+ "regexp"
const goversion = "1.20.6"
const (
- rubyversion = "2.7.7"
- bundlerversion = "2.2.19"
- singularityversion = "3.10.4"
- pjsversion = "1.9.8"
- geckoversion = "0.24.0"
- gradleversion = "5.3.1"
- nodejsversion = "v12.22.12"
- devtestDatabasePassword = "insecure_arvados_test"
- workbench2version = "9a62117dbe56bdfa42489415eb6696638c2bb336" // 2.6.3
+ defaultRubyVersion = "3.2.2"
+ defaultBundlerVersion = "2.2.19"
+ defaultSingularityVersion = "3.10.4"
+ pjsversion = "1.9.8"
+ geckoversion = "0.24.0"
+ gradleversion = "5.3.1"
+ defaultNodejsVersion = "12.22.12"
+ devtestDatabasePassword = "insecure_arvados_test"
//go:embed arvados.service
var arvadosServiceFile []byte
type installCommand struct {
- ClusterType string
- SourcePath string
- PackageVersion string
- EatMyData bool
+ ClusterType string
+ SourcePath string
+ Commit string
+ PackageVersion string
+ RubyVersion string
+ BundlerVersion string
+ SingularityVersion string
+ NodejsVersion string
+ EatMyData bool
func (inst *installCommand) RunCommand(prog string, args []string, stdin io.Reader, stdout, stderr io.Writer) int {
versionFlag := flags.Bool("version", false, "Write version information to stdout and exit 0")
flags.StringVar(&inst.ClusterType, "type", "production", "cluster `type`: development, test, production, or package")
flags.StringVar(&inst.SourcePath, "source", "/arvados", "source tree location (required for -type=package)")
+ flags.StringVar(&inst.Commit, "commit", "", "source commit `hash` to embed (blank means use 'git log' or all-zero placeholder)")
flags.StringVar(&inst.PackageVersion, "package-version", "0.0.0", "version string to embed in executable files")
+ flags.StringVar(&inst.RubyVersion, "ruby-version", defaultRubyVersion, "Ruby `version` to install (do not override in production mode)")
+ flags.StringVar(&inst.BundlerVersion, "bundler-version", defaultBundlerVersion, "Bundler `version` to install (do not override in production mode)")
+ flags.StringVar(&inst.SingularityVersion, "singularity-version", defaultSingularityVersion, "Singularity `version` to install (do not override in production mode)")
+ flags.StringVar(&inst.NodejsVersion, "nodejs-version", defaultNodejsVersion, "Nodejs `version` to install (not applicable in production mode)")
flags.BoolVar(&inst.EatMyData, "eatmydata", false, "use eatmydata to speed up install")
if ok, code := cmd.ParseFlags(flags, prog, args, "", stderr); !ok {
return cmd.Version.RunCommand(prog, args, stdin, stdout, stderr)
+ if inst.Commit == "" {
+ if commit, err := exec.Command("env", "-C", inst.SourcePath, "git", "log", "-n1", "--format=%H").CombinedOutput(); err == nil {
+ inst.Commit = strings.TrimSpace(string(commit))
+ } else {
+ inst.Commit = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
+ }
+ }
var dev, test, prod, pkg bool
switch inst.ClusterType {
case "development":
return 1
+ if ok, _ := regexp.MatchString(`^\d\.\d+\.\d+$`, inst.RubyVersion); !ok {
+ fmt.Fprintf(stderr, "invalid argument %q for -ruby-version\n", inst.RubyVersion)
+ return 2
+ }
+ if ok, _ := regexp.MatchString(`^\d`, inst.BundlerVersion); !ok {
+ fmt.Fprintf(stderr, "invalid argument %q for -bundler-version\n", inst.BundlerVersion)
+ return 2
+ }
+ if ok, _ := regexp.MatchString(`^\d`, inst.SingularityVersion); !ok {
+ fmt.Fprintf(stderr, "invalid argument %q for -singularity-version\n", inst.SingularityVersion)
+ return 2
+ }
+ if ok, _ := regexp.MatchString(`^\d`, inst.NodejsVersion); !ok {
+ fmt.Fprintf(stderr, "invalid argument %q for -nodejs-version\n", inst.NodejsVersion)
+ return 2
+ }
osv, err := identifyOS()
if err != nil {
return 1
+ "libffi-dev",
"libgbm1", // cypress / workbench2 tests
+ "libyaml-dev",
"gnupg") // docker install recipe
switch {
- case osv.Debian && osv.Major >= 11:
- pkgs = append(pkgs, "g++", "libcurl4", "libcurl4-openssl-dev")
- case osv.Debian && osv.Major >= 10:
+ case osv.Debian && osv.Major >= 10,
+ osv.Ubuntu && osv.Major >= 22:
pkgs = append(pkgs, "g++", "libcurl4", "libcurl4-openssl-dev")
case osv.Debian || osv.Ubuntu:
pkgs = append(pkgs, "g++", "libcurl3", "libcurl3-openssl-dev")
- case osv.Centos:
+ case osv.RedHat:
pkgs = append(pkgs, "gcc", "gcc-c++", "libcurl-devel", "postgresql-devel")
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "apt-get")
if dev || test {
- if havedockerversion, err := exec.Command("docker", "--version").CombinedOutput(); err == nil {
+ if havedockerversion, err2 := exec.Command("docker", "--version").CombinedOutput(); err2 == nil {
logger.Printf("%s installed, assuming that version is ok", bytes.TrimSuffix(havedockerversion, []byte("\n")))
} else if osv.Debian {
var codename string
codename = "buster"
case 11:
codename = "bullseye"
+ case 12:
+ codename = "bookworm"
err = fmt.Errorf("don't know how to install docker-ce for debian %d", osv.Major)
return 1
err = fmt.Errorf("don't know how to install docker for osversion %v", osv)
return 1
+ err = inst.runBash(`
+if [[ "$(sysctl --values "${key}")" -lt "${min}" ]]; then
+ sysctl "${key}=${min}"
+ # writing sysctl worked, so we should make it permanent
+ echo "${key}=${min}" | tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
+ sysctl -p
+`, stdout, stderr)
+ if err != nil {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("couldn't set fs.inotify.max_user_watches value. (Is this a docker container? Fix this on the docker host by adding fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 to /etc/sysctl.conf and running `sysctl -p`)")
+ return 1
+ }
os.Mkdir("/var/lib/arvados", 0755)
return 1
- rubymajorversion := rubyversion[:strings.LastIndex(rubyversion, ".")]
- if haverubyversion, err := exec.Command("/var/lib/arvados/bin/ruby", "-v").CombinedOutput(); err == nil && bytes.HasPrefix(haverubyversion, []byte("ruby "+rubyversion)) {
- logger.Print("ruby " + rubyversion + " already installed")
+ rubyminorversion := inst.RubyVersion[:strings.LastIndex(inst.RubyVersion, ".")]
+ if haverubyversion, err := exec.Command("/var/lib/arvados/bin/ruby", "-v").CombinedOutput(); err == nil && bytes.HasPrefix(haverubyversion, []byte("ruby "+inst.RubyVersion)) {
+ logger.Print("ruby " + inst.RubyVersion + " already installed")
} else {
err = inst.runBash(`
tmp="$(mktemp -d)"
trap 'rm -r "${tmp}"' ERR EXIT
-wget --progress=dot:giga -O- https://cache.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/`+rubymajorversion+`/ruby-`+rubyversion+`.tar.gz | tar -C "${tmp}" -xzf -
-cd "${tmp}/ruby-`+rubyversion+`"
+wget --progress=dot:giga -O- "https://cache.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/$rubyminorversion/ruby-$rubyversion.tar.gz" | tar -C "${tmp}" -xzf -
+cd "${tmp}/ruby-$rubyversion"
./configure --disable-install-static-library --enable-shared --disable-install-doc --prefix /var/lib/arvados
make -j8
+rm -f /var/lib/arvados/bin/erb
make install
+if [[ "$rubyversion" > "3" ]]; then
+ /var/lib/arvados/bin/gem update --no-document --system 3.4.21
/var/lib/arvados/bin/gem install bundler --no-document
`, stdout, stderr)
if err != nil {
if !prod && !pkg {
- if havepjsversion, err := exec.Command("/usr/local/bin/phantomjs", "--version").CombinedOutput(); err == nil && string(havepjsversion) == "1.9.8\n" {
- logger.Print("phantomjs " + pjsversion + " already installed")
- } else {
- err = inst.runBash(`
-wget --progress=dot:giga -O- https://cache.arvados.org/$PJS.tar.bz2 | tar -C /var/lib/arvados -xjf -
-ln -sfv /var/lib/arvados/$PJS/bin/phantomjs /usr/local/bin/
-`, stdout, stderr)
- if err != nil {
- return 1
- }
- }
- if havegeckoversion, err := exec.Command("/usr/local/bin/geckodriver", "--version").CombinedOutput(); err == nil && strings.Contains(string(havegeckoversion), " "+geckoversion+" ") {
- logger.Print("geckodriver " + geckoversion + " already installed")
- } else {
- err = inst.runBash(`
-wget --progress=dot:giga -O- https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/download/$GD/geckodriver-$GD-linux64.tar.gz | tar -C /var/lib/arvados/bin -xzf - geckodriver
-ln -sfv /var/lib/arvados/bin/geckodriver /usr/local/bin/
-`, stdout, stderr)
- if err != nil {
- return 1
- }
- }
if havegradleversion, err := exec.Command("/usr/local/bin/gradle", "--version").CombinedOutput(); err == nil && strings.Contains(string(havegradleversion), "Gradle "+gradleversion+"\n") {
logger.Print("gradle " + gradleversion + " already installed")
} else {
- if havesingularityversion, err := exec.Command("/var/lib/arvados/bin/singularity", "--version").CombinedOutput(); err == nil && strings.Contains(string(havesingularityversion), singularityversion) {
- logger.Print("singularity " + singularityversion + " already installed")
+ if havesingularityversion, err := exec.Command("/var/lib/arvados/bin/singularity", "--version").CombinedOutput(); err == nil && strings.Contains(string(havesingularityversion), inst.SingularityVersion) {
+ logger.Print("singularity " + inst.SingularityVersion + " already installed")
} else if dev || test {
err = inst.runBash(`
trap "rm -r ${tmp}" ERR EXIT
cd /var/lib/arvados/tmp
if !prod {
- if havenodejsversion, err := exec.Command("/usr/local/bin/node", "--version").CombinedOutput(); err == nil && string(havenodejsversion) == nodejsversion+"\n" {
- logger.Print("nodejs " + nodejsversion + " already installed")
+ if havenodejsversion, err := exec.Command("/usr/local/bin/node", "--version").CombinedOutput(); err == nil && string(havenodejsversion) == "v"+inst.NodejsVersion+"\n" {
+ logger.Print("nodejs " + inst.NodejsVersion + " already installed")
} else {
err = inst.runBash(`
rm -rf /var/lib/arvados/node-*-linux-x64
wget --progress=dot:giga -O- https://nodejs.org/dist/${NJS}/node-${NJS}-linux-x64.tar.xz | sudo tar -C /var/lib/arvados -xJf -
ln -sfv /var/lib/arvados/node-${NJS}-linux-x64/bin/{node,npm} /usr/local/bin/
} else {
err = inst.runBash(`
npm install -g yarn
-ln -sfv /var/lib/arvados/node-`+nodejsversion+`-linux-x64/bin/{yarn,yarnpkg} /usr/local/bin/
-`, stdout, stderr)
- if err != nil {
- return 1
- }
- }
- if havewb2version, err := exec.Command("git", "--git-dir=/var/lib/arvados/arvados-workbench2/.git", "log", "-n1", "--format=%H").CombinedOutput(); err == nil && string(havewb2version) == workbench2version+"\n" {
- logger.Print("workbench2 repo is already at " + workbench2version)
- } else {
- err = inst.runBash(`
-cd /var/lib/arvados
-if [[ ! -e arvados-workbench2 ]]; then
- git clone https://git.arvados.org/arvados-workbench2.git
- cd arvados-workbench2
- git checkout $V
- cd arvados-workbench2
- if ! git checkout $V; then
- git fetch
- git checkout yarn.lock
- git checkout $V
- fi
-rm -rf build
+ln -sfv /var/lib/arvados/node-v`+inst.NodejsVersion+`-linux-x64/bin/{yarn,yarnpkg} /usr/local/bin/
`, stdout, stderr)
if err != nil {
return 1
- if err = inst.runBash(`
-cd /var/lib/arvados/arvados-workbench2
-yarn install
-`, stdout, stderr); err != nil {
- return 1
- }
if prod || pkg {
} {
fmt.Fprintf(stderr, "building %s...\n", srcdir)
- cmd := exec.Command("go", "install", "-ldflags", "-X git.arvados.org/arvados.git/lib/cmd.version="+inst.PackageVersion+" -X main.version="+inst.PackageVersion+" -s -w")
+ // -buildvcs=false here avoids a fatal "error
+ // obtaining VCS status" when git refuses to
+ // run (for example) as root in a docker
+ // container using a non-root-owned git tree
+ // mounted from the host -- as in
+ // "arvados-package build".
+ cmd := exec.Command("go", "install", "-buildvcs=false",
+ "-ldflags", "-s -w"+
+ " -X git.arvados.org/arvados.git/lib/cmd.version="+inst.PackageVersion+
+ " -X git.arvados.org/arvados.git/lib/cmd.commit="+inst.Commit)
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, os.Environ()...)
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "GOBIN=/var/lib/arvados/bin")
cmd.Dir = filepath.Join(inst.SourcePath, srcdir)
python3 -m venv "$v"
. "$v/bin/activate"
-pip3 install --no-cache-dir 'setuptools>=18.5' 'pip>=7'
+pip3 install --no-cache-dir 'setuptools>=68' 'pip>=20'
export ARVADOS_BUILDING_VERSION="`+inst.PackageVersion+`"
for src in "`+inst.SourcePath+`/sdk/python" "`+inst.SourcePath+`/services/fuse"; do
rsync -a --delete-after "$src/" "$tmp/"
- cd "$tmp"
- python3 setup.py install
- cd ..
+ env -C "$tmp" python3 setup.py build
+ pip3 install "$tmp"
rm -rf "$tmp"
`, stdout, stderr); err != nil {
return 1
- // Install Rails apps to /var/lib/arvados/{railsapi,workbench1}/
- for dstdir, srcdir := range map[string]string{
- "railsapi": "services/api",
- "workbench1": "apps/workbench",
+ // Install RailsAPI to /var/lib/arvados/railsapi/
+ fmt.Fprintln(stderr, "building railsapi...")
+ cmd = exec.Command("rsync",
+ "-a", "--no-owner", "--no-group", "--delete-after", "--delete-excluded",
+ "--exclude", "/coverage",
+ "--exclude", "/log",
+ "--exclude", "/node_modules",
+ "--exclude", "/tmp",
+ "--exclude", "/public/assets",
+ "--exclude", "/vendor",
+ "--exclude", "/config/environments",
+ "./", "/var/lib/arvados/railsapi/")
+ cmd.Dir = filepath.Join(inst.SourcePath, "services", "api")
+ cmd.Stdout = stdout
+ cmd.Stderr = stderr
+ err = cmd.Run()
+ if err != nil {
+ return 1
+ }
+ for _, cmdline := range [][]string{
+ {"mkdir", "-p", "log", "public/assets", "tmp", "vendor", ".bundle", "/var/www/.bundle", "/var/www/.gem", "/var/www/.npm", "/var/www/.passenger"},
+ {"touch", "log/production.log"},
+ {"chown", "-R", "--from=root", "www-data:www-data", "/var/www/.bundle", "/var/www/.gem", "/var/www/.npm", "/var/www/.passenger", "log", "tmp", "vendor", ".bundle", "Gemfile.lock", "config.ru", "config/environment.rb"},
+ {"sudo", "-u", "www-data", "/var/lib/arvados/bin/gem", "install", "--user", "--conservative", "--no-document", "bundler:" + inst.BundlerVersion},
+ {"sudo", "-u", "www-data", "/var/lib/arvados/bin/bundle", "config", "set", "--local", "deployment", "true"},
+ {"sudo", "-u", "www-data", "/var/lib/arvados/bin/bundle", "config", "set", "--local", "path", "/var/www/.gem"},
+ {"sudo", "-u", "www-data", "/var/lib/arvados/bin/bundle", "config", "set", "--local", "without", "development test diagnostics performance"},
+ {"sudo", "-u", "www-data", "/var/lib/arvados/bin/bundle", "install", "--jobs", fmt.Sprintf("%d", runtime.NumCPU())},
+ {"chown", "www-data:www-data", ".", "public/assets"},
+ // {"sudo", "-u", "www-data", "/var/lib/arvados/bin/bundle", "config", "set", "--local", "system", "true"},
+ {"sudo", "-u", "www-data", "ARVADOS_CONFIG=none", "RAILS_GROUPS=assets", "RAILS_ENV=production", "PATH=/var/lib/arvados/bin:" + os.Getenv("PATH"), "/var/lib/arvados/bin/bundle", "exec", "rake", "npm:install"},
+ {"sudo", "-u", "www-data", "ARVADOS_CONFIG=none", "RAILS_GROUPS=assets", "RAILS_ENV=production", "PATH=/var/lib/arvados/bin:" + os.Getenv("PATH"), "/var/lib/arvados/bin/bundle", "exec", "rake", "assets:precompile"},
+ {"chown", "root:root", "."},
+ {"chown", "-R", "root:root", "public/assets", "vendor"},
+ {"sudo", "-u", "www-data", "/var/lib/arvados/bin/bundle", "exec", "passenger-config", "build-native-support"},
+ {"sudo", "-u", "www-data", "/var/lib/arvados/bin/bundle", "exec", "passenger-config", "install-standalone-runtime"},
} {
- fmt.Fprintf(stderr, "building %s...\n", srcdir)
- cmd := exec.Command("rsync",
- "-a", "--no-owner", "--no-group", "--delete-after", "--delete-excluded",
- "--exclude", "/coverage",
- "--exclude", "/log",
- "--exclude", "/node_modules",
- "--exclude", "/tmp",
- "--exclude", "/public/assets",
- "--exclude", "/vendor",
- "--exclude", "/config/environments",
- "./", "/var/lib/arvados/"+dstdir+"/")
- cmd.Dir = filepath.Join(inst.SourcePath, srcdir)
- cmd.Stdout = stdout
- cmd.Stderr = stderr
- err = cmd.Run()
- if err != nil {
- return 1
- }
- for _, cmdline := range [][]string{
- {"mkdir", "-p", "log", "public/assets", "tmp", "vendor", ".bundle", "/var/www/.bundle", "/var/www/.gem", "/var/www/.npm", "/var/www/.passenger"},
- {"touch", "log/production.log"},
- {"chown", "-R", "--from=root", "www-data:www-data", "/var/www/.bundle", "/var/www/.gem", "/var/www/.npm", "/var/www/.passenger", "log", "tmp", "vendor", ".bundle", "Gemfile.lock", "config.ru", "config/environment.rb"},
- {"sudo", "-u", "www-data", "/var/lib/arvados/bin/gem", "install", "--user", "--conservative", "--no-document", "bundler:" + bundlerversion},
- {"sudo", "-u", "www-data", "/var/lib/arvados/bin/bundle", "config", "set", "--local", "deployment", "true"},
- {"sudo", "-u", "www-data", "/var/lib/arvados/bin/bundle", "config", "set", "--local", "path", "/var/www/.gem"},
- {"sudo", "-u", "www-data", "/var/lib/arvados/bin/bundle", "config", "set", "--local", "without", "development test diagnostics performance"},
- {"sudo", "-u", "www-data", "/var/lib/arvados/bin/bundle", "install", "--jobs", fmt.Sprintf("%d", runtime.NumCPU())},
- {"chown", "www-data:www-data", ".", "public/assets"},
- // {"sudo", "-u", "www-data", "/var/lib/arvados/bin/bundle", "config", "set", "--local", "system", "true"},
- {"sudo", "-u", "www-data", "ARVADOS_CONFIG=none", "RAILS_GROUPS=assets", "RAILS_ENV=production", "PATH=/var/lib/arvados/bin:" + os.Getenv("PATH"), "/var/lib/arvados/bin/bundle", "exec", "rake", "npm:install"},
- {"sudo", "-u", "www-data", "ARVADOS_CONFIG=none", "RAILS_GROUPS=assets", "RAILS_ENV=production", "PATH=/var/lib/arvados/bin:" + os.Getenv("PATH"), "/var/lib/arvados/bin/bundle", "exec", "rake", "assets:precompile"},
- {"chown", "root:root", "."},
- {"chown", "-R", "root:root", "public/assets", "vendor"},
- {"sudo", "-u", "www-data", "/var/lib/arvados/bin/bundle", "exec", "passenger-config", "build-native-support"},
- {"sudo", "-u", "www-data", "/var/lib/arvados/bin/bundle", "exec", "passenger-config", "install-standalone-runtime"},
- } {
- if cmdline[len(cmdline)-2] == "rake" && dstdir != "workbench1" {
- continue
- }
- cmd = exec.Command(cmdline[0], cmdline[1:]...)
- cmd.Dir = "/var/lib/arvados/" + dstdir
- cmd.Stdout = stdout
- cmd.Stderr = stderr
- fmt.Fprintf(stderr, "... %s\n", cmd.Args)
- err = cmd.Run()
- if err != nil {
- return 1
- }
+ if cmdline[len(cmdline)-2] == "rake" {
+ continue
- cmd = exec.Command("sudo", "-u", "www-data", "/var/lib/arvados/bin/bundle", "exec", "passenger-config", "validate-install")
- cmd.Dir = "/var/lib/arvados/" + dstdir
+ cmd = exec.Command(cmdline[0], cmdline[1:]...)
+ cmd.Dir = "/var/lib/arvados/railsapi"
cmd.Stdout = stdout
cmd.Stderr = stderr
+ fmt.Fprintf(stderr, "... %s\n", cmd.Args)
err = cmd.Run()
- if err != nil && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "exit status 2") {
- // Exit code 2 indicates there were warnings (like
- // "other passenger installations have been detected",
- // which we can't expect to avoid) but no errors.
- // Other non-zero exit codes (1, 9) indicate errors.
+ if err != nil {
return 1
+ cmd = exec.Command("sudo", "-u", "www-data", "/var/lib/arvados/bin/bundle", "exec", "passenger-config", "validate-install")
+ cmd.Dir = "/var/lib/arvados/railsapi"
+ cmd.Stdout = stdout
+ cmd.Stderr = stderr
+ err = cmd.Run()
+ if err != nil && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "exit status 2") {
+ // Exit code 2 indicates there were warnings (like
+ // "other passenger installations have been detected",
+ // which we can't expect to avoid) but no errors.
+ // Other non-zero exit codes (1, 9) indicate errors.
+ return 1
+ }
- // Install workbench2 app to /var/lib/arvados/workbench2/
+ // Install workbench2 app to
+ // /var/lib/arvados/workbench2/.
+ //
+ // We copy the source tree from the (possibly
+ // readonly) source tree into a temp dir because `yarn
+ // build` writes to {source-tree}/build/. When we
+ // upgrade to react-scripts >= 4.0.2 we may be able to
+ // build from the source dir and write directly to the
+ // final destination (using
+ // BUILD_PATH=/var/lib/arvados/workbench2) instead of
+ // using two rsync steps here.
if err = inst.runBash(`
-cd /var/lib/arvados/arvados-workbench2
-VERSION="`+inst.PackageVersion+`" BUILD_NUMBER=1 GIT_COMMIT="`+workbench2version[:9]+`" yarn build
-rsync -a --delete-after build/ /var/lib/arvados/workbench2/
+trap "rm -r ${tmp}" ERR EXIT
+rsync -a --delete-after "$src/" "$tmp/"
+env -C "$tmp" VERSION="`+inst.PackageVersion+`" BUILD_NUMBER=1 GIT_COMMIT="`+inst.Commit[:9]+`" yarn build
+rsync -a --delete-after "$tmp/build/" "$dst/"
`, stdout, stderr); err != nil {
return 1
type osversion struct {
Debian bool
Ubuntu bool
- Centos bool
+ RedHat bool
Major int
osv.Ubuntu = true
case "debian":
osv.Debian = true
- case "centos":
- osv.Centos = true
- return osv, fmt.Errorf("unsupported ID in /etc/os-release: %q", kv["ID"])
+ id_like_match := false
+ for _, id_like := range strings.Split(kv["ID_LIKE"], " ") {
+ switch id_like {
+ case "debian":
+ osv.Debian = true
+ id_like_match = true
+ case "rhel":
+ osv.RedHat = true
+ id_like_match = true
+ }
+ if id_like_match {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if !id_like_match {
+ return osv, fmt.Errorf("no supported ID found in /etc/os-release")
+ }
vstr := kv["VERSION_ID"]
if i := strings.Index(vstr, "."); i > 0 {
return append(pkgs,
"mime-support", // keep-web
- } else if osv.Centos {
+ } else if osv.RedHat {
return append(pkgs,
"fuse-libs", // services/fuse
"mailcap", // keep-web