# This section determines which keepstore servers access the
# volume. In this example, keep0 has read/write access, and
# keep1 has read-only access.
# If the AccessViaHosts section is empty or omitted, all
# keepstore servers will have read/write access to the
# volume.
"http://keep0.ClusterID.example.com:25107": {}
"http://keep1.ClusterID.example.com:25107": {ReadOnly: true}
Driver: S3
# Bucket name.
Bucket: example-bucket-name
# IAM role name to use when retrieving credentials from
# instance metadata. It can be omitted, in which case the
# role name itself will be retrieved from instance metadata
# -- but setting it explicitly may protect you from using
# the wrong credentials in the event of an
# installation/configuration error.
IAMRole: ""
# If you are not using an IAM role for authentication,
# specify access credentials here instead.
AccessKeyID: ""
SecretAccessKey: ""
# Storage provider region. If Endpoint is specified, the
# region determines the request signing method, and defaults
# to "us-east-1".
Region: us-east-1
# Storage provider endpoint. For Amazon S3, use "" or
# omit. For Google Cloud Storage, use
# "https://storage.googleapis.com".
Endpoint: ""
# Change to true if the region requires a LocationConstraint
# declaration.
LocationConstraint: false
# Use V2 signatures instead of the default V4. Amazon S3
# supports V4 signatures in all regions, but this option
# might be needed for other S3-compatible services.
V2Signature: false
# By default keepstore stores data using the MD5 checksum
# (32 hexadecimal characters) as the object name, e.g.,
# "0123456abc...". Setting PrefixLength to 3 changes this
# naming scheme to "012/0123456abc...". This can improve
# performance, depending on the S3 service being used. For
# example, PrefixLength 3 is recommended to avoid AWS
# limitations on the number of read/write operations per
# second per prefix (see
# https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/s3-request-limit-avoid-throttling/).
# Note that changing PrefixLength on an existing volume is
# not currently supported. Once you have started using a
# bucket as an Arvados volume, you should not change its
# configured PrefixLength, or configure another volume using
# the same bucket and a different PrefixLength.
PrefixLength: 0
# Requested page size for "list bucket contents" requests.
IndexPageSize: 1000
# Maximum time to wait while making the initial connection
# to the backend before failing the request.
ConnectTimeout: 1m
# Maximum time to wait for a complete response from the
# backend before failing the request.
ReadTimeout: 2m
# Maximum eventual consistency latency
RaceWindow: 24h
# How much replication is provided by the underlying bucket.
# This is used to inform replication decisions at the Keep
# layer.
Replication: 2
# If true, do not accept write or trash operations, even if
# AccessViaHosts.*.ReadOnly is false.
# If false or omitted, enable write access (subject to
# AccessViaHosts.*.ReadOnly, where applicable).
ReadOnly: false
# Storage classes to associate with this volume. See "Storage
# classes" in the "Admin" section of doc.arvados.org.
StorageClasses: null
h2(#IAM). IAM Policy
On Amazon, VMs which will access the S3 bucket (these include keepstore and compute nodes) will need an IAM policy with "permission that can read, write, list and delete objects in the bucket":https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles_create.html . Here is an example policy: