+ # should be installed, and we should leave it alone.)
+ if [ -z "$GEM_HOME" ]; then
+ user_gempath="$(gem env gempath)"
+ export GEM_HOME="${user_gempath%%:*}"
+ PATH="$(gem env gemdir)/bin:$PATH"
+ # When we build and install our own gems, we install them in our
+ # $GEMHOME tmpdir, and we want them to be at the front of GEM_PATH and
+ # PATH so integration tests prefer them over other versions that
+ # happen to be installed in $user_gempath, system dirs, etc.
+ tmpdir_gem_home="$(env - PATH="$PATH" HOME="$GEMHOME" gem env gempath | cut -f1 -d:)"
+ PATH="$tmpdir_gem_home/bin:$PATH"
+ export GEM_PATH="$tmpdir_gem_home:$(gem env gempath)"
+ echo "Will install dependencies to $(gem env gemdir)"
+ echo "Will install bundler and arvados gems to $tmpdir_gem_home"
+ echo "Gem search path is GEM_PATH=$GEM_PATH"
+ gem install --user --no-document --conservative --version '~> 2.4.0' bundler \
+ || fatal 'install bundler'
with_test_gemset() {
- if [[ "$using_rvm" == true ]]; then
- "$@"
- else
- GEM_HOME="$tmpdir_gem_home" GEM_PATH="$tmpdir_gem_home" "$@"
- fi
+ GEM_HOME="$tmpdir_gem_home" GEM_PATH="$tmpdir_gem_home" "$@"
gem_uninstall_if_exists() {
unset http_proxy https_proxy no_proxy
- # Note: this must be the last time we change PATH, otherwise rvm will
- # whine a lot.
echo "PATH is $PATH"
setup_virtualenv "$VENV3DIR"
. "$VENV3DIR/bin/activate"
+ # wheel modernizes the venv (as of early 2024) and makes it more closely
+ # match our package build environment.
# PyYAML is a test requirement used by and needed for
# other, non-Python tests.
# pdoc is needed to build PySDK documentation.
# We run ` build` first to generate
- env -C "$WORKSPACE/sdk/python" python3 build \
- && python3 -m pip install "$WORKSPACE/sdk/python" \
- && python3 -m pip install PyYAML pdoc \
+ pip install PyYAML pdoc wheel \
+ && env -C "$WORKSPACE/sdk/python" python3 build \
+ && pip install "$WORKSPACE/sdk/python" \
|| fatal "installing Python SDK and related dependencies failed"
do_test() {
case "${1}" in
- apps/workbench_units | apps/workbench_functionals | apps/workbench_integration)
- suite=apps/workbench
- ;;
services/workbench2_units | services/workbench2_integration)
check_arvados_config "$1"
- gofmt | doc | lib/cli | lib/cloud/azure | lib/cloud/ec2 | lib/cloud/cloudtest | lib/cmd | lib/dispatchcloud/sshexecutor | lib/dispatchcloud/worker | services/workbench2_units | services/workbench2_integration)
+ gofmt \
+ | \
+ | cmd/arvados-package \
+ | doc \
+ | lib/boot \
+ | lib/cli \
+ | lib/cloud/azure \
+ | lib/cloud/cloudtest \
+ | lib/cloud/ec2 \
+ | lib/cmd \
+ | lib/dispatchcloud/sshexecutor \
+ | lib/dispatchcloud/worker \
+ | lib/install \
+ | services/workbench2_integration \
+ | services/workbench2_units \
+ )
check_arvados_config "$1"
# don't care whether services are running
set -e
echo "(Running bundle install --local. 'could not find package' messages are OK.)"
- if ! "$bundle" install --local --no-deployment; then
+ if ! bundle install --local --no-deployment; then
echo "(Running bundle install again, without --local.)"
- "$bundle" install --no-deployment
+ bundle install --no-deployment
- "$bundle" package
+ bundle package
declare -a pythonstuff
+ # The ordering of sdk/python, tools/crunchstat-summary, and
+ # sdk/cwl here is significant. See
+ #
+ tools/crunchstat-summary:py3
- tools/crunchstat-summary:py3
declare -a gostuff
gostuff=($(cd "$WORKSPACE" && git ls-files | grep '\.go$' | sed -e 's/\/[^\/]*$//' | sort -u))
-install_apps/workbench() {
- cd "$WORKSPACE/apps/workbench" \
- && mkdir -p tmp/cache \
- && RAILS_ENV=test bundle_install_trylocal \
- && RAILS_ENV=test RAILS_GROUPS=assets "$bundle" exec rake npm:install
install_services/workbench2() {
cd "$WORKSPACE/services/workbench2" \
&& make yarn-install ARVADOS_DIRECTORY="${WORKSPACE}"
test_doc() {
- (
- set -e
- cd "$WORKSPACE/doc"
- # Make sure python-epydoc is installed or the next line won't
- # do much good!
- PYTHONPATH=$WORKSPACE/sdk/python/ "$bundle" exec rake linkchecker baseurl=file://$WORKSPACE/doc/.site/ arvados_workbench_host=https://workbench.$ARVADOS_API_HOST arvados_api_host=$ARVADOS_API_HOST
- )
+ local && \
+ env -C "$WORKSPACE/doc" \
+ bundle exec rake linkchecker \
+ arvados_api_host="$arvados_api_host" \
+ arvados_workbench_host="https://workbench.$arvados_api_host" \
+ baseurl="file://$WORKSPACE/doc/.site/" \
+ ${testargs[doc]}
test_gofmt() {
cd "$WORKSPACE" || return 1
dirs=$(ls -d */ | egrep -v 'vendor|tmp')
[[ -z "$(gofmt -e -d $dirs | tee -a /dev/stderr)" ]]
+ go vet -composites=false ./...
+ {
+ local orig_fn=""
+ local fail_count=0
+ while read -d "" fn; do
+ if [[ -z "$orig_fn" ]]; then
+ orig_fn="$fn"
+ elif ! cmp "$orig_fn" "$fn"; then
+ fail_count=$(( $fail_count + 1 ))
+ printf "FAIL: %s and %s are not identical\n" "$orig_fn" "$fn"
+ fi
+ done < <(git -C "$WORKSPACE" ls-files -z | grep -z '/arvados_version\.py$')
+ case "$orig_fn" in
+ "") return 66 ;; # EX_NOINPUT
+ *) return "$fail_count" ;;
+ esac
test_services/api() {
rm -f "$WORKSPACE/services/api/git-commit.version"
cd "$WORKSPACE/services/api" \
- && eval env RAILS_ENV=test ${short:+RAILS_TEST_SHORT=1} "$bundle" exec rake test TESTOPTS=\'-v -d\' ${testargs[services/api]}
+ && eval env RAILS_ENV=test ${short:+RAILS_TEST_SHORT=1} bundle exec rake test TESTOPTS=\'-v -d\' ${testargs[services/api]}
test_sdk/ruby() {
cd "$WORKSPACE/sdk/ruby" \
- && "$bundle" exec rake test TESTOPTS=-v ${testargs[sdk/ruby]}
+ && bundle exec rake test TESTOPTS=-v ${testargs[sdk/ruby]}
test_sdk/ruby-google-api-client() {
test_sdk/cli() {
cd "$WORKSPACE/sdk/cli" \
&& mkdir -p /tmp/keep \
- && KEEP_LOCAL_STORE=/tmp/keep "$bundle" exec rake test TESTOPTS=-v ${testargs[sdk/cli]}
+ && KEEP_LOCAL_STORE=/tmp/keep bundle exec rake test TESTOPTS=-v ${testargs[sdk/cli]}
test_sdk/java-v2() {
test_services/login-sync() {
cd "$WORKSPACE/services/login-sync" \
- && "$bundle" exec rake test TESTOPTS=-v ${testargs[services/login-sync]}
+ && bundle exec rake test TESTOPTS=-v ${testargs[services/login-sync]}
test_services/workbench2_units() {
cd "$WORKSPACE/services/workbench2" && make integration-tests ARVADOS_DIRECTORY="${WORKSPACE}" WORKSPACE="$(pwd)" ${testargs[services/workbench2]}
-test_apps/workbench_units() {
- local TASK="test:units"
- cd "$WORKSPACE/apps/workbench" \
- && eval env RAILS_ENV=test ${short:+RAILS_TEST_SHORT=1} "$bundle" exec rake ${TASK} TESTOPTS=\'-v -d\' ${testargs[apps/workbench]} ${testargs[apps/workbench_units]}
-test_apps/workbench_functionals() {
- local TASK="test:functionals"
- cd "$WORKSPACE/apps/workbench" \
- && eval env RAILS_ENV=test ${short:+RAILS_TEST_SHORT=1} "$bundle" exec rake ${TASK} TESTOPTS=\'-v -d\' ${testargs[apps/workbench]} ${testargs[apps/workbench_functionals]}
-test_apps/workbench_integration() {
- local TASK="test:integration"
- cd "$WORKSPACE/apps/workbench" \
- && eval env RAILS_ENV=test ${short:+RAILS_TEST_SHORT=1} "$bundle" exec rake ${TASK} TESTOPTS=\'-v -d\' ${testargs[apps/workbench]} ${testargs[apps/workbench_integration]}
-test_apps/workbench_benchmark() {
- local TASK="test:benchmark"
- cd "$WORKSPACE/apps/workbench" \
- && eval env RAILS_ENV=test ${short:+RAILS_TEST_SHORT=1} "$bundle" exec rake ${TASK} ${testargs[apps/workbench_benchmark]}
-test_apps/workbench_profile() {
- local TASK="test:profile"
- cd "$WORKSPACE/apps/workbench" \
- && eval env RAILS_ENV=test ${short:+RAILS_TEST_SHORT=1} "$bundle" exec rake ${TASK} ${testargs[apps/workbench_profile]}
install_deps() {
# Install parts needed by test suites
do_install env
do_install cmd/arvados-server go
- do_install sdk/cli
- do_install sdk/python pip "${VENV3DIR}/bin/"
+ do_install tools/crunchstat-summary pip "${VENV3DIR}/bin/"
do_install sdk/ruby-google-api-client
do_install sdk/ruby
+ do_install sdk/cli
do_install services/api
+ # lib/controller integration tests depend on arv-mount to run
+ # containers.
+ do_install services/fuse pip "${VENV3DIR}/bin/"
do_install services/keepproxy go
do_install services/keep-web go
do_install "$g" go
do_install services/api
- do_install apps/workbench
do_install services/workbench2
do_test gofmt
+ do_test
do_test doc
do_test sdk/ruby-google-api-client
do_test sdk/ruby
do_test "$g" go
- do_test apps/workbench_units
- do_test apps/workbench_functionals
- do_test apps/workbench_integration
- do_test apps/workbench_benchmark
- do_test apps/workbench_profile
do_test services/workbench2_units
do_test services/workbench2_integration
if [[ -z ${interactive} ]]; then