# Methods that don't require login should
# skip_around_filter :require_thread_api_token
around_filter :require_thread_api_token, except: ERROR_ACTIONS
+ before_filter :ensure_arvados_api_exists, only: [:index, :show]
before_filter :set_cache_buster
before_filter :accept_uuid_as_id_param, except: ERROR_ACTIONS
before_filter :check_user_agreements, except: ERROR_ACTIONS
+ def ensure_arvados_api_exists
+ if model_class.is_a?(Class) && model_class < ArvadosBase && !model_class.api_exists?(params['action'].to_sym)
+ @errors = ["#{params['action']} method is not supported for #{params['controller']}"]
+ return render_error(status: 404)
+ end
+ end
def index
find_objects_for_index if !@objects
objects = @objects
if objects.respond_to?(:result_offset) and
- objects.respond_to?(:result_limit) and
- objects.respond_to?(:items_available)
+ objects.respond_to?(:result_limit)
next_offset = objects.result_offset + objects.result_limit
- if next_offset < objects.items_available
+ if objects.respond_to?(:items_available) and (next_offset < objects.items_available)
+ elsif @objects.results.size > 0 and (params[:count] == 'none' or
+ (params[:controller] == 'search' and params[:action] == 'choose'))
+ last_object_class = @objects.last.class
+ if params['last_object_class'].nil? or params['last_object_class'] == last_object_class.to_s
+ next_offset
+ else
+ @objects.select{|obj| obj.class == last_object_class}.size
+ end
if not model_class
@object = nil
+ elsif params[:uuid].nil? or params[:uuid].empty?
+ @object = nil
elsif not params[:uuid].is_a?(String)
@object = model_class.where(uuid: params[:uuid]).first
- elsif params[:uuid].empty?
- @object = nil
elsif (model_class != Link and
resource_class_for_uuid(params[:uuid]) == Link)
@name_link = Link.find(params[:uuid])
@object = model_class.find(@name_link.head_uuid)
@object = model_class.find(params[:uuid])
+ load_preloaded_objects [@object]
rescue ArvadosApiClient::NotFoundException, ArvadosApiClient::NotLoggedInException, RuntimeError => error
if error.is_a?(RuntimeError) and (error.message !~ /^argument to find\(/)
@@notification_tests.push lambda { |controller, current_user|
- PipelineInstance.limit(1).where(created_by: current_user.uuid).each do
+ if PipelineInstance.api_exists?(:index)
+ PipelineInstance.limit(1).where(created_by: current_user.uuid).each do
+ return nil
+ end
+ else
return nil
return lambda { |view|
helper_method :user_notifications
def user_notifications
- return [] if @errors or not current_user.andand.is_active
+ return [] if @errors or not current_user.andand.is_active or not Rails.configuration.show_user_notifications
@notifications ||= @@notification_tests.map do |t|
t.call(self, current_user)
def recent_processes lim
lim = 12 if lim.nil?
- pipelines = PipelineInstance.limit(lim).order(["created_at desc"])
+ procs = {}
+ if PipelineInstance.api_exists?(:index)
+ cols = %w(uuid owner_uuid created_at modified_at pipeline_template_uuid name state started_at finished_at)
+ pipelines = PipelineInstance.select(cols).limit(lim).order(["created_at desc"])
+ pipelines.results.each { |pi| procs[pi] = pi.created_at }
+ end
crs = ContainerRequest.limit(lim).order(["created_at desc"]).filter([["requesting_container_uuid", "=", nil]])
- procs = {}
- pipelines.results.each { |pi| procs[pi] = pi.created_at }
crs.results.each { |c| procs[c] = c.created_at }
Hash[procs.sort_by {|key, value| value}].keys.reverse.first(lim)
# from the top three levels.
# That is: get toplevel projects under home, get subprojects of
# these projects, and so on until we hit the limit.
- def my_wanted_projects user, page_size=100
+ def my_wanted_projects(user, page_size=100)
return @my_wanted_projects if @my_wanted_projects
from_top = []
break if current_level.results.size == 0
@too_many_projects = true if current_level.items_available > current_level.results.size
from_top.concat current_level.results
- uuids = current_level.results.collect { |x| x.uuid }
+ uuids = current_level.results.collect(&:uuid)
depth += 1
if depth >= 3
@reached_level_limit = true
helper_method :my_wanted_projects_tree
- def my_wanted_projects_tree user, page_size=100
- build_my_wanted_projects_tree user, page_size
+ def my_wanted_projects_tree(user, page_size=100)
+ build_my_wanted_projects_tree(user, page_size)
[@my_wanted_projects_tree, @too_many_projects, @reached_level_limit]
- def build_my_wanted_projects_tree user, page_size=100
+ def build_my_wanted_projects_tree(user, page_size=100)
return @my_wanted_projects_tree if @my_wanted_projects_tree
parent_of = {user.uuid => 'me'}
# helper method to get object of a given dataclass and uuid
helper_method :object_for_dataclass
- def object_for_dataclass dataclass, uuid
+ def object_for_dataclass dataclass, uuid, by_attr=nil
raise ArgumentError, 'No input argument dataclass' unless (dataclass && uuid)
- preload_objects_for_dataclass(dataclass, [uuid])
+ preload_objects_for_dataclass(dataclass, [uuid], by_attr)
# helper method to preload objects for given dataclass and uuids
helper_method :preload_objects_for_dataclass
- def preload_objects_for_dataclass dataclass, uuids
+ def preload_objects_for_dataclass dataclass, uuids, by_attr=nil
@objects_for ||= {}
raise ArgumentError, 'Argument is not a data class' unless dataclass.is_a? Class
uuids.each do |x|
@objects_for[x] = nil
- dataclass.where(uuid: uuids).each do |obj|
- @objects_for[obj.uuid] = obj
+ if by_attr and ![:uuid, :name].include?(by_attr)
+ raise ArgumentError, "Preloading only using lookups by uuid or name are supported: #{by_attr}"
+ elsif by_attr and by_attr == :name
+ dataclass.where(name: uuids).each do |obj|
+ @objects_for[obj.name] = obj
+ end
+ else
+ dataclass.where(uuid: uuids).each do |obj|
+ @objects_for[obj.uuid] = obj
+ end
+ # helper method to load objects that are already preloaded
+ helper_method :load_preloaded_objects
+ def load_preloaded_objects objs
+ @objects_for ||= {}
+ objs.each do |obj|
+ @objects_for[obj.uuid] = obj
+ end
+ end
+ # helper method to get the names of collection files selected
+ helper_method :selected_collection_files
+ def selected_collection_files params
+ link_uuids, coll_ids = params["selection"].partition do |sel_s|
+ ArvadosBase::resource_class_for_uuid(sel_s) == Link
+ end
+ unless link_uuids.empty?
+ Link.select([:head_uuid]).where(uuid: link_uuids).each do |link|
+ if ArvadosBase::resource_class_for_uuid(link.head_uuid) == Collection
+ coll_ids << link.head_uuid
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ uuids = []
+ pdhs = []
+ source_paths = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] }
+ coll_ids.each do |coll_id|
+ if m = CollectionsHelper.match(coll_id)
+ key = m[1] + m[2]
+ pdhs << key
+ source_paths[key] << m[4]
+ elsif m = CollectionsHelper.match_uuid_with_optional_filepath(coll_id)
+ key = m[1]
+ uuids << key
+ source_paths[key] << m[4]
+ end
+ end
+ unless pdhs.empty?
+ Collection.where(portable_data_hash: pdhs.uniq).
+ select([:uuid, :portable_data_hash]).each do |coll|
+ unless source_paths[coll.portable_data_hash].empty?
+ uuids << coll.uuid
+ source_paths[coll.uuid] = source_paths.delete(coll.portable_data_hash)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ [uuids, source_paths]
+ end
def wiselinks_layout