# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
require 'test_helper'
+require 'fix_roles_projects'
class GroupTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include DbCurrentTime
test "cannot set owner_uuid to object with existing ownership cycle" do
set_user_from_auth :active_trustedclient
test "cannot create a new ownership cycle" do
set_user_from_auth :active_trustedclient
- g_foo = Group.create!(name: "foo")
- g_bar = Group.create!(name: "bar")
+ g_foo = Group.create!(name: "foo", group_class: "project")
+ g_bar = Group.create!(name: "bar", group_class: "project")
g_foo.owner_uuid = g_bar.uuid
assert g_foo.save, lambda { g_foo.errors.messages }
test "cannot create a single-object ownership cycle" do
set_user_from_auth :active_trustedclient
- g_foo = Group.create!(name: "foo")
+ g_foo = Group.create!(name: "foo", group_class: "project")
assert g_foo.save
# Ensure I have permission to manage this group even when its owner changes
assert g_foo.errors.messages[:owner_uuid].join(" ").match(/ownership cycle/)
+ test "cannot create a group that is not a 'role' or 'project' or 'filter'" do
+ set_user_from_auth :active_trustedclient
+ assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) do
+ Group.create!(name: "foo")
+ end
+ assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) do
+ Group.create!(name: "foo", group_class: "")
+ end
+ assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) do
+ Group.create!(name: "foo", group_class: "bogus")
+ end
+ end
+ test "cannot change group_class on an already created group" do
+ set_user_from_auth :active_trustedclient
+ g = Group.create!(name: "foo", group_class: "role")
+ assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) do
+ g.update_attributes!(group_class: "project")
+ end
+ end
+ test "role cannot own things" do
+ set_user_from_auth :active_trustedclient
+ role = Group.create!(name: "foo", group_class: "role")
+ assert_raises(ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError) do
+ Collection.create!(name: "bzzz123", owner_uuid: role.uuid)
+ end
+ c = Collection.create!(name: "bzzz124")
+ assert_raises(ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError) do
+ c.update_attributes!(owner_uuid: role.uuid)
+ end
+ end
test "trash group hides contents" do
set_user_from_auth :active_trustedclient
- g_foo = Group.create!(name: "foo")
+ g_foo = Group.create!(name: "foo", group_class: "project")
col = Collection.create!(owner_uuid: g_foo.uuid)
assert Collection.readable_by(users(:active)).where(uuid: col.uuid).any?
test "trash group" do
set_user_from_auth :active_trustedclient
- g_foo = Group.create!(name: "foo")
- g_bar = Group.create!(name: "bar", owner_uuid: g_foo.uuid)
- g_baz = Group.create!(name: "baz", owner_uuid: g_bar.uuid)
+ g_foo = Group.create!(name: "foo", group_class: "project")
+ g_bar = Group.create!(name: "bar", owner_uuid: g_foo.uuid, group_class: "project")
+ g_baz = Group.create!(name: "baz", owner_uuid: g_bar.uuid, group_class: "project")
assert Group.readable_by(users(:active)).where(uuid: g_foo.uuid).any?
assert Group.readable_by(users(:active)).where(uuid: g_bar.uuid).any?
test "trash subgroup" do
set_user_from_auth :active_trustedclient
- g_foo = Group.create!(name: "foo")
- g_bar = Group.create!(name: "bar", owner_uuid: g_foo.uuid)
- g_baz = Group.create!(name: "baz", owner_uuid: g_bar.uuid)
+ g_foo = Group.create!(name: "foo", group_class: "project")
+ g_bar = Group.create!(name: "bar", owner_uuid: g_foo.uuid, group_class: "project")
+ g_baz = Group.create!(name: "baz", owner_uuid: g_bar.uuid, group_class: "project")
assert Group.readable_by(users(:active)).where(uuid: g_foo.uuid).any?
assert Group.readable_by(users(:active)).where(uuid: g_bar.uuid).any?
test "trash subsubgroup" do
set_user_from_auth :active_trustedclient
- g_foo = Group.create!(name: "foo")
- g_bar = Group.create!(name: "bar", owner_uuid: g_foo.uuid)
- g_baz = Group.create!(name: "baz", owner_uuid: g_bar.uuid)
+ g_foo = Group.create!(name: "foo", group_class: "project")
+ g_bar = Group.create!(name: "bar", owner_uuid: g_foo.uuid, group_class: "project")
+ g_baz = Group.create!(name: "baz", owner_uuid: g_bar.uuid, group_class: "project")
assert Group.readable_by(users(:active)).where(uuid: g_foo.uuid).any?
assert Group.readable_by(users(:active)).where(uuid: g_bar.uuid).any?
test "trashed does not propagate across permission links" do
set_user_from_auth :admin
- g_foo = Group.create!(name: "foo")
+ g_foo = Group.create!(name: "foo", group_class: "role")
u_bar = User.create!(first_name: "bar")
assert Group.readable_by(users(:admin)).where(uuid: g_foo.uuid).any?
assert User.readable_by(users(:admin)).where(uuid: u_bar.uuid).any?
- test "move projects to trash in SweepTrashedObjects" do
- p = groups(:trashed_on_next_sweep)
- assert_empty Group.where('uuid=? and is_trashed=true', p.uuid)
- SweepTrashedObjects.sweep_now
- assert_not_empty Group.where('uuid=? and is_trashed=true', p.uuid)
+ test "project names must be displayable in a filesystem" do
+ set_user_from_auth :active
+ ["", "{SOLIDUS}"].each do |subst|
+ Rails.configuration.Collections.ForwardSlashNameSubstitution = subst
+ proj = Group.create group_class: "project"
+ role = Group.create group_class: "role"
+ filt = Group.create group_class: "filter", properties: {"filters":[]}
+ [[nil, true],
+ ["", true],
+ [".", false],
+ ["..", false],
+ ["...", true],
+ ["..z..", true],
+ ["foo/bar", subst != ""],
+ ["../..", subst != ""],
+ ["/", subst != ""],
+ ].each do |name, valid|
+ role.name = name
+ assert_equal true, role.valid?
+ proj.name = name
+ assert_equal valid, proj.valid?, "project: #{name.inspect} should be #{valid ? "valid" : "invalid"}"
+ filt.name = name
+ assert_equal valid, filt.valid?, "filter: #{name.inspect} should be #{valid ? "valid" : "invalid"}"
+ end
+ end
- test "delete projects and their contents in SweepTrashedObjects" do
- g_foo = groups(:trashed_project)
- g_bar = groups(:trashed_subproject)
- g_baz = groups(:trashed_subproject3)
- col = collections(:collection_in_trashed_subproject)
- job = jobs(:job_in_trashed_project)
- cr = container_requests(:cr_in_trashed_project)
- # Save how many objects were before the sweep
- user_nr_was = User.all.length
- coll_nr_was = Collection.all.length
- group_nr_was = Group.where('group_class<>?', 'project').length
- project_nr_was = Group.where(group_class: 'project').length
- cr_nr_was = ContainerRequest.all.length
- job_nr_was = Job.all.length
- assert_not_empty Group.where(uuid: g_foo.uuid)
- assert_not_empty Group.where(uuid: g_bar.uuid)
- assert_not_empty Group.where(uuid: g_baz.uuid)
- assert_not_empty Collection.where(uuid: col.uuid)
- assert_not_empty Job.where(uuid: job.uuid)
- assert_not_empty ContainerRequest.where(uuid: cr.uuid)
- SweepTrashedObjects.sweep_now
- assert_empty Group.where(uuid: g_foo.uuid)
- assert_empty Group.where(uuid: g_bar.uuid)
- assert_empty Group.where(uuid: g_baz.uuid)
- assert_empty Collection.where(uuid: col.uuid)
- assert_empty Job.where(uuid: job.uuid)
- assert_empty ContainerRequest.where(uuid: cr.uuid)
- # No unwanted deletions should have happened
- assert_equal user_nr_was, User.all.length
- assert_equal coll_nr_was-2, # collection_in_trashed_subproject
- Collection.all.length # & deleted_on_next_sweep collections
- assert_equal group_nr_was, Group.where('group_class<>?', 'project').length
- assert_equal project_nr_was-3, Group.where(group_class: 'project').length
- assert_equal cr_nr_was-1, ContainerRequest.all.length
- assert_equal job_nr_was-1, Job.all.length
+ def insert_group uuid, owner_uuid, name, group_class
+ q = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.exec_query %{
+insert into groups (uuid, owner_uuid, name, group_class, created_at, updated_at)
+ values ('#{uuid}', '#{owner_uuid}',
+ '#{name}', #{if group_class then "'"+group_class+"'" else 'NULL' end},
+ statement_timestamp(), statement_timestamp())
+ uuid
+ end
+ test "migration to fix roles and projects" do
+ g1 = insert_group Group.generate_uuid, system_user_uuid, 'group with no class', nil
+ g2 = insert_group Group.generate_uuid, users(:active).uuid, 'role owned by a user', 'role'
+ g3 = insert_group Group.generate_uuid, system_user_uuid, 'role that owns a project', 'role'
+ g4 = insert_group Group.generate_uuid, g3, 'the project', 'project'
+ g5 = insert_group Group.generate_uuid, users(:active).uuid, 'a project with an outgoing permission link', 'project'
+ g6 = insert_group Group.generate_uuid, system_user_uuid, 'name collision', 'role'
+ g7 = insert_group Group.generate_uuid, users(:active).uuid, 'name collision', 'role'
+ g8 = insert_group Group.generate_uuid, users(:active).uuid, 'trashed with no class', nil
+ g8obj = Group.find_by_uuid(g8)
+ g8obj.trash_at = db_current_time
+ g8obj.delete_at = db_current_time
+ act_as_system_user do
+ g8obj.save!(validate: false)
+ end
+ refresh_permissions
+ act_as_system_user do
+ l1 = Link.create!(link_class: 'permission', name: 'can_manage', tail_uuid: g3, head_uuid: g4)
+ q = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.exec_query %{
+update links set tail_uuid='#{g5}' where uuid='#{l1.uuid}'
+ refresh_permissions
+ end
+ assert_equal nil, Group.find_by_uuid(g1).group_class
+ assert_equal nil, Group.find_by_uuid(g8).group_class
+ assert_equal users(:active).uuid, Group.find_by_uuid(g2).owner_uuid
+ assert_equal g3, Group.find_by_uuid(g4).owner_uuid
+ assert !Link.where(tail_uuid: users(:active).uuid, head_uuid: g2, link_class: "permission", name: "can_manage").any?
+ assert !Link.where(tail_uuid: g3, head_uuid: g4, link_class: "permission", name: "can_manage").any?
+ assert Link.where(link_class: 'permission', name: 'can_manage', tail_uuid: g5, head_uuid: g4).any?
+ fix_roles_projects
+ assert_equal 'role', Group.find_by_uuid(g1).group_class
+ assert_equal 'role', Group.find_by_uuid(g8).group_class
+ assert_equal system_user_uuid, Group.find_by_uuid(g2).owner_uuid
+ assert_equal system_user_uuid, Group.find_by_uuid(g4).owner_uuid
+ assert Link.where(tail_uuid: users(:active).uuid, head_uuid: g2, link_class: "permission", name: "can_manage").any?
+ assert Link.where(tail_uuid: g3, head_uuid: g4, link_class: "permission", name: "can_manage").any?
+ assert !Link.where(link_class: 'permission', name: 'can_manage', tail_uuid: g5, head_uuid: g4).any?