import (
+ "context"
+ "net/http/httputil"
+ "net/url"
- "strconv"
- ""
. ""
+ git_client ""
+ git_http ""
// Gocheck boilerplate
keepmountTmp []string
testDispatcherKeepClient KeepTestClient
testContainerKeepClient KeepTestClient
+ debian12MemoryCurrent int64
+ debian12SwapCurrent int64
+func (s *TestSuite) SetUpSuite(c *C) {
+ buf, err := os.ReadFile("../crunchstat/testdata/debian12/sys/fs/cgroup/user.slice/user-1000.slice/session-4.scope/memory.current")
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ _, err = fmt.Sscanf(string(buf), "%d", &s.debian12MemoryCurrent)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ buf, err = os.ReadFile("../crunchstat/testdata/debian12/sys/fs/cgroup/user.slice/user-1000.slice/session-4.scope/memory.swap.current")
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ _, err = fmt.Sscanf(string(buf), "%d", &s.debian12SwapCurrent)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
func (s *TestSuite) SetUpTest(c *C) {
go func() { e.exit <- e.runFunc() }()
return e.startErr
-func (e *stubExecutor) CgroupID() string { return "cgroupid" }
-func (e *stubExecutor) Stop() error { e.stopped = true; go func() { e.exit <- -1 }(); return e.stopErr }
-func (e *stubExecutor) Close() { e.closed = true }
+func (e *stubExecutor) Pid() int { return 1115883 } // matches pid in ../crunchstat/testdata/debian12/proc/
+func (e *stubExecutor) Stop() error { e.stopped = true; go func() { e.exit <- -1 }(); return e.stopErr }
+func (e *stubExecutor) Close() { e.closed = true }
func (e *stubExecutor) Wait(context.Context) (int, error) {
return <-e.exit, e.waitErr
return nil, nil
+type apiStubServer struct {
+ server *httptest.Server
+ proxy *httputil.ReverseProxy
+ intercept func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) bool
+ container arvados.Container
+ logs map[string]string
+func apiStub() (*arvados.Client, *apiStubServer) {
+ client := arvados.NewClientFromEnv()
+ apistub := &apiStubServer{}
+ apistub.server = httptest.NewTLSServer(apistub)
+ apistub.proxy = httputil.NewSingleHostReverseProxy(&url.URL{Scheme: "https", Host: client.APIHost})
+ if client.Insecure {
+ apistub.proxy.Transport = arvados.InsecureHTTPClient.Transport
+ }
+ client.APIHost = apistub.server.Listener.Addr().String()
+ return client, apistub
+func (apistub *apiStubServer) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ if apistub.intercept != nil && apistub.intercept(w, r) {
+ return
+ }
+ if r.Method == "POST" && r.URL.Path == "/arvados/v1/logs" {
+ var body struct {
+ Log struct {
+ EventType string `json:"event_type"`
+ Properties struct {
+ Text string
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&body)
+ apistub.logs[body.Log.EventType] += body.Log.Properties.Text
+ return
+ }
+ if r.Method == "GET" && r.URL.Path == "/arvados/v1/collections/"+hwPDH {
+ json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(arvados.Collection{ManifestText: hwManifest})
+ return
+ }
+ if r.Method == "GET" && r.URL.Path == "/arvados/v1/collections/"+otherPDH {
+ json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(arvados.Collection{ManifestText: otherManifest})
+ return
+ }
+ if r.Method == "GET" && r.URL.Path == "/arvados/v1/collections/"+normalizedWithSubdirsPDH {
+ json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(arvados.Collection{ManifestText: normalizedManifestWithSubdirs})
+ return
+ }
+ if r.Method == "GET" && r.URL.Path == "/arvados/v1/collections/"+denormalizedWithSubdirsPDH {
+ json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(arvados.Collection{ManifestText: denormalizedManifestWithSubdirs})
+ return
+ }
+ if r.Method == "GET" && r.URL.Path == "/arvados/v1/containers/"+apistub.container.UUID {
+ json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(apistub.container)
+ return
+ }
+ apistub.proxy.ServeHTTP(w, r)
func (s *TestSuite) TestLoadImage(c *C) {
s.runner.Container.ContainerImage = arvadostest.DockerImage112PDH
s.runner.Container.Mounts = map[string]arvados.Mount{
return d, err
+ client, _ := apiStub()
s.runner.MkArvClient = func(token string) (IArvadosClient, IKeepClient, *arvados.Client, error) {
- return &ArvTestClient{secretMounts: secretMounts}, &s.testContainerKeepClient, nil, nil
+ return &ArvTestClient{secretMounts: secretMounts}, &s.testContainerKeepClient, client, nil
if extraMounts != nil && len(extraMounts) > 0 {
func (s *TestSuite) TestCrunchstat(c *C) {
+ s.runner.crunchstatFakeFS = os.DirFS("../crunchstat/testdata/debian12")
s.fullRunHelper(c, `{
"command": ["sleep", "1"],
"container_image": "`+arvadostest.DockerImage112PDH+`",
c.Check(s.api.CalledWith("container.exit_code", 0), NotNil)
c.Check(s.api.CalledWith("container.state", "Complete"), NotNil)
- // We didn't actually start a container, so crunchstat didn't
- // find accounting files and therefore didn't log any stats.
- // It should have logged a "can't find accounting files"
- // message after one poll interval, though, so we can confirm
- // it's alive:
c.Assert(s.api.Logs["crunchstat"], NotNil)
- c.Check(s.api.Logs["crunchstat"].String(), Matches, `(?ms).*cgroup stats files have not appeared after 100ms.*`)
+ c.Check(s.api.Logs["crunchstat"].String(), Matches, `(?ms).*mem \d+ swap \d+ pgmajfault \d+ rss.*`)
- // The "files never appeared" log assures us that we called
- // (*crunchstat.Reporter)Stop(), and that we set it up with
- // the correct container ID "abcde":
- c.Check(s.api.Logs["crunchstat"].String(), Matches, `(?ms).*cgroup stats files never appeared for cgroupid\n`)
+ // Check that we called (*crunchstat.Reporter)Stop().
+ c.Check(s.api.Logs["crunch-run"].String(), Matches, `(?ms).*Maximum crunch-run memory rss usage was \d+ bytes\n.*`)
func (s *TestSuite) TestNodeInfoLog(c *C) {
c.Check(s.api.Logs["crunch-run"].String(), Matches, `(?ms).*Using container runtime: stub.*`)
-func (s *TestSuite) testLogRSSThresholds(c *C, ram int, expected []int, notExpected int) {
- s.runner.cgroupRoot = "testdata/fakestat"
+func (s *TestSuite) testLogRSSThresholds(c *C, ram int64, expected []int, notExpected int) {
+ s.runner.crunchstatFakeFS = os.DirFS("../crunchstat/testdata/debian12")
s.fullRunHelper(c, `{
"command": ["true"],
"container_image": "`+arvadostest.DockerImage112PDH+`",
"mounts": {"/tmp": {"kind": "tmp"} },
"output_path": "/tmp",
"priority": 1,
- "runtime_constraints": {"ram": `+strconv.Itoa(ram)+`},
+ "runtime_constraints": {"ram": `+fmt.Sprintf("%d", ram)+`},
"state": "Locked"
}`, nil, func() int { return 0 })
+ c.Logf("=== crunchstat logs\n%s\n", s.api.Logs["crunchstat"].String())
logs := s.api.Logs["crunch-run"].String()
- pattern := logLineStart + `Container using over %d%% of memory \(rss 734003200/%d bytes\)`
+ pattern := logLineStart + `Container using over %d%% of memory \(rss %d/%d bytes\)`
var threshold int
for _, threshold = range expected {
- c.Check(logs, Matches, fmt.Sprintf(pattern, threshold, ram))
+ c.Check(logs, Matches, fmt.Sprintf(pattern, threshold, s.debian12MemoryCurrent, ram))
if notExpected > threshold {
- c.Check(logs, Not(Matches), fmt.Sprintf(pattern, notExpected, ram))
+ c.Check(logs, Not(Matches), fmt.Sprintf(pattern, notExpected, s.debian12MemoryCurrent, ram))
func (s *TestSuite) TestLogNoRSSThresholds(c *C) {
- s.testLogRSSThresholds(c, 7340032000, []int{}, 90)
+ s.testLogRSSThresholds(c, s.debian12MemoryCurrent*10, []int{}, 90)
func (s *TestSuite) TestLogSomeRSSThresholds(c *C) {
- onePercentRSS := 7340032
+ onePercentRSS := s.debian12MemoryCurrent / 100
s.testLogRSSThresholds(c, 102*onePercentRSS, []int{90, 95}, 99)
func (s *TestSuite) TestLogAllRSSThresholds(c *C) {
- s.testLogRSSThresholds(c, 734003299, []int{90, 95, 99}, 0)
+ s.testLogRSSThresholds(c, s.debian12MemoryCurrent, []int{90, 95, 99}, 0)
func (s *TestSuite) TestLogMaximaAfterRun(c *C) {
- s.runner.cgroupRoot = "testdata/fakestat"
+ s.runner.crunchstatFakeFS = os.DirFS("../crunchstat/testdata/debian12")
s.runner.parentTemp = c.MkDir()
s.fullRunHelper(c, `{
"command": ["true"],
"mounts": {"/tmp": {"kind": "tmp"} },
"output_path": "/tmp",
"priority": 1,
- "runtime_constraints": {"ram": 7340032000},
+ "runtime_constraints": {"ram": `+fmt.Sprintf("%d", s.debian12MemoryCurrent*10)+`},
"state": "Locked"
}`, nil, func() int { return 0 })
logs := s.api.Logs["crunch-run"].String()
for _, expected := range []string{
`Maximum disk usage was \d+%, \d+/\d+ bytes`,
- `Maximum container memory cache usage was 73400320 bytes`,
- `Maximum container memory swap usage was 320 bytes`,
- `Maximum container memory pgmajfault usage was 20 faults`,
- `Maximum container memory rss usage was 10%, 734003200/7340032000 bytes`,
+ fmt.Sprintf(`Maximum container memory swap usage was %d bytes`, s.debian12SwapCurrent),
+ `Maximum container memory pgmajfault usage was \d+ faults`,
+ fmt.Sprintf(`Maximum container memory rss usage was 10%%, %d/%d bytes`, s.debian12MemoryCurrent, s.debian12MemoryCurrent*10),
`Maximum crunch-run memory rss usage was \d+ bytes`,
} {
c.Check(logs, Matches, logLineStart+expected)
return nil, nil
-func stubCert(temp string) string {
+func stubCert(c *C, temp string) string {
path := temp + "/ca-certificates.crt"
- crt, _ := os.Create(path)
- crt.Close()
- arvadosclient.CertFiles = []string{path}
+ err := os.WriteFile(path, []byte{}, 0666)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ os.Setenv("SSL_CERT_FILE", path)
return path
cr := s.runner
am := &ArvMountCmdLine{}
cr.RunArvMount = am.ArvMountTest
+ cr.containerClient, _ = apiStub()
cr.ContainerArvClient = &ArvTestClient{}
cr.ContainerKeepClient = &KeepTestClient{}
cr.Container.OutputStorageClasses = []string{"default"}
realTemp := c.MkDir()
certTemp := c.MkDir()
- stubCertPath := stubCert(certTemp)
+ stubCertPath := stubCert(c, certTemp)
cr.parentTemp = realTemp
i := 0
i = 0
cr.ArvMountPoint = ""
- (*GitMountSuite)(nil).useTestGitServer(c)
+ git_client.InstallProtocol("https", git_http.NewClient(arvados.InsecureHTTPClient))
cr.token = arvadostest.ActiveToken
cr.Container.Mounts = make(map[string]arvados.Mount)
cr.Container.Mounts = map[string]arvados.Mount{