updated_name = updated_src_collection.name
assert_equal true, updated_name.include?(src_collection.name)
- match = updated_name.match /^test collection.*salvaged data at (.*)\)$/
+ match = updated_name.match(/^test collection.*salvaged data at (.*)\)$/)
assert_not_nil match
assert_not_nil match[1]
assert_empty updated_src_collection.manifest_text
# match[1] is the uuid of the new collection created from src_collection's salvaged data
# use this to get the new collection and verify
new_collection = Collection.find_by_uuid match[1]
- match = new_collection.name.match /^salvaged from (.*),.*/
+ match = new_collection.name.match(/^salvaged from (.*),.*/)
assert_not_nil match
assert_equal src_collection.uuid, match[1]
test "salvage collection with no uuid required argument" do
- e = assert_raises RuntimeError do
+ assert_raises RuntimeError do
salvage_collection nil
e = assert_raises RuntimeError do
salvage_collection collections('user_agreement').uuid
- assert_match /Error during arv-put: pid \d+ exit \d+ \(cmd was \"arv-put .*\"\)/, e.message
+ assert_match(/Error during arv-put: pid \d+ exit \d+ \(cmd was \"arv-put .*\"\)/, e.message)
# This test uses BAD_MANIFEST, which has the following flaws:
updated_name = updated_src_collection.name
assert_equal true, updated_name.include?(src_collection.name)
- match = updated_name.match /^test collection.*salvaged data at (.*)\)$/
+ match = updated_name.match(/^test collection.*salvaged data at (.*)\)$/)
assert_not_nil match
assert_not_nil match[1]
assert_empty updated_src_collection.manifest_text
# match[1] is the uuid of the new collection created from src_collection's salvaged data
# use this to get the new collection and verify
new_collection = Collection.find_by_uuid match[1]
- match = new_collection.name.match /^salvaged from (.*),.*/
+ match = new_collection.name.match(/^salvaged from (.*),.*/)
assert_not_nil match
assert_equal src_collection.uuid, match[1]
# verify the new collection's manifest includes the bad locators