assert_response 403
- test "get list of folders" do
+ test "get list of projects" do
authorize_with :active
- get :index, filters: [['group_class', '=', 'folder']], format: :json
+ get :index, filters: [['group_class', 'in', ['project', 'folder']]], format: :json
assert_response :success
group_uuids = []
json_response['items'].each do |group|
- assert_equal 'folder', group['group_class']
+ assert_includes ['folder', 'project'], group['group_class']
group_uuids << group['uuid']
- assert_includes group_uuids, groups(:afolder).uuid
- assert_includes group_uuids, groups(:asubfolder).uuid
+ assert_includes group_uuids, groups(:aproject).uuid
+ assert_includes group_uuids, groups(:asubproject).uuid
assert_not_includes group_uuids, groups(:system_group).uuid
assert_not_includes group_uuids, groups(:private).uuid
- test "get list of groups that are not folders" do
+ test "get list of groups that are not projects" do
authorize_with :active
get :index, filters: [['group_class', '=', nil]], format: :json
assert_response :success
assert_equal nil, group['group_class']
group_uuids << group['uuid']
- assert_not_includes group_uuids, groups(:afolder).uuid
- assert_not_includes group_uuids, groups(:asubfolder).uuid
+ assert_not_includes group_uuids, groups(:aproject).uuid
+ assert_not_includes group_uuids, groups(:asubproject).uuid
assert_includes group_uuids, groups(:private).uuid
assert_equal 0, json_response['items_available']
- test 'get group-owned objects' do
- authorize_with :active
- get :contents, {
- id: groups(:afolder).uuid,
- format: :json,
- include_linked: true,
- }
+ def check_project_contents_response
assert_response :success
assert_operator 2, :<=, json_response['items_available']
assert_operator 2, :<=, json_response['items'].count
assert_equal expect_kinds, (expect_kinds & kinds)
+ test 'get group-owned objects' do
+ authorize_with :active
+ get :contents, {
+ id: groups(:aproject).uuid,
+ format: :json,
+ include_linked: true,
+ }
+ check_project_contents_response
+ end
+ test "user with project read permission can see project objects" do
+ authorize_with :project_viewer
+ get :contents, {
+ id: groups(:aproject).uuid,
+ format: :json,
+ include_linked: true,
+ }
+ check_project_contents_response
+ end
+ # Even though the project_viewer tests go through other controllers,
+ # I'm putting them here so they're easy to find alongside the other
+ # project tests.
+ def check_new_project_link_fails(link_attrs)
+ @controller =
+ post :create, link: {
+ link_class: "permission",
+ name: "can_read",
+ head_uuid: groups(:aproject).uuid,
+ }.merge(link_attrs)
+ assert_includes(403..422, response.status)
+ end
+ test "user with project read permission can't add users to it" do
+ authorize_with :project_viewer
+ check_new_project_link_fails(tail_uuid: users(:spectator).uuid)
+ end
+ test "user with project read permission can't add items to it" do
+ authorize_with :project_viewer
+ check_new_project_link_fails(tail_uuid: collections(:baz_file).uuid)
+ end
+ test "user with project read permission can't rename items in it" do
+ authorize_with :project_viewer
+ @controller =
+ post :update, {
+ id: links(:job_name_in_aproject).uuid,
+ link: {name: "Denied test name"},
+ }
+ assert_includes(403..404, response.status)
+ end
+ test "user with project read permission can't remove items from it" do
+ @controller =
+ authorize_with :project_viewer
+ post :update, {
+ id: links(:template_name_in_aproject).head_uuid,
+ pipeline_template: {
+ owner_uuid: users(:project_viewer).uuid,
+ }
+ }
+ assert_response 403
+ end
+ test "user with project read permission can't delete it" do
+ authorize_with :project_viewer
+ post :destroy, {id: groups(:aproject).uuid}
+ assert_response 403
+ end
test 'get group-owned objects with limit' do
authorize_with :active
get :contents, {
- id: groups(:afolder).uuid,
+ id: groups(:aproject).uuid,
limit: 1,
format: :json,
test 'get group-owned objects with limit and offset' do
authorize_with :active
get :contents, {
- id: groups(:afolder).uuid,
+ id: groups(:aproject).uuid,
limit: 1,
offset: 12345,
format: :json,
test 'get group-owned objects with additional filter matching nothing' do
authorize_with :active
get :contents, {
- id: groups(:afolder).uuid,
+ id: groups(:aproject).uuid,
filters: [['uuid', 'in', ['foo_not_a_uuid','bar_not_a_uuid']]],
format: :json,
test 'get group-owned objects without include_linked' do
- unexpected_uuid = specimens(:in_afolder_linked_from_asubfolder).uuid
+ unexpected_uuid = specimens(:in_aproject_linked_from_asubproject).uuid
authorize_with :active
get :contents, {
- id: groups(:asubfolder).uuid,
+ id: groups(:asubproject).uuid,
format: :json,
assert_response :success
test 'get group-owned objects with include_linked' do
- expected_uuid = specimens(:in_afolder_linked_from_asubfolder).uuid
+ expected_uuid = specimens(:in_aproject_linked_from_asubproject).uuid
authorize_with :active
get :contents, {
- id: groups(:asubfolder).uuid,
+ id: groups(:asubproject).uuid,
include_linked: true,
format: :json,
uuids = json_response['items'].collect { |i| i['uuid'] }
assert_includes uuids, expected_uuid, "Did not get #{expected_uuid}"
- expected_name = links(:specimen_is_in_two_folders).name
+ expected_name = links(:specimen_is_in_two_projects).name
found_specimen_name = false
"Expected a non-empty array of links in response")
# times within a test.
@json_response = nil
get :contents, {
- id: groups(:afolder).uuid,
+ id: groups(:aproject).uuid,
include_linked: inc_ind,
limit: limit,
offset: offset,
owner_received[item['owner_uuid']] = true
offset += 1
if not inc_ind
- assert_equal groups(:afolder).uuid, item['owner_uuid']
+ assert_equal groups(:aproject).uuid, item['owner_uuid']
break if offset >= items_available
test "Raise error on bogus #{arg} parameter #{val.inspect}" do
authorize_with :active
get :contents, {
- :id => groups(:afolder).uuid,
+ :id => groups(:aproject).uuid,
:format => :json,
arg => val,
+ test 'get writable_by list for owned group' do
+ authorize_with :active
+ get :show, {
+ id: groups(:aproject).uuid,
+ format: :json
+ }
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_not_nil(json_response['writable_by'],
+ "Should receive uuid list in 'writable_by' field")
+ assert_includes(json_response['writable_by'], users(:active).uuid,
+ "owner should be included in writable_by list")
+ end
+ test 'no writable_by list for group with read-only access' do
+ authorize_with :rominiadmin
+ get :show, {
+ id: groups(:testusergroup_admins).uuid,
+ format: :json
+ }
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_nil(json_response['writable_by'],
+ "Should not receive uuid list in 'writable_by' field")
+ end
+ test 'get writable_by list by admin user' do
+ authorize_with :admin
+ get :show, {
+ id: groups(:testusergroup_admins).uuid,
+ format: :json
+ }
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_not_nil(json_response['writable_by'],
+ "Should receive uuid list in 'writable_by' field")
+ assert_includes(json_response['writable_by'],
+ users(:admin).uuid,
+ "Current user should be included in 'writable_by' field")
+ end