#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """discovery2pydoc - Build skeleton Python from the Arvados discovery document This tool reads the Arvados discovery document and writes a Python source file with classes and methods that correspond to the resources that google-api-python-client builds dynamically. This source does not include any implementation, but it does include real method signatures and documentation strings, so it's useful as documentation for tools that read Python source, including pydoc and pdoc. If you run this tool with the path to a discovery document, it uses no dependencies outside the Python standard library. If it needs to read configuration to find the discovery document dynamically, it'll load the `arvados` module to do that. """ import argparse import inspect import json import keyword import operator import os import pathlib import re import sys import urllib.parse import urllib.request from typing import ( Any, Callable, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, ) LOWERCASE = operator.methodcaller('lower') NAME_KEY = operator.attrgetter('name') STDSTREAM_PATH = pathlib.Path('-') TITLECASE = operator.methodcaller('title') _ALIASED_METHODS = frozenset([ 'destroy', 'index', 'show', ]) _DEPRECATED_NOTICE = ''' !!! deprecated This resource is deprecated in the Arvados API. ''' _DEPRECATED_RESOURCES = frozenset([ 'Humans', 'JobTasks', 'Jobs', 'KeepDisks', 'Nodes', 'PipelineInstances', 'PipelineTemplates', 'Specimens' 'Traits', ]) _DEPRECATED_SCHEMAS = frozenset([ *(name[:-1] for name in _DEPRECATED_RESOURCES), *(f'{name[:-1]}List' for name in _DEPRECATED_RESOURCES), ]) _LIST_PYDOC = ''' This is the dictionary object returned when you call `{cls_name}s.list`. If you just want to iterate all objects that match your search criteria, consider using `arvados.util.keyset_list_all`. If you work with this raw object, the keys of the dictionary are documented below, along with their types. The `items` key maps to a list of matching `{cls_name}` objects. ''' _MODULE_PYDOC = '''Arvados API client documentation skeleton This module documents the methods and return types provided by the Arvados API client. Start with `ArvadosAPIClient`, which documents the methods available from the API client objects constructed by `arvados.api`. The implementation is generated dynamically at runtime when the client object is built. ''' _SCHEMA_PYDOC = ''' This is the dictionary object that represents a single {cls_name} in Arvados. The keys of the dictionary are documented below, along with their types. Not every key may appear in every dictionary returned by an API call. Refer to the API documentation for details about how to retrieve specific keys if you need them. ''' _TYPE_MAP = { # Map the API's JavaScript-based type names to Python annotations. # Some of these may disappear after Arvados issue #19795 is fixed. 'Array': 'list', 'array': 'list', 'boolean': 'bool', # datetime fields are strings in ISO 8601 format. 'datetime': 'str', 'Hash': 'dict[str, Any]', 'integer': 'int', 'object': 'dict[str, Any]', 'string': 'str', 'text': 'str', } def get_type_annotation(name: str) -> str: return _TYPE_MAP.get(name, name) def to_docstring(s: str, indent: int) -> str: prefix = ' ' * indent s = s.replace('"""', '""\"') s = re.sub(r'(\n+)', r'\1' + prefix, s) s = s.strip() if '\n' in s: return f'{prefix}"""{s}\n{prefix}"""' else: return f'{prefix}"""{s}"""' def transform_name(s: str, sep: str, fix_part: Callable[[str], str]) -> str: return sep.join(fix_part(part) for part in s.split('_')) def classify_name(s: str) -> str: return transform_name(s, '', TITLECASE) def humanize_name(s: str) -> str: return transform_name(s, ' ', LOWERCASE) class Parameter(inspect.Parameter): def __init__(self, name: str, spec: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: self.api_name = name self._spec = spec if keyword.iskeyword(name): name += '_' super().__init__( name, inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY, annotation=get_type_annotation(self._spec['type']), # In normal Python the presence of a default tells you whether or # not an argument is required. In the API the `required` flag tells # us that, and defaults are specified inconsistently. Don't show # defaults in the signature: it adds noise and makes things more # confusing for the reader about what's required and what's # optional. The docstring can explain in better detail, including # the default value. default=inspect.Parameter.empty, ) def default_value(self) -> object: try: src_value: str = self._spec['default'] except KeyError: return None if src_value == 'true': return True elif src_value == 'false': return False elif src_value.isdigit(): return int(src_value) else: return src_value def is_required(self) -> bool: return self._spec['required'] def doc(self) -> str: default_value = self.default_value() if default_value is None: default_doc = '' else: default_doc = f" Default {default_value!r}." # If there is no description, use a zero-width space to help Markdown # parsers retain the definition list structure. description = self._spec['description'] or '\u200b' return f''' {self.api_name}: {self.annotation} : {description}{default_doc} ''' class Method: def __init__(self, name: str, spec: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: self.name = name self._spec = spec self._required_params = [] self._optional_params = [] for param_name, param_spec in spec['parameters'].items(): param = Parameter(param_name, param_spec) if param.is_required(): param_list = self._required_params else: param_list = self._optional_params param_list.append(param) self._required_params.sort(key=NAME_KEY) self._optional_params.sort(key=NAME_KEY) def signature(self) -> inspect.Signature: parameters = [ inspect.Parameter('self', inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY), *self._required_params, *self._optional_params, ] try: returns = get_type_annotation(self._spec['response']['$ref']) except KeyError: returns = 'dict[str, Any]' return inspect.Signature(parameters, return_annotation=returns) def doc(self, doc_slice: slice=slice(None)) -> str: doc_lines = self._spec['description'].splitlines(keepends=True)[doc_slice] if not doc_lines[-1].endswith('\n'): doc_lines.append('\n') if self._required_params: doc_lines.append("\nRequired parameters:\n") doc_lines.extend(param.doc() for param in self._required_params) if self._optional_params: doc_lines.append("\nOptional parameters:\n") doc_lines.extend(param.doc() for param in self._optional_params) return f''' def {self.name}{self.signature()}: {to_docstring(''.join(doc_lines), 8)} ''' def document_schema(name: str, spec: Mapping[str, Any]) -> str: description = spec['description'] if name in _DEPRECATED_SCHEMAS: description += _DEPRECATED_NOTICE if name.endswith('List'): desc_fmt = _LIST_PYDOC cls_name = name[:-4] else: desc_fmt = _SCHEMA_PYDOC cls_name = name description += desc_fmt.format(cls_name=cls_name) lines = [ f"class {name}(TypedDict, total=False):", to_docstring(description, 4), ] for field_name, field_spec in spec['properties'].items(): field_type = get_type_annotation(field_spec['type']) try: subtype = field_spec['items']['$ref'] except KeyError: pass else: field_type += f"[{get_type_annotation(subtype)}]" field_line = f" {field_name}: {field_type!r}" try: field_line += f" = {field_spec['default']!r}" except KeyError: pass lines.append(field_line) field_doc: str = field_spec.get('description', '') if field_spec['type'] == 'datetime': field_doc += "\n\nString in ISO 8601 datetime format. Pass it to `ciso8601.parse_datetime` to build a `datetime.datetime`." if field_doc: lines.append(to_docstring(field_doc, 4)) lines.append('\n') return '\n'.join(lines) def document_resource(name: str, spec: Mapping[str, Any]) -> str: class_name = classify_name(name) docstring = f"Methods to query and manipulate Arvados {humanize_name(name)}" if class_name in _DEPRECATED_RESOURCES: docstring += _DEPRECATED_NOTICE methods = [ Method(key, meth_spec) for key, meth_spec in spec['methods'].items() if key not in _ALIASED_METHODS ] return f'''class {class_name}: {to_docstring(docstring, 4)} {''.join(method.doc(slice(1)) for method in sorted(methods, key=NAME_KEY))} ''' def parse_arguments(arglist: Optional[Sequence[str]]) -> argparse.Namespace: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--output-file', '-O', type=pathlib.Path, metavar='PATH', default=STDSTREAM_PATH, help="""Path to write output. Specify `-` to use stdout (the default) """) parser.add_argument( 'discovery_url', nargs=argparse.OPTIONAL, metavar='URL', help="""URL or file path of a discovery document to load. Specify `-` to use stdin. If not provided, retrieved dynamically from Arvados client configuration. """) args = parser.parse_args(arglist) if args.discovery_url is None: from arvados.api import api_kwargs_from_config discovery_fmt = api_kwargs_from_config('v1')['discoveryServiceUrl'] args.discovery_url = discovery_fmt.format(api='arvados', apiVersion='v1') elif args.discovery_url == '-': args.discovery_url = 'file:///dev/stdin' else: parts = urllib.parse.urlsplit(args.discovery_url) if not (parts.scheme or parts.netloc): args.discovery_url = pathlib.Path(args.discovery_url).resolve().as_uri() if args.output_file == STDSTREAM_PATH: args.out_file = sys.stdout else: args.out_file = args.output_file.open('w') return args def main(arglist: Optional[Sequence[str]]=None) -> int: args = parse_arguments(arglist) with urllib.request.urlopen(args.discovery_url) as discovery_file: if not (discovery_file.status is None or 200 <= discovery_file.status < 300): print( f"error getting {args.discovery_url}: server returned {discovery_file.status}", file=sys.stderr, ) return os.EX_IOERR discovery_document = json.load(discovery_file) print( to_docstring(_MODULE_PYDOC, indent=0), '''from typing import Any, TypedDict''', sep='\n\n', end='\n\n', file=args.out_file, ) schemas = sorted(discovery_document['schemas'].items()) for name, schema_spec in schemas: print(document_schema(name, schema_spec), file=args.out_file) resources = sorted(discovery_document['resources'].items()) for name, resource_spec in resources: print(document_resource(name, resource_spec), file=args.out_file) print('''class ArvadosAPIClient:''', file=args.out_file) for name, _ in resources: class_name = classify_name(name) docstring = f"Return an instance of `{class_name}` to call methods via this client" if class_name in _DEPRECATED_RESOURCES: docstring += _DEPRECATED_NOTICE method_spec = { 'description': docstring, 'parameters': {}, 'response': { '$ref': class_name, }, } print(Method(name, method_spec).doc(), file=args.out_file) return os.EX_OK if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())