// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 package ec2 import ( "crypto/md5" "crypto/rsa" "crypto/sha1" "crypto/x509" "encoding/base64" "encoding/json" "fmt" "math/big" "strings" "sync" "git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/lib/cloud" "git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvados" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/ec2" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" "golang.org/x/crypto/ssh" ) const arvadosDispatchID = "arvados-dispatch-id" const tagPrefix = "arvados-dispatch-tag-" // Driver is the ec2 implementation of the cloud.Driver interface. var Driver = cloud.DriverFunc(newEC2InstanceSet) type ec2InstanceSetConfig struct { AccessKeyID string SecretAccessKey string Region string SecurityGroupIDs []string SubnetID string AdminUsername string EBSVolumeType string } type ec2Interface interface { DescribeKeyPairs(input *ec2.DescribeKeyPairsInput) (*ec2.DescribeKeyPairsOutput, error) ImportKeyPair(input *ec2.ImportKeyPairInput) (*ec2.ImportKeyPairOutput, error) RunInstances(input *ec2.RunInstancesInput) (*ec2.Reservation, error) DescribeInstances(input *ec2.DescribeInstancesInput) (*ec2.DescribeInstancesOutput, error) CreateTags(input *ec2.CreateTagsInput) (*ec2.CreateTagsOutput, error) TerminateInstances(input *ec2.TerminateInstancesInput) (*ec2.TerminateInstancesOutput, error) } type ec2InstanceSet struct { ec2config ec2InstanceSetConfig dispatcherID cloud.InstanceSetID logger logrus.FieldLogger client ec2Interface keysMtx sync.Mutex keys map[string]string } func newEC2InstanceSet(config json.RawMessage, dispatcherID cloud.InstanceSetID, logger logrus.FieldLogger) (prv cloud.InstanceSet, err error) { instanceSet := &ec2InstanceSet{ dispatcherID: dispatcherID, logger: logger, } err = json.Unmarshal(config, &instanceSet.ec2config) if err != nil { return nil, err } awsConfig := aws.NewConfig(). WithCredentials(credentials.NewStaticCredentials( instanceSet.ec2config.AccessKeyID, instanceSet.ec2config.SecretAccessKey, "")). WithRegion(instanceSet.ec2config.Region) instanceSet.client = ec2.New(session.Must(session.NewSession(awsConfig))) instanceSet.keys = make(map[string]string) if instanceSet.ec2config.EBSVolumeType == "" { instanceSet.ec2config.EBSVolumeType = "gp2" } return instanceSet, nil } func awsKeyFingerprint(pk ssh.PublicKey) (md5fp string, sha1fp string, err error) { // AWS key fingerprints don't use the usual key fingerprint // you get from ssh-keygen or ssh.FingerprintLegacyMD5() // (you can get that from md5.Sum(pk.Marshal()) // // AWS uses the md5 or sha1 of the PKIX DER encoding of the // public key, so calculate those fingerprints here. var rsaPub struct { Name string E *big.Int N *big.Int } if err := ssh.Unmarshal(pk.Marshal(), &rsaPub); err != nil { return "", "", fmt.Errorf("agent: Unmarshal failed to parse public key: %v", err) } rsaPk := rsa.PublicKey{ E: int(rsaPub.E.Int64()), N: rsaPub.N, } pkix, _ := x509.MarshalPKIXPublicKey(&rsaPk) md5pkix := md5.Sum([]byte(pkix)) sha1pkix := sha1.Sum([]byte(pkix)) md5fp = "" sha1fp = "" for i := 0; i < len(md5pkix); i += 1 { md5fp += fmt.Sprintf(":%02x", md5pkix[i]) } for i := 0; i < len(sha1pkix); i += 1 { sha1fp += fmt.Sprintf(":%02x", sha1pkix[i]) } return md5fp[1:], sha1fp[1:], nil } func (instanceSet *ec2InstanceSet) Create( instanceType arvados.InstanceType, imageID cloud.ImageID, newTags cloud.InstanceTags, initCommand cloud.InitCommand, publicKey ssh.PublicKey) (cloud.Instance, error) { md5keyFingerprint, sha1keyFingerprint, err := awsKeyFingerprint(publicKey) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not make key fingerprint: %v", err) } instanceSet.keysMtx.Lock() var keyname string var ok bool if keyname, ok = instanceSet.keys[md5keyFingerprint]; !ok { keyout, err := instanceSet.client.DescribeKeyPairs(&ec2.DescribeKeyPairsInput{ Filters: []*ec2.Filter{&ec2.Filter{ Name: aws.String("fingerprint"), Values: []*string{&md5keyFingerprint, &sha1keyFingerprint}, }}, }) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not search for keypair: %v", err) } if len(keyout.KeyPairs) > 0 { keyname = *(keyout.KeyPairs[0].KeyName) } else { keyname = "arvados-dispatch-keypair-" + md5keyFingerprint _, err := instanceSet.client.ImportKeyPair(&ec2.ImportKeyPairInput{ KeyName: &keyname, PublicKeyMaterial: ssh.MarshalAuthorizedKey(publicKey), }) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not import keypair: %v", err) } } instanceSet.keys[md5keyFingerprint] = keyname } instanceSet.keysMtx.Unlock() ec2tags := []*ec2.Tag{ &ec2.Tag{ Key: aws.String(arvadosDispatchID), Value: aws.String(string(instanceSet.dispatcherID)), }, &ec2.Tag{ Key: aws.String("arvados-class"), Value: aws.String("dynamic-compute"), }, } for k, v := range newTags { ec2tags = append(ec2tags, &ec2.Tag{ Key: aws.String(tagPrefix + k), Value: aws.String(v), }) } rii := ec2.RunInstancesInput{ ImageId: aws.String(string(imageID)), InstanceType: &instanceType.ProviderType, MaxCount: aws.Int64(1), MinCount: aws.Int64(1), KeyName: &keyname, NetworkInterfaces: []*ec2.InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification{ &ec2.InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification{ AssociatePublicIpAddress: aws.Bool(false), DeleteOnTermination: aws.Bool(true), DeviceIndex: aws.Int64(0), Groups: aws.StringSlice(instanceSet.ec2config.SecurityGroupIDs), SubnetId: &instanceSet.ec2config.SubnetID, }}, DisableApiTermination: aws.Bool(false), InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior: aws.String("terminate"), UserData: aws.String(base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte("#!/bin/sh\n" + initCommand + "\n"))), TagSpecifications: []*ec2.TagSpecification{ &ec2.TagSpecification{ ResourceType: aws.String("instance"), Tags: ec2tags, }}, } if instanceType.AddedScratch > 0 { rii.BlockDeviceMappings = []*ec2.BlockDeviceMapping{&ec2.BlockDeviceMapping{ DeviceName: aws.String("/dev/xvdt"), Ebs: &ec2.EbsBlockDevice{ DeleteOnTermination: aws.Bool(true), VolumeSize: aws.Int64((int64(instanceType.AddedScratch) + (1<<30 - 1)) >> 30), VolumeType: &instanceSet.ec2config.EBSVolumeType, }}} } if instanceType.Preemptible { rii.InstanceMarketOptions = &ec2.InstanceMarketOptionsRequest{ MarketType: aws.String("spot"), SpotOptions: &ec2.SpotMarketOptions{ InstanceInterruptionBehavior: aws.String("terminate"), MaxPrice: aws.String(fmt.Sprintf("%v", instanceType.Price)), }} } rsv, err := instanceSet.client.RunInstances(&rii) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &ec2Instance{ provider: instanceSet, instance: rsv.Instances[0], }, nil } func (instanceSet *ec2InstanceSet) Instances(cloud.InstanceTags) (instances []cloud.Instance, err error) { dii := &ec2.DescribeInstancesInput{ Filters: []*ec2.Filter{&ec2.Filter{ Name: aws.String("tag:" + arvadosDispatchID), Values: []*string{aws.String(string(instanceSet.dispatcherID))}, }}} for { dio, err := instanceSet.client.DescribeInstances(dii) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, rsv := range dio.Reservations { for _, inst := range rsv.Instances { if *inst.State.Name != "shutting-down" && *inst.State.Name != "terminated" { instances = append(instances, &ec2Instance{instanceSet, inst}) } } } if dio.NextToken == nil { return instances, err } dii.NextToken = dio.NextToken } } func (az *ec2InstanceSet) Stop() { } type ec2Instance struct { provider *ec2InstanceSet instance *ec2.Instance } func (inst *ec2Instance) ID() cloud.InstanceID { return cloud.InstanceID(*inst.instance.InstanceId) } func (inst *ec2Instance) String() string { return *inst.instance.InstanceId } func (inst *ec2Instance) ProviderType() string { return *inst.instance.InstanceType } func (inst *ec2Instance) SetTags(newTags cloud.InstanceTags) error { ec2tags := []*ec2.Tag{ &ec2.Tag{ Key: aws.String(arvadosDispatchID), Value: aws.String(string(inst.provider.dispatcherID)), }, } for k, v := range newTags { ec2tags = append(ec2tags, &ec2.Tag{ Key: aws.String(tagPrefix + k), Value: aws.String(v), }) } _, err := inst.provider.client.CreateTags(&ec2.CreateTagsInput{ Resources: []*string{inst.instance.InstanceId}, Tags: ec2tags, }) return err } func (inst *ec2Instance) Tags() cloud.InstanceTags { tags := make(map[string]string) for _, t := range inst.instance.Tags { if strings.HasPrefix(*t.Key, tagPrefix) { tags[(*t.Key)[len(tagPrefix):]] = *t.Value } } return tags } func (inst *ec2Instance) Destroy() error { _, err := inst.provider.client.TerminateInstances(&ec2.TerminateInstancesInput{ InstanceIds: []*string{inst.instance.InstanceId}, }) return err } func (inst *ec2Instance) Address() string { if inst.instance.PrivateIpAddress != nil { return *inst.instance.PrivateIpAddress } else { return "" } } func (inst *ec2Instance) RemoteUser() string { return inst.provider.ec2config.AdminUsername } func (inst *ec2Instance) VerifyHostKey(ssh.PublicKey, *ssh.Client) error { return cloud.ErrNotImplemented }