context("Utility function") test_that("listAll always returns all resource items from server", { serverResponseLimit <- 3 itemsAvailable <- 8 items <- list("collection1", "collection2", "collection3", "collection4", "collection5", "collection6", "collection7", "collection8") testFunction <- function(offset, ...) { response <- list() response$items_available <- itemsAvailable maxIndex <- offset + serverResponseLimit lastElementIndex <- if(maxIndex < itemsAvailable) maxIndex else itemsAvailable response$items <- items[(offset + 1):lastElementIndex] response } result <- listAll(testFunction) expect_that(length(result), equals(8)) }) test_that("trimFromStart trims string correctly if string starts with trimCharacters", { sample <- "./something/random" trimCharacters <- "./something/" result <- trimFromStart(sample, trimCharacters) expect_that(result, equals("random")) }) test_that("trimFromStart returns original string if string doesn't starts with trimCharacters", { sample <- "./something/random" trimCharacters <- "./nothing/" result <- trimFromStart(sample, trimCharacters) expect_that(result, equals("./something/random")) }) test_that("trimFromEnd trims string correctly if string ends with trimCharacters", { sample <- "./something/random" trimCharacters <- "/random" result <- trimFromEnd(sample, trimCharacters) expect_that(result, equals("./something")) }) test_that("trimFromEnd returns original string if string doesn't end with trimCharacters", { sample <- "./something/random" trimCharacters <- "specific" result <- trimFromStart(sample, trimCharacters) expect_that(result, equals("./something/random")) }) test_that("RListToPythonList converts nested R list to char representation of Python list", { sample <- list("insert", list("random", list("text")), list("here")) result <- RListToPythonList(sample) resultWithSeparator <- RListToPythonList(sample, separator = ",+") expect_that(result, equals("[\"insert\", [\"random\", \"text\"], \"here\"]")) expect_that(resultWithSeparator, equals("[\"insert\",+[\"random\",+\"text\"],+\"here\"]")) }) test_that("appendToStartIfNotExist appends characters to beginning of a string", { sample <- "New Year" charactersToAppend <- "Happy " result <- appendToStartIfNotExist(sample, charactersToAppend) expect_that(result, equals("Happy New Year")) }) test_that(paste("appendToStartIfNotExist returns original string if string", "doesn't start with specified characters"), { sample <- "Happy New Year" charactersToAppend <- "Happy" result <- appendToStartIfNotExist(sample, charactersToAppend) expect_that(result, equals("Happy New Year")) }) test_that(paste("splitToPathAndName splits relative path to file/folder", "name and rest of the path"), { relativePath <- "path/to/my/file.exe" result <- splitToPathAndName( relativePath) expect_that(result$name, equals("file.exe")) expect_that(result$path, equals("path/to/my")) })