#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import ConfigParser import importlib import logging import ssl import sys import arvados import httplib2 import libcloud.common.types as cloud_types import pykka from apiclient import errors as apierror # IOError is the base class for socket.error and friends. # It seems like it hits the sweet spot for operations we want to retry: # it's low-level, but unlikely to catch code bugs. NETWORK_ERRORS = (IOError, ssl.SSLError) ARVADOS_ERRORS = NETWORK_ERRORS + (apierror.Error,) CLOUD_ERRORS = NETWORK_ERRORS + (cloud_types.LibcloudError,) actor_class = pykka.ThreadingActor class NodeManagerConfig(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser): """Node Manager Configuration class. This a standard Python ConfigParser, with additional helper methods to create objects instantiated with configuration information. """ LOGGING_NONLEVELS = frozenset(['file']) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Can't use super() because SafeConfigParser is an old-style class. ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) for sec_name, settings in { 'Arvados': {'insecure': 'no', 'timeout': '15'}, 'Daemon': {'min_nodes': '0', 'max_nodes': '1', 'poll_time': '60', 'max_poll_time': '300', 'poll_stale_after': '600', 'boot_fail_after': str(sys.maxint), 'node_stale_after': str(60 * 60 * 2)}, 'Logging': {'file': '/dev/stderr', 'level': 'WARNING'}, }.iteritems(): if not self.has_section(sec_name): self.add_section(sec_name) for opt_name, value in settings.iteritems(): if not self.has_option(sec_name, opt_name): self.set(sec_name, opt_name, value) def get_section(self, section, transformer=None): result = self._dict() for key, value in self.items(section): if transformer is not None: try: value = transformer(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass result[key] = value return result def log_levels(self): return {key: getattr(logging, self.get('Logging', key).upper()) for key in self.options('Logging') if key not in self.LOGGING_NONLEVELS} def dispatch_classes(self): mod_name = 'arvnodeman.computenode.dispatch' if self.has_option('Daemon', 'dispatcher'): mod_name = '{}.{}'.format(mod_name, self.get('Daemon', 'dispatcher')) module = importlib.import_module(mod_name) return (module.ComputeNodeSetupActor, module.ComputeNodeShutdownActor, module.ComputeNodeUpdateActor, module.ComputeNodeMonitorActor) def new_arvados_client(self): if self.has_option('Daemon', 'certs_file'): certs_file = self.get('Daemon', 'certs_file') else: certs_file = None insecure = self.getboolean('Arvados', 'insecure') http = httplib2.Http(timeout=self.getint('Arvados', 'timeout'), ca_certs=certs_file, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=insecure) return arvados.api('v1', cache=False, # Don't reuse an existing client. host=self.get('Arvados', 'host'), token=self.get('Arvados', 'token'), insecure=insecure, http=http) def new_cloud_client(self): module = importlib.import_module('arvnodeman.computenode.driver.' + self.get('Cloud', 'provider')) auth_kwargs = self.get_section('Cloud Credentials') if 'timeout' in auth_kwargs: auth_kwargs['timeout'] = int(auth_kwargs['timeout']) return module.ComputeNodeDriver(auth_kwargs, self.get_section('Cloud List'), self.get_section('Cloud Create')) def node_sizes(self, all_sizes): size_kwargs = {} for sec_name in self.sections(): sec_words = sec_name.split(None, 2) if sec_words[0] != 'Size': continue size_kwargs[sec_words[1]] = self.get_section(sec_name, int) return [(size, size_kwargs[size.id]) for size in all_sizes if size.id in size_kwargs] def shutdown_windows(self): return [int(n) for n in self.get('Cloud', 'shutdown_windows').split(',')]