source("./R/Subcollection.R") source("./R/ArvadosFile.R") source("./R/RESTService.R") source("./R/util.R") #' Collection #' #' Collection class provides interface for working with Arvados collections. #' #' @section Usage: #' \preformatted{collection = Collection$new(arv, uuid)} #' #' @section Arguments: #' \describe{ #' \item{arv}{Arvados object.} #' \item{uuid}{UUID of a collection.} #' } #' #' @section Methods: #' \describe{ #' \item{add(content)}{Adds ArvadosFile or Subcollection specified by content to the collection.} #' \item{create(fileNames, relativePath = "")}{Creates one or more ArvadosFiles and adds them to the collection at specified path.} #' \item{remove(fileNames)}{Remove one or more files from the collection.} #' \item{move(content, newLocation)}{Moves ArvadosFile or Subcollection to another location in the collection.} #' \item{getFileListing()}{Returns collections file content as character vector.} #' \item{get(relativePath)}{If relativePath is valid, returns ArvadosFile or Subcollection specified by relativePath, else returns NULL.} #' } #' #' @name Collection #' @examples #' \dontrun{ #' arv <- Arvados$new("your Arvados token", "") #' collection <- Collection$new(arv, "uuid") #' #' newFile <- ArvadosFile$new("myFile") #' collection$add(newFile, "myFolder") #' #' createdFiles <- collection$create(c("main.cpp", lib.dll), "cpp/src/") #' #' collection$remove("location/to/my/file.cpp") #' #' collection$move("folder/file.cpp", "file.cpp") #' #' arvadosFile <- collection$get("location/to/my/file.cpp") #' arvadosSubcollection <- collection$get("location/to/my/directory/") #' } NULL #' @export Collection <- R6::R6Class( "Collection", public = list( uuid = NULL, etag = NULL, owner_uuid = NULL, created_at = NULL, modified_by_client_uuid = NULL, modified_by_user_uuid = NULL, modified_at = NULL, portable_data_hash = NULL, replication_desired = NULL, replication_confirmed_at = NULL, replication_confirmed = NULL, updated_at = NULL, manifest_text = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL, properties = NULL, delete_at = NULL, file_names = NULL, trash_at = NULL, is_trashed = NULL, initialize = function(uuid = NULL, etag = NULL, owner_uuid = NULL, created_at = NULL, modified_by_client_uuid = NULL, modified_by_user_uuid = NULL, modified_at = NULL, portable_data_hash = NULL, replication_desired = NULL, replication_confirmed_at = NULL, replication_confirmed = NULL, updated_at = NULL, manifest_text = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL, properties = NULL, delete_at = NULL, file_names = NULL, trash_at = NULL, is_trashed = NULL) { self$uuid <- uuid self$etag <- etag self$owner_uuid <- owner_uuid self$created_at <- created_at self$modified_by_client_uuid <- modified_by_client_uuid self$modified_by_user_uuid <- modified_by_user_uuid self$modified_at <- modified_at self$portable_data_hash <- portable_data_hash self$replication_desired <- replication_desired self$replication_confirmed_at <- replication_confirmed_at self$replication_confirmed <- replication_confirmed self$updated_at <- updated_at self$manifest_text <- manifest_text self$name <- name self$description <- description self$properties <- properties self$delete_at <- delete_at self$file_names <- file_names self$trash_at <- trash_at self$is_trashed <- is_trashed private$classFields <- c("uuid", "etag", "owner_uuid", "created_at", "modified_by_client_uuid", "modified_by_user_uuid", "modified_at", "portable_data_hash", "replication_desired", "replication_confirmed_at", "replication_confirmed", "updated_at", "manifest_text", "name", "description", "properties", "delete_at", "file_names", "trash_at", "is_trashed") }, add = function(content, relativePath = "") { if(is.null(private$tree)) private$genereateCollectionTreeStructure() if(relativePath == "" || relativePath == "." || relativePath == "./") { subcollection <- private$tree$getTree() } else { relativePath <- trimFromEnd(relativePath, "/") subcollection <- self$get(relativePath) } if(is.null(subcollection)) stop(paste("Subcollection", relativePath, "doesn't exist.")) if("ArvadosFile" %in% class(content) || "Subcollection" %in% class(content)) { if(content$getName() == "") stop("Content has invalid name.") subcollection$add(content) content } else { stop(paste0("Expected AravodsFile or Subcollection object, got ", paste0("(", paste0(class(content), collapse = ", "), ")"), ".")) } }, create = function(fileNames, relativePath = "") { if(is.null(private$tree)) private$genereateCollectionTreeStructure() if(relativePath == "" || relativePath == "." || relativePath == "./") { subcollection <- private$tree$getTree() } else { relativePath <- trimFromEnd(relativePath, "/") subcollection <- self$get(relativePath) } if(is.null(subcollection)) stop(paste("Subcollection", relativePath, "doesn't exist.")) if(is.character(fileNames)) { arvadosFiles <- NULL sapply(fileNames, function(fileName) { childWithSameName <- subcollection$get(fileName) if(!is.null(childWithSameName)) stop("Destination already contains file with same name.") newFile <- ArvadosFile$new(fileName) subcollection$add(newFile) arvadosFiles <<- c(arvadosFiles, newFile) }) if(length(arvadosFiles) == 1) return(arvadosFiles[[1]]) else return(arvadosFiles) } else { stop(paste0("Expected character vector, got ", paste0("(", paste0(class(fileNames), collapse = ", "), ")"), ".")) } }, remove = function(paths) { if(is.null(private$tree)) private$genereateCollectionTreeStructure() if(is.character(paths)) { sapply(paths, function(filePath) { filePath <- trimFromEnd(filePath, "/") file <- self$get(filePath) if(is.null(file)) stop(paste("File", filePath, "doesn't exist.")) parent <- file$getParent() if(is.null(parent)) stop("You can't delete root folder.") parent$remove(file$getName()) }) "Content removed" } else { stop(paste0("Expected character vector, got ", paste0("(", paste0(class(paths), collapse = ", "), ")"), ".")) } }, move = function(content, newLocation) { if(is.null(private$tree)) private$genereateCollectionTreeStructure() content <- trimFromEnd(content, "/") elementToMove <- self$get(content) if(is.null(elementToMove)) stop("Content you want to move doesn't exist in the collection.") elementToMove$move(newLocation) }, getFileListing = function() { if(is.null(private$tree)) private$genereateCollectionTreeStructure() content <- private$REST$getCollectionContent(self$uuid) content[order(tolower(content))] }, get = function(relativePath) { if(is.null(private$tree)) private$genereateCollectionTreeStructure() private$tree$getElement(relativePath) }, getRESTService = function() private$REST, setRESTService = function(newRESTService) private$REST <- newRESTService ), private = list( REST = NULL, tree = NULL, fileContent = NULL, classFields = NULL, genereateCollectionTreeStructure = function() { if(is.null(self$uuid)) stop("Collection uuid is not defined.") if(is.null(private$REST)) stop("REST service is not defined.") private$fileContent <- private$REST$getCollectionContent(self$uuid) private$tree <- CollectionTree$new(private$fileContent, self) } ), cloneable = FALSE ) #' print.Collection #' #' Custom print function for Collection class #' #' @param x Instance of Collection class #' @param ... Optional arguments. #' @export print.Collection = function(x, ...) { cat(paste0("Type: ", "\"", "Arvados Collection", "\""), sep = "\n") cat(paste0("uuid: ", "\"", x$uuid, "\""), sep = "\n") }