export type WithDialogProps<T> = WithDialogStateProps<T> & WithDialogDispatchProps;
export const withDialog = (id: string) =>
- <T, P>(component: React.ComponentType<WithDialogProps<T> & P>) =>
+ // TODO: How to make compiler happy with & P instead of & any?
+ <T, P>(component: React.ComponentType<WithDialogProps<T> & any>) =>
connect(mapStateToProps(id), mapDispatchToProps(id))(component);
+const emptyData = {};
export const mapStateToProps = (id: string) => <T>(state: { dialog: DialogState }): WithDialogStateProps<T> => {
const dialog = state.dialog[id];
- return dialog ? dialog : { open: false, data: {} };
+ return dialog ? dialog : { open: false, data: emptyData };
export const mapDispatchToProps = (id: string) => (dispatch: Dispatch): WithDialogDispatchProps => ({
closeDialog: () => {
dispatch(dialogActions.CLOSE_DIALOG({ id }));
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