# Copy this file to application.yml and edit to suit. # # Consult application.default.yml for the full list of configuration # settings. # # The order of precedence is: # 1. config/environments/{RAILS_ENV}.rb (deprecated) # 2. Section in application.yml corresponding to RAILS_ENV (e.g., development) # 3. Section in application.yml called "common" # 4. Section in application.default.yml corresponding to RAILS_ENV # 5. Section in application.default.yml called "common" development: # Mandatory site secrets. See application.default.yml for more info. secret_token: ~ blob_signing_key: ~ uuid_prefix: bogus workbench_address: https://localhost:3031 production: # Mandatory site secrets. See application.default.yml for more info. secret_token: ~ blob_signing_key: ~ uuid_prefix: bogus workbench_address: https://workbench.bogus.arvadosapi.com test: # Tests should be able to run without further configuration, but if you do # want to change your local test configuration, this is where to do it. common: # Settings in this section will be used in all environments # (development, production, test) except when overridden in the # environment-specific sections above. auto_admin_user: peter.amstutz@curoverse.com git_repositories_dir: /home/tetron/work/git git_internal_dir: /home/tetron/work/internal.git secret_token: 5520a2018819190aa4abe42c0807049cf85504a162570592acc9214f4b14914f2e610a40b58e97c57fb5a8e96ec3a00bcef56c1f747766537e6e5022bb3f3764 blob_signing_key: 5eef1e322b2bfa28f8adb748c6244a66d4eef0cbb5bb45108d7b364e91faf28a73eede086fb0d3670ce2e7822a8d8149af129ab57f9be4fec98bb0be482ee69a