package main
import (
- . ""
+ "context"
+ ""
+ . ""
var _ = Suite(&BufferPoolSuite{})
// Initialize a default-sized buffer pool for the benefit of test
// suites that don't run main().
func init() {
- bufs = newBufferPool(theConfig.MaxBuffers, BlockSize)
+ bufs = newBufferPool(ctxlog.FromContext(context.Background()), 12, BlockSize)
// Restore sane default after bufferpool's own tests
func (s *BufferPoolSuite) TearDownTest(c *C) {
- bufs = newBufferPool(theConfig.MaxBuffers, BlockSize)
+ bufs = newBufferPool(ctxlog.FromContext(context.Background()), 12, BlockSize)
func (s *BufferPoolSuite) TestBufferPoolBufSize(c *C) {
- bufs := newBufferPool(2, 10)
+ bufs := newBufferPool(ctxlog.TestLogger(c), 2, 10)
b1 := bufs.Get(1)
func (s *BufferPoolSuite) TestBufferPoolUnderLimit(c *C) {
- bufs := newBufferPool(3, 10)
+ bufs := newBufferPool(ctxlog.TestLogger(c), 3, 10)
b1 := bufs.Get(10)
testBufferPoolRace(c, bufs, b1, "Get")
func (s *BufferPoolSuite) TestBufferPoolAtLimit(c *C) {
- bufs := newBufferPool(2, 10)
+ bufs := newBufferPool(ctxlog.TestLogger(c), 2, 10)
b1 := bufs.Get(10)
testBufferPoolRace(c, bufs, b1, "Put")
func (s *BufferPoolSuite) TestBufferPoolReuse(c *C) {
- bufs := newBufferPool(2, 10)
+ bufs := newBufferPool(ctxlog.TestLogger(c), 2, 10)
last := bufs.Get(10)
// The buffer pool is allowed to throw away unused buffers