- test "unique uuid index exists on all models with the column uuid" do
- tables = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables
- tables.each do |table|
- columns = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.columns(table)
+ test "store long string" do
+ set_user_from_auth :active
+ longstring = "a"
+ while longstring.length < 2**16
+ longstring = longstring + longstring
+ end
+ g = Group.create! name: 'Has a long description', description: longstring
+ g = Group.find_by_uuid g.uuid
+ assert_equal g.description, longstring
+ end
- uuid_column = columns.select do |column|
- column.name == 'uuid'
- end
+ [['uuid', {unique: true}],
+ ['owner_uuid', {}]].each do |the_column, requires|
+ test "unique index on all models with #{the_column}" do
+ checked = 0
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.each do |table|
+ columns = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.columns(table)
- if !uuid_column.empty?
- indexes = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.indexes(table)
- uuid_index = indexes.select do |index|
- index.columns == ['uuid'] and index.unique == true
- end
+ next unless columns.collect(&:name).include? the_column
- assert !uuid_index.empty?, "#{table} does not have unique uuid index"
+ indexes = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.indexes(table).reject do |index|
+ requires.map do |key, val|
+ index.send(key) == val
+ end.include? false
+ end
+ assert_includes indexes.collect(&:columns), [the_column], 'no index'
+ checked += 1
+ # Sanity check: make sure we didn't just systematically miss everything.
+ assert_operator(10, :<, checked,
+ "Only #{checked} tables have a #{the_column}?!")
- test "owner uuid index exists on all models with the owner_uuid column" do
- all_tables = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables
+ test "search index exists on models that go into projects" do
+ all_tables = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables
+ all_tables.delete 'schema_migrations'
all_tables.each do |table|
- columns = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.columns(table)
+ table_class = table.classify.constantize
+ if table_class.respond_to?('searchable_columns')
+ search_index_columns = table_class.searchable_columns('ilike')
+ # Disappointing, but text columns aren't indexed yet.
+ search_index_columns -= table_class.columns.select { |c|
+ c.type == :text or c.name == 'description' or c.name == 'file_names'
+ }.collect(&:name)
- uuid_column = columns.select do |column|
- column.name == 'owner_uuid'
+ indexes = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.indexes(table)
+ search_index_by_columns = indexes.select do |index|
+ index.columns.sort == search_index_columns.sort
+ end
+ search_index_by_name = indexes.select do |index|
+ index.name == "#{table}_search_index"
+ end
+ assert !search_index_by_columns.empty?, "#{table} has no search index with columns #{search_index_columns}. Instead found search index with columns #{search_index_by_name.first.andand.columns}"
+ end
+ end
- if !uuid_column.empty?
+ test "full text search index exists on models" do
+ fts_tables = ["collections", "container_requests", "groups", "jobs",
+ "pipeline_instances", "pipeline_templates", "workflows"]
+ fts_tables.each do |table|
+ table_class = table.classify.constantize
+ if table_class.respond_to?('full_text_searchable_columns')
+ fts_index_columns = table_class.full_text_searchable_columns
+ index_columns = nil
indexes = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.indexes(table)
- owner_uuid_index = indexes.select do |index|
- index.columns == ['owner_uuid']
+ fts_index_by_columns = indexes.select do |index|
+ if index.columns.first.match(/to_tsvector/)
+ index_columns = index.columns.first.scan(/\((?<columns>[A-Za-z_]+)\,/).flatten!
+ index_columns.sort == fts_index_columns.sort
+ else
+ false
+ end
- assert !owner_uuid_index.empty?, "#{table} does not have owner_uuid index"
+ assert !fts_index_by_columns.empty?, "#{table} has no FTS index with columns #{fts_index_columns}. Instead found FTS index with columns #{index_columns}"
+ test "selectable_attributes includes database attributes" do
+ assert_includes(Job.selectable_attributes, "success")
+ end
+ test "selectable_attributes includes non-database attributes" do
+ assert_includes(Job.selectable_attributes, "node_uuids")
+ end
+ test "selectable_attributes includes common attributes in extensions" do
+ assert_includes(Job.selectable_attributes, "uuid")
+ end
+ test "selectable_attributes does not include unexposed attributes" do
+ refute_includes(Job.selectable_attributes, "nodes")
+ end
+ test "selectable_attributes on a non-default template" do
+ attr_a = Job.selectable_attributes(:common)
+ assert_includes(attr_a, "uuid")
+ refute_includes(attr_a, "success")
+ end
+ test 'create and retrieve using created_at time' do
+ set_user_from_auth :active
+ group = Group.create! name: 'test create and retrieve group'
+ assert group.valid?, "group is not valid"
+ results = Group.where(created_at: group.created_at)
+ assert_includes results.map(&:uuid), group.uuid,
+ "Expected new group uuid in results when searched with its created_at timestamp"
+ end
+ test 'create and update twice and expect different update times' do
+ set_user_from_auth :active
+ group = Group.create! name: 'test create and retrieve group'
+ assert group.valid?, "group is not valid"
+ # update 1
+ group.update_attributes!(name: "test create and update name 1")
+ results = Group.where(uuid: group.uuid)
+ assert_equal "test create and update name 1", results.first.name, "Expected name to be updated to 1"
+ updated_at_1 = results.first.updated_at.to_f
+ # update 2
+ group.update_attributes!(name: "test create and update name 2")
+ results = Group.where(uuid: group.uuid)
+ assert_equal "test create and update name 2", results.first.name, "Expected name to be updated to 2"
+ updated_at_2 = results.first.updated_at.to_f
+ assert_equal true, (updated_at_2 > updated_at_1), "Expected updated time 2 to be newer than 1"
+ end