'trigger file should be created when job is cancelled')
- test "cancelling a cancelled jobs stays cancelled" do
+ [
+ [:put, :update, {job:{cancelled_at: Time.now}}, :success],
+ [:put, :update, {job:{cancelled_at: nil}}, :unprocessable_entity],
+ [:put, :update, {job:{state: 'Cancelled'}}, :success],
+ [:put, :update, {job:{state: 'Queued'}}, :unprocessable_entity],
+ [:put, :update, {job:{state: 'Running'}}, :unprocessable_entity],
+ [:put, :update, {job:{state: 'Failed'}}, :unprocessable_entity],
+ [:put, :update, {job:{state: 'Complete'}}, :unprocessable_entity],
+ [:post, :cancel, {}, :success],
+ ].each do |http_method, action, params, expected_response|
+ test "cancelled job stays cancelled after #{[http_method, action, params].inspect}" do
+ # We need to verify that "cancel" creates a trigger file, so first
+ # let's make sure there is no stale trigger file.
+ begin
+ File.unlink(Rails.configuration.crunch_refresh_trigger)
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ end
+ authorize_with :active
+ self.send http_method, action, { id: jobs(:cancelled).uuid }.merge(params)
+ assert_response expected_response
+ if expected_response == :success
+ job = json_response
+ assert_not_nil job['cancelled_at'], 'job cancelled again using #{attribute}=#{value} did not have cancelled_at value'
+ assert_equal job['state'], 'Cancelled', 'cancelled again job state changed when updated using using #{attribute}=#{value}'
+ end
+ # Verify database record still says Cancelled
+ assert_equal 'Cancelled', Job.find(jobs(:cancelled).id).state, 'job was un-cancelled'
+ end
+ end
+ test "cancelled job updated to any other state change results in error" do
# We need to verify that "cancel" creates a trigger file, so first
# let's make sure there is no stale trigger file.