// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import { unionize, ofType, UnionOf } from "common/unionize"; import { getInputs, getOutputParameters, getRawInputs, getRawOutputs, loadProcess } from "store/processes/processes-actions"; import { Dispatch } from "redux"; import { ProcessStatus } from "store/processes/process"; import { RootState } from "store/store"; import { ServiceRepository } from "services/services"; import { navigateTo } from "store/navigation/navigation-action"; import { snackbarActions } from "store/snackbar/snackbar-actions"; import { SnackbarKind } from "../snackbar/snackbar-actions"; import { loadSubprocessPanel, subprocessPanelActions } from "../subprocess-panel/subprocess-panel-actions"; import { initProcessLogsPanel, processLogsPanelActions } from "store/process-logs-panel/process-logs-panel-actions"; import { CollectionFile } from "models/collection-file"; import { ContainerRequestResource } from "models/container-request"; import { CommandOutputParameter } from "cwlts/mappings/v1.0/CommandOutputParameter"; import { CommandInputParameter, getIOParamId, WorkflowInputsData } from "models/workflow"; import { getIOParamDisplayValue, ProcessIOParameter } from "views/process-panel/process-io-card"; import { OutputDetails, NodeInstanceType, NodeInfo, UsageReport } from "./process-panel"; import { AuthState } from "store/auth/auth-reducer"; import { ContextMenuResource } from "store/context-menu/context-menu-actions"; import { OutputDataUpdate } from "./process-panel-reducer"; export const processPanelActions = unionize({ RESET_PROCESS_PANEL: ofType<{}>(), SET_PROCESS_PANEL_CONTAINER_REQUEST_UUID: ofType(), SET_PROCESS_PANEL_FILTERS: ofType(), TOGGLE_PROCESS_PANEL_FILTER: ofType(), SET_INPUT_RAW: ofType(), SET_INPUT_PARAMS: ofType(), SET_OUTPUT_DATA: ofType(), SET_OUTPUT_DEFINITIONS: ofType(), SET_OUTPUT_PARAMS: ofType(), SET_NODE_INFO: ofType(), SET_USAGE_REPORT: ofType(), }); export type ProcessPanelAction = UnionOf; export const toggleProcessPanelFilter = processPanelActions.TOGGLE_PROCESS_PANEL_FILTER; export const loadProcessPanel = (uuid: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { // Reset subprocess data explorer if navigating to new process // Avoids resetting pagination when refreshing same process if (getState().processPanel.containerRequestUuid !== uuid) { dispatch(subprocessPanelActions.CLEAR()); } dispatch(processPanelActions.RESET_PROCESS_PANEL()); dispatch(processLogsPanelActions.RESET_PROCESS_LOGS_PANEL()); dispatch(processPanelActions.SET_PROCESS_PANEL_CONTAINER_REQUEST_UUID(uuid)); await dispatch(loadProcess(uuid)); dispatch(initProcessPanelFilters); dispatch(initProcessLogsPanel(uuid)); dispatch(loadSubprocessPanel()); }; export const navigateToOutput = (resource: ContextMenuResource | ContainerRequestResource) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { try { await services.collectionService.get(resource.outputUuid || ''); dispatch(navigateTo(resource.outputUuid || '')); } catch { dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: "Output collection was trashed or deleted.", hideDuration: 4000, kind: SnackbarKind.WARNING })); } }; export const loadInputs = (containerRequest: ContainerRequestResource) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { dispatch(processPanelActions.SET_INPUT_RAW(getRawInputs(containerRequest))); dispatch(processPanelActions.SET_INPUT_PARAMS(formatInputData(getInputs(containerRequest), getState().auth))); }; export const loadOutputs = (containerRequest: ContainerRequestResource) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { const noOutputs: OutputDetails = { raw: {} }; if (!containerRequest.outputUuid) { dispatch(processPanelActions.SET_OUTPUT_DATA({ uuid: containerRequest.uuid, payload: noOutputs })); return; } try { const propsOutputs = getRawOutputs(containerRequest); const filesPromise = services.collectionService.files(containerRequest.outputUuid); const collectionPromise = services.collectionService.get(containerRequest.outputUuid); const [files, collection] = await Promise.all([filesPromise, collectionPromise]); // If has propsOutput, skip fetching cwl.output.json if (propsOutputs !== undefined) { dispatch( processPanelActions.SET_OUTPUT_DATA({ uuid: containerRequest.uuid, payload: { raw: propsOutputs, pdh: collection.portableDataHash, }, }) ); } else { // Fetch outputs from keep const outputFile = files.find(file => file.name === "cwl.output.json") as CollectionFile | undefined; let outputData = outputFile ? await services.collectionService.getFileContents(outputFile) : undefined; if (outputData && (outputData = JSON.parse(outputData)) && collection.portableDataHash) { dispatch( processPanelActions.SET_OUTPUT_DATA({ uuid: containerRequest.uuid, payload: { raw: outputData, pdh: collection.portableDataHash, }, }) ); } else { dispatch(processPanelActions.SET_OUTPUT_DATA({ uuid: containerRequest.uuid, payload: noOutputs })); } } } catch { dispatch(processPanelActions.SET_OUTPUT_DATA({ uuid: containerRequest.uuid, payload: noOutputs })); } }; export const loadNodeJson = (containerRequest: ContainerRequestResource) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { const noLog = { nodeInfo: null }; if (!containerRequest.logUuid) { dispatch(processPanelActions.SET_NODE_INFO(noLog)); return; } try { const filesPromise = services.collectionService.files(containerRequest.logUuid); const collectionPromise = services.collectionService.get(containerRequest.logUuid); const [files] = await Promise.all([filesPromise, collectionPromise]); // Fetch node.json from keep const nodeFile = files.find(file => file.name === "node.json") as CollectionFile | undefined; let nodeData = nodeFile ? await services.collectionService.getFileContents(nodeFile) : undefined; if (nodeData && (nodeData = JSON.parse(nodeData))) { dispatch( processPanelActions.SET_NODE_INFO({ nodeInfo: nodeData as NodeInstanceType, }) ); } else { dispatch(processPanelActions.SET_NODE_INFO(noLog)); } const usageReportFile = files.find(file => file.name === "usage_report.html") as CollectionFile | null; dispatch(processPanelActions.SET_USAGE_REPORT({ usageReport: usageReportFile })); } catch { dispatch(processPanelActions.SET_NODE_INFO(noLog)); dispatch(processPanelActions.SET_USAGE_REPORT({ usageReport: null })); } }; export const loadOutputDefinitions = (containerRequest: ContainerRequestResource) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { if (containerRequest && containerRequest.mounts) { dispatch(processPanelActions.SET_OUTPUT_DEFINITIONS(getOutputParameters(containerRequest))); } }; export const updateOutputParams = () => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { const outputDefinitions = getState().processPanel.outputDefinitions; const outputData = getState().processPanel.outputData; if (outputData && outputData.raw) { dispatch( processPanelActions.SET_OUTPUT_PARAMS(formatOutputData(outputDefinitions, outputData.raw, outputData.pdh, getState().auth)) ); } }; export const openWorkflow = (uuid: string) => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { dispatch(navigateTo(uuid)); }; export const initProcessPanelFilters = processPanelActions.SET_PROCESS_PANEL_FILTERS([ ProcessStatus.QUEUED, ProcessStatus.COMPLETED, ProcessStatus.FAILED, ProcessStatus.RUNNING, ProcessStatus.ONHOLD, ProcessStatus.FAILING, ProcessStatus.WARNING, ProcessStatus.CANCELLED, ]); export const formatInputData = (inputs: CommandInputParameter[], auth: AuthState): ProcessIOParameter[] => { return inputs.flatMap((input): ProcessIOParameter[] => { const processValues = getIOParamDisplayValue(auth, input); return processValues.map((thisValue, i) => ({ id: i === 0 ? getIOParamId(input) : "", label: i === 0 ? input.label || "" : "", value: thisValue, })); }); }; export const formatOutputData = ( definitions: CommandOutputParameter[], values: any, pdh: string | undefined, auth: AuthState ): ProcessIOParameter[] => { return definitions.flatMap((output): ProcessIOParameter[] => { const processValues = getIOParamDisplayValue(auth, Object.assign(output, { value: values[getIOParamId(output)] || [] }), pdh); return processValues.map((thisValue, i) => ({ id: i === 0 ? getIOParamId(output) : "", label: i === 0 ? output.label || "" : "", value: thisValue, })); }); };