+ "git.arvados.org/arvados.git/lib/cmd"
const timestampFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05"
+var pagesize = 1000
type nodeInfo struct {
// Legacy (records created by Arvados Node Manager with Arvados <= 1.4.3)
Properties struct {
Preemptible bool
-type containerInfo struct {
+type consumption struct {
cost float64
duration float64
+func (c *consumption) Add(n consumption) {
+ c.cost += n.cost
+ c.duration += n.duration
type arrayFlags []string
func (i *arrayFlags) String() string {
return nil
-func (c *command) parseFlags(prog string, args []string, logger *logrus.Logger, stderr io.Writer) (exitCode int, err error) {
+func (c *command) parseFlags(prog string, args []string, logger *logrus.Logger, stderr io.Writer) (ok bool, exitCode int) {
var beginStr, endStr string
flags := flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.ContinueOnError)
- flags.SetOutput(stderr)
flags.Usage = func() {
fmt.Fprintf(flags.Output(), `
flags.StringVar(&beginStr, "begin", "", fmt.Sprintf("timestamp `begin` for date range operation (format: %s)", timestampFormat))
flags.StringVar(&endStr, "end", "", fmt.Sprintf("timestamp `end` for date range operation (format: %s)", timestampFormat))
flags.BoolVar(&c.cache, "cache", true, "create and use a local disk cache of Arvados objects")
- err = flags.Parse(args)
- if err == flag.ErrHelp {
- err = nil
- exitCode = 1
- return
- } else if err != nil {
- exitCode = 2
- return
+ if ok, code := cmd.ParseFlags(flags, prog, args, "[uuid ...]", stderr); !ok {
+ return false, code
c.uuids = flags.Args()
if (len(beginStr) != 0 && len(endStr) == 0) || (len(beginStr) == 0 && len(endStr) != 0) {
- flags.Usage()
- err = fmt.Errorf("When specifying a date range, both begin and end must be specified")
- exitCode = 2
- return
+ fmt.Fprintf(stderr, "When specifying a date range, both begin and end must be specified (try -help)\n")
+ return false, 2
if len(beginStr) != 0 {
c.begin, errB = time.Parse(timestampFormat, beginStr)
c.end, errE = time.Parse(timestampFormat, endStr)
if (errB != nil) || (errE != nil) {
- flags.Usage()
- err = fmt.Errorf("When specifying a date range, both begin and end must be of the format %s %+v, %+v", timestampFormat, errB, errE)
- exitCode = 2
- return
+ fmt.Fprintf(stderr, "When specifying a date range, both begin and end must be of the format %s %+v, %+v\n", timestampFormat, errB, errE)
+ return false, 2
if (len(c.uuids) < 1) && (len(beginStr) == 0) {
- flags.Usage()
- err = fmt.Errorf("error: no uuid(s) provided")
- exitCode = 2
- return
+ fmt.Fprintf(stderr, "error: no uuid(s) provided (try -help)\n")
+ return false, 2
lvl, err := logrus.ParseLevel(*loglevel)
if err != nil {
- exitCode = 2
- return
+ fmt.Fprintf(stderr, "invalid argument to -log-level: %s\n", err)
+ return false, 2
if !c.cache {
logger.Debug("Caching disabled")
- return
+ return true, 0
func ensureDirectory(logger *logrus.Logger, dir string) (err error) {
-func addContainerLine(logger *logrus.Logger, node nodeInfo, cr arvados.ContainerRequest, container arvados.Container) (csv string, cost float64, duration float64) {
+func addContainerLine(logger *logrus.Logger, node nodeInfo, cr arvados.ContainerRequest, container arvados.Container) (string, consumption) {
+ var csv string
+ var containerConsumption consumption
csv = cr.UUID + ","
csv += cr.Name + ","
csv += container.UUID + ","
price = node.Price
size = node.ProviderType
- cost = delta.Seconds() / 3600 * price
- duration = delta.Seconds()
- csv += size + "," + fmt.Sprintf("%+v", node.Preemptible) + "," + strconv.FormatFloat(price, 'f', 8, 64) + "," + strconv.FormatFloat(cost, 'f', 8, 64) + "\n"
- return
+ containerConsumption.cost = delta.Seconds() / 3600 * price
+ containerConsumption.duration = delta.Seconds()
+ csv += size + "," + fmt.Sprintf("%+v", node.Preemptible) + "," + strconv.FormatFloat(price, 'f', 8, 64) + "," + strconv.FormatFloat(containerConsumption.cost, 'f', 8, 64) + "\n"
+ return csv, containerConsumption
func loadCachedObject(logger *logrus.Logger, file string, uuid string, object interface{}) (reload bool) {
-func handleProject(logger *logrus.Logger, uuid string, arv *arvadosclient.ArvadosClient, ac *arvados.Client, kc *keepclient.KeepClient, resultsDir string, cache bool) (cost map[string]containerInfo, err error) {
- cost = make(map[string]containerInfo)
+func getContainerRequests(ac *arvados.Client, filters []arvados.Filter) ([]arvados.ContainerRequest, error) {
+ var allItems []arvados.ContainerRequest
+ for {
+ pagefilters := append([]arvados.Filter(nil), filters...)
+ if len(allItems) > 0 {
+ pagefilters = append(pagefilters, arvados.Filter{
+ Attr: "uuid",
+ Operator: ">",
+ Operand: allItems[len(allItems)-1].UUID,
+ })
+ }
+ var resp arvados.ContainerRequestList
+ err := ac.RequestAndDecode(&resp, "GET", "arvados/v1/container_requests", nil, arvados.ResourceListParams{
+ Filters: pagefilters,
+ Limit: &pagesize,
+ Order: "uuid",
+ Count: "none",
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("error querying container_requests: %w", err)
+ }
+ if len(resp.Items) == 0 {
+ // no more pages
+ return allItems, nil
+ }
+ allItems = append(allItems, resp.Items...)
+ }
+func handleProject(logger *logrus.Logger, uuid string, arv *arvadosclient.ArvadosClient, ac *arvados.Client, kc *keepclient.KeepClient, resultsDir string, cache bool) (cost map[string]consumption, err error) {
+ cost = make(map[string]consumption)
var project arvados.Group
err = loadObject(logger, ac, uuid, uuid, cache, &project)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error loading object %s: %s", uuid, err.Error())
- var childCrs map[string]interface{}
- filterset := []arvados.Filter{
+ allItems, err := getContainerRequests(ac, []arvados.Filter{
Attr: "owner_uuid",
Operator: "=",
Operator: "=",
Operand: nil,
- }
- err = ac.RequestAndDecode(&childCrs, "GET", "arvados/v1/container_requests", nil, map[string]interface{}{
- "filters": filterset,
- "limit": 10000,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error querying container_requests: %s", err.Error())
- if value, ok := childCrs["items"]; ok {
- logger.Infof("Collecting top level container requests in project %s", uuid)
- items := value.([]interface{})
- for _, item := range items {
- itemMap := item.(map[string]interface{})
- crCsv, err := generateCrCsv(logger, itemMap["uuid"].(string), arv, ac, kc, resultsDir, cache)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("error generating container_request CSV: %s", err.Error())
- }
- for k, v := range crCsv {
- cost[k] = v
- }
- }
- } else {
+ if len(allItems) == 0 {
logger.Infof("No top level container requests found in project %s", uuid)
+ return
+ }
+ logger.Infof("Collecting top level container requests in project %s", uuid)
+ for _, cr := range allItems {
+ crInfo, err := generateCrInfo(logger, cr.UUID, arv, ac, kc, resultsDir, cache)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("error generating container_request CSV for %s: %s", cr.UUID, err)
+ }
+ for k, v := range crInfo {
+ cost[k] = v
+ }
-func generateCrCsv(logger *logrus.Logger, uuid string, arv *arvadosclient.ArvadosClient, ac *arvados.Client, kc *keepclient.KeepClient, resultsDir string, cache bool) (cost map[string]containerInfo, err error) {
+func generateCrInfo(logger *logrus.Logger, uuid string, arv *arvadosclient.ArvadosClient, ac *arvados.Client, kc *keepclient.KeepClient, resultsDir string, cache bool) (cost map[string]consumption, err error) {
- cost = make(map[string]containerInfo)
+ cost = make(map[string]consumption)
csv := "CR UUID,CR name,Container UUID,State,Started At,Finished At,Duration in seconds,Compute node type,Preemptible,Hourly node cost,Total cost\n"
var tmpCsv string
- var tmpTotalCost, tmpTotalDuration float64
- var totalCost, totalDuration float64
+ var total, tmpTotal consumption
logger.Debugf("Processing %s", uuid)
var crUUID = uuid
logger.Errorf("Skipping container request %s: error getting node %s: %s", cr.UUID, cr.UUID, err)
return nil, nil
- tmpCsv, totalCost, totalDuration = addContainerLine(logger, topNode, cr, container)
+ tmpCsv, total = addContainerLine(logger, topNode, cr, container)
csv += tmpCsv
- totalCost += tmpTotalCost
- cost[container.UUID] = containerInfo{cost: totalCost, duration: totalDuration}
- // Find all container requests that have the container we found above as requesting_container_uuid
- var childCrs arvados.ContainerRequestList
- filterset := []arvados.Filter{
- {
- Attr: "requesting_container_uuid",
- Operator: "=",
- Operand: container.UUID,
- }}
- err = ac.RequestAndDecode(&childCrs, "GET", "arvados/v1/container_requests", nil, map[string]interface{}{
- "filters": filterset,
- "limit": 10000,
- })
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("error querying container_requests: %s", err.Error())
- }
- logger.Infof("Collecting child containers for container request %s (%s)", crUUID, container.FinishedAt)
+ cost[container.UUID] = total
+ // Find all container requests that have the container we
+ // found above as requesting_container_uuid.
+ allItems, err := getContainerRequests(ac, []arvados.Filter{{
+ Attr: "requesting_container_uuid",
+ Operator: "=",
+ Operand: container.UUID,
+ }})
+ logger.Infof("Looking up %d child containers for container %s (%s)", len(allItems), container.UUID, container.FinishedAt)
progressTicker := time.NewTicker(5 * time.Second)
defer progressTicker.Stop()
- for i, cr2 := range childCrs.Items {
+ for i, cr2 := range allItems {
select {
case <-progressTicker.C:
- logger.Infof("... %d of %d", i+1, len(childCrs.Items))
+ logger.Infof("... %d of %d", i+1, len(allItems))
node, err := getNode(arv, ac, kc, cr2)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error loading object %s: %s", cr2.ContainerUUID, err)
- tmpCsv, tmpTotalCost, tmpTotalDuration = addContainerLine(logger, node, cr2, c2)
- cost[cr2.ContainerUUID] = containerInfo{cost: tmpTotalCost, duration: tmpTotalDuration}
+ tmpCsv, tmpTotal = addContainerLine(logger, node, cr2, c2)
+ cost[cr2.ContainerUUID] = tmpTotal
csv += tmpCsv
- totalCost += tmpTotalCost
+ total.Add(tmpTotal)
logger.Debug("Done collecting child containers")
- csv += "TOTAL,,,,," + strconv.FormatFloat(totalDuration, 'f', 3, 64) + ",,,," + strconv.FormatFloat(totalCost, 'f', 2, 64) + "\n"
+ csv += "TOTAL,,,,,," + strconv.FormatFloat(total.duration, 'f', 3, 64) + ",,,," + strconv.FormatFloat(total.cost, 'f', 2, 64) + "\n"
if resultsDir != "" {
// Write the resulting CSV file
func (c *command) costAnalyzer(prog string, args []string, logger *logrus.Logger, stdout, stderr io.Writer) (exitcode int, err error) {
- exitcode, err = c.parseFlags(prog, args, logger, stderr)
- if exitcode != 0 {
+ var ok bool
+ ok, exitcode = c.parseFlags(prog, args, logger, stderr)
+ if !ok {
if c.resultsDir != "" {
- cost := make(map[string]containerInfo)
+ cost := make(map[string]consumption)
for uuid := range uuidChannel {
logger.Debugf("Considering %s", uuid)
cost[k] = v
} else if strings.Contains(uuid, "-xvhdp-") || strings.Contains(uuid, "-4zz18-") {
- // This is a container request
- var crCsv map[string]containerInfo
- crCsv, err = generateCrCsv(logger, uuid, arv, ac, kc, c.resultsDir, c.cache)
+ // This is a container request or collection
+ var crInfo map[string]consumption
+ crInfo, err = generateCrInfo(logger, uuid, arv, ac, kc, c.resultsDir, c.cache)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error generating CSV for uuid %s: %s", uuid, err.Error())
exitcode = 2
- for k, v := range crCsv {
+ for k, v := range crInfo {
cost[k] = v
} else if strings.Contains(uuid, "-tpzed-") {
csv += "# " + uuid + "\n"
- var totalCost, totalDuration float64
+ var total consumption
for k, v := range cost {
csv += k + "," + strconv.FormatFloat(v.duration, 'f', 3, 64) + "," + strconv.FormatFloat(v.cost, 'f', 8, 64) + "\n"
- totalCost += v.cost
- totalDuration += v.duration
+ total.Add(v)
- csv += "TOTAL," + strconv.FormatFloat(totalDuration, 'f', 3, 64) + "," + strconv.FormatFloat(totalCost, 'f', 2, 64) + "\n"
+ csv += "TOTAL," + strconv.FormatFloat(total.duration, 'f', 3, 64) + "," + strconv.FormatFloat(total.cost, 'f', 2, 64) + "\n"
if c.resultsDir != "" {
// Write the resulting CSV file
// Output the total dollar amount on stdout
- fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", strconv.FormatFloat(totalCost, 'f', 2, 64))
+ fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", strconv.FormatFloat(total.cost, 'f', 2, 64))